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Chapter 285

Chapter 285 Are You Putting on a Show?

Abigail held her phone, tears welling up in her eyes.

She knew that one day, her grandmother, like her grandfather, would leave her due to old age. Howeve

r, when her grandmother said these words, she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmingly sad.

“I know, Grandma.” Abigail’s voice was subdued, but she was no longer as panicked as before.

She realized that she had overreacted because of Chad and had forgotten that her grandmother had liv

ed several decades longer than she had.

“I’ll be back as soon as I get my business done,” Analise mentioned before hanging up the phone.

Her indifference left Abigail feeling flustered, and she sniffled while holding her phone, suppressing her


Sitting on the couch, Abigail unfolded the letter and stared blankly at it.

What important business could Grandma have?

After a while, she folded the letter and stood up.

Even if Analise didn’t want her to interfere, Abigail couldn’t just sit at home and wait for her


Meanwhile, Sean had received news that Abigail’s grandmother was taking a train to Capitalis early on.

He had

previously ordered Cameron to send a few men to keep an eye on Analise, so there were two of them c

urrently at Capitalis with her. Nevertheless, Sean felt somewhat rea*sured about Abigail’s grandmother’

s trip to Capitalis.

“Why would Old Mrs. Quinn go to Capitalis? Chad’s threat is no longer valid, and we’ve had the police r

emind her, but she still went alone despite everything.” Cameron couldn’t fathom her


Sean’s expression was indiscernible under the dimly lit night.

He stood outside the self–

service ticket machine at the train station with furrowed brows, watching as Abigail was escorted out by

station security and then re–entered to search for him.

Abigail had been arguing with security here for half an hour, trying to find out which ticket her grandmot

her had purchased.

The last time she was escorted out, the security guard had gone from exasperation to anger. “If you co

me in again, I’m going to call the police! Can’t you just go home and ask your family? If you think she’s

missing, go to the police station and let the police handle it! Obstructing official duties is illegal!”

Abigail’s hair was disheveled by the night wind.

Exhausted, she stood on the stairs for quite some time. Then, she turned around, sat on the steps, and

rested her head on her hands in frustration.

Sean approached her.

He stood in front of her, sighed helplessly, and asked, “If there’s really no other way, can’t you just ask

me for help?”

Abigail suddenly raised her head. Her eyes were red, and they were filled with a sense of powerlessne


After taking just one glance at him, she lowered her head again, clutching her knees with her hands. “It’

s not a big deal. I don’t think I have to ask for your help.”

“Sometimes I admire your stubbornness, but what’s the point of being so stubborn right now?” Sean loo

ked at her, his tone laced with helplessness..

Abigail remained silent.novelbin

Since her divorce, she had managed to handle everything on her own

without relying on anyone. She had her own pride.

But today, her helplessness was made painfully evident to Sean.

Abigail unconsciously grasped her pants, her head buried even lower.

Sean crouched down in front of her, taking note of her striking yet cold facial features. “Since you’ve ch

osen to treat me like an ordinary person, you should also ask me for help when difficulties. Your stubbo

rnness makes me feel like you’re deliberately putting on a show for me.”

you face

Abigail immediately raised her head and glared at him. “Who’s putting on a show for you? Since our div

orce, I’ve made it clear that we’re

no longer related. I do everything because I want to, and I’ve never intentionally done anything to impre

ss you.”

“So, what’s the issue?” Sean raised a brow at that.

Abigail pursed her l*ps, deciding not to argue further.

“Get up. Let’s go eat. Sean extended his hand to Abigail.

Cameron stood by, wondering why Sean didn’t tell Abigail about her grandmother’s whereabouts.

However, Abigail didn’t take his hand.

She suddenly stood up and ignored the somewhat disheartened gaze in Sean’s eyes. Turning to Came

ron, she questioned, “Are you the pa*sionate young man, Mr. Hopkins?”

Cameron lowered his gaze, feeling quite embarra*sed. “I just happened to see him, Ms. Quinn…”

“Did you really get fined with 300?” Abigail’s voice involuntarily softened, and she even sounded concer


“My salary is relatively high, so 300 isn’t a big deal,” Cameron replied. In truth, Sean helped him pay th

e fine, but Cameron couldn’t let Abigail know that it was Sean who a*sisted her, so he took it upon hims


“Of course. I’m sure you didn’t want to be the pa*sionate young man. do it paid the fine, didn’t they?” A

bigail spoke while looking at Sean.

The person who made you

Sean’s expression remained calm, but his hand, which was resting by his side, involuntarily curled

in the slightest way. “Should we have dinner together, Ms. Quinn?”

“I’m going home to have the pasta my grandmother made,” Abigail replied coldly.

After saying that, she noticed a fleeting hint of desolation in Sean’s eyes.


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