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Chapter 284

Chapter 284 I Will Leave You One Day

When Abigail read the comments from netizens, she couldn’t help but smile.

Though they deemed the business tactic rather low–end, it had already brought her a lot of


With Chad injured, Abigail managed to temporarily secure the pearls in her possession.

The only thing left to deal with was Micah.

Time pa*sed day by day, and a week went by in the blink of an eye.

After leaving the company, Abigail received a call from Anthony.

“Here’s a gentle reminder to come to the alumni reunion tomorrow. Should I pick you up?” Anthony’s vo

ice on the phone was incredibly gentle.

No, thanks. Just send me the address.” Abigail politely declined the offer.

“Alright. By the way, I saw what happened to you online. How are you doing now? Is your grandmother

okay? I’ve been really busy lately, and it seems like you’ve been overwhelmed with all these issues, so

I only decided to ask you today since I didn’t want to disturb you.” Anthony’s tone was laced with conce


“I’m fine. Making money is never that easy, and you’re bound to encounter some difficulties, but I’ve ma

naged to resolve them,” Abigail responded.

Over the past few days, she had inquired and learned that Sean had been constantly a*sisting her.

However, since she and Sean had parted ways at the restaurant the other day, she hadn’t seen him ag


He also used to park his car outside L.Moon often, but he no longer did so.

“Okay,” Anthony replied before hanging up.

Clutching her phone, Abigail felt somewhat disheartened. It seemed

like there was a growing. barrier between her and Anthony.

As soon as she got into her car, she received a call from Ronaldo.

“The investigation involving Kelly and Micah hasn’t yielded any direct links or strong evidence,” Ronald

o uttered with a somewhat downcast tone.

“I had suspected that might be the case, but the current

situation seems to be in our favor, no?” Abigail consoled Ronaldo.

“We didn’t find anything conclusive, but we did discover that there is some force behind Kelly. It’s force

that isn’t directly connected to the main branch of the Pearsons but has significant ties to their collatera

l branches,” Ronaldo continued.

Abigail contemplated the information. In prominent families like the Pearsons, differences between

the main branch and collateral branches were not uncommon. Many families faced such internal divisio


She didn’t want to get involved in the Pearsons‘ disputes. If it weren’t for Kelly coming from afar to targ

et her, she wouldn’t have wanted to concern herself with matters that had nothing to do with her.

“You should be aware that the Pearsons were considering a

marriage alliance with the Davidsons, right? Originally, if their missing daughter wasn’t found, they woul

d pick someone from the collateral branches for marriage. But her return dashed the hopes of the daug

hters from the collateral families marrying into the Davidsons,” Ronaldo explained.

Abigail widened her eyes when she heard that. “That means Kelly’s presence is actually a threat to the

interests of the collateral branches. They won’t support her. Instead, they’ll try to deal with her by any m

eans necessary.”novelbin

“That’s right. I’ll make a speculative suggestion, but please don’t be upset. I suspect that Kelly’s identity

might be questionable. Could the reason she picks on you be related to the fact that you once met all t

he conditions that were the closest match for the daughter who went missing from the Pearsons?” Ron

aldo asked in a hushed tone.

Before investigating Kelly, Ronaldo had also conducted a background check on Abigail, and he knew of

her strong aversion to getting involved with the Pearsons.

Abigail let out a sigh. “I have no connection to the Pearsons. I can say that with certainty.”

Ronaldo hummed in response. “Whether you have a connection with her is secondary. What’s importan

t is that the collateral branch of the Pearsons is supporting her, so she’s most likely a pawn in their gam


“This is unrelated to the evidence we need to find. As long as Kelly doesn’t bother me, we shouldn’t get

involved in her identity or her relationship with the Pearsons. Now, all we need to do is focus on Kelly a

nd find evidence of her targeting me. Once she quiets down, our business will improve,” Abigail explain

ed to Ronaldo in a composed manner.

“You’re right. I’ll continue keeping an eye on her, then.” Ronaldo acknowledged.

He understood that she had reservations about the Pearsons.

After ending the call, Abigail pushed Ronaldo’s concerns aside and drove home.

As usual, she opened the door and walked into her house.

However, the house was eerily quiet, so much so that one could hear a pin drop.

Due to the issue with Chad, Abigail suddenly became anxious.


She searched the house, looking for any signs of her grandmother, but she couldn’t find her. In her anxi

ous state, she noticed a letter on the coffee table.

She had a bad feeling upon seeing that.

Walking over to the coffee table, she picked up the letter and started reading it.

“I’m leaving home for a week, Abigail. Please take care of yourself at home. I’ve prepared some pasta i

n the fridge so you can heat it up and cat it. If you don’t want to cook by yourself, you can just

eat these. I’ll be back in a week.”

Whenever Analise went back to her hometown in the past, she used to feel reluctant to send her off, bu

t she was never worried.

This time was different.

Abigail immediately made a call to her grandmother.

After a long wait, the call was answered.

Abigail’s voice was filled with urgent concern as she questioned, “Why didn’t you tell me you were goin

g out? Where are you now? I’ll come and find you!”

“I’m on the train and will arrive tomorrow. What are you coming over for? Don’t you have work? It’s no d

ifferent from how I used to go back to the countryside. Do you think I’m a three–year–

old child?” Analise complained.

It was the first time Analise talked to her in such a tone. Hence, Abigail was slightly taken aback.

“Grandma…” she muttered in a meek voice, much like a child who had done something wrong.

“I have a really important matter to attend to, Abigail. Don’t be too dependent on me. When you’re hung

ry, just eat by yourself. When it’s cold, dress warmly. There will come a day when I’ll have to leave you f

or good,” Analise stated slowly amid the noisy background on the train.

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