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Chapter 514

Chapter 514 Ms. Baldwin Get In!

In order to conceal her identity, Alva left the hospital "fully armed," with her face covered and clothes

wrapped tightly around her body.

However, while walking to the parking lot, she saw Corey walking over before she could even get in her


"Corey, you... Why are you here?"

Alva felt a little guilty when she asked that question.

Based on where Corey was standing just now, he probably arrived here much earlier to wait for her.

"Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Steele would like to see you."

Corey walked up to her and said somewhat indifferently with a serious expression.

"Co... Colbert wants to see me? What is this about?"

For some reason, an ominous premonition surged through her, and she was filled with anxiety, her

heart skipping a beat as if something untoward were about to happen.

Gesturing for Alva to get inside, Corey said, "Ms. Baldwin, please get in the car!"

His harsh and cold attitude seemed to lack the respect he used to show her.

Alva clutched her bag tightly, raised her hand to touch the sunglasses and mask on her face, and fell

into deep thought again.

She was surprised that Corey had recognized her at a glance despite her efforts to conceal her looks.

It seemed that he had been waiting for a long time. However, why would Corey go to the trouble of

finding her rather than just calling to inform her of Colbert's request to meet her?

Even though she felt uneasy, Alva followed Corey into the car.

The car was moving rather slowly, and she felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

Alva tried calling Colbert several times on his mobile phone, but no one answered.

"Corey, where are we going?"

Alva took off her sunglasses and asked speculatively.

Corey remained silent.

He did not answer her question.

"Regarding the incident yesterday, how's the investigation coming along? Colbert probably won't treat

Eudora harshly?"

Unable to get the answer she wanted, Alva continued trying to sound Corey out.

After yesterday's incident, Alva had sent someone to look for Eudora, but they couldn't find Eudora and

Colbert all day. Hence, she couldn't be sure about what Colbert had done to Eudora.

Or maybe, he hadn't done anything to her at all.

The car drove east all the way to Cedar Road.

Finally realizing that something was amiss, Alva asked, "Corey, where are you going? Where is Colbertnovelbin


"You'll know when you get there," Corey replied, avoiding Alva's questions and refraining from

answering anything about Eudora throughout the journey.

Another ten minutes later, the car stopped at a hospital.

This hospital had a relatively remote location on the outskirts of the city.

In the car, Alva stared at the hospital in front of her, clenching her bag tightly with both hands. With

fright gripping her, her heart was in her throat. She asked fearfully, "Why... Why are... Why are we at

the hospital?"

A vague conjecture arose in her head as she subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover her lower


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