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Chapter 366

Chapter 366 Touch the Soft Spot

Based on Chasel's understanding of Colbert, he also cared a lot about Eudora.

When Eudora was kidnapped abroad, Colbert had already made it there ahead of him to save her, and

when she was swept away by the flood in Eastway Village, it was also Colbert saved her ahead of him.

All these were seen by Chasel.

But Eudora felt that he was touching her soft spot.


Eudora wanted to tell Chasel that Colbert had charged her the full amount for her consumption at the

Philomel Club last night, but she knew that Chasel's personality would compel him to transfer the

money to her if he found out.

Since coming to Kenison City, Chasel had taken care of her a lot, and she was grateful in her heart.

She didn't want to owe Chasel anything, so she lied, "It's okay. He didn't charge me any money. Yes,

he didn't..."

He charged too much!

She smiled bitterly, poured a glass of beer, raised her glass, and clinked glasses with Chasel. "Come

on. Let's have a drink. I'm leaving in a few days, and who knows when we'll be able to get together

again. Right?"

"Yeah, let's get drunk tonight."

"Okay, let's drink until we can't drink anymore. But when I come back to Kenison City, we can't lose

touch. There are still some things I need to ask you for advice on."

"They're all small things. If you need anything, just let me know. As your close friend, I can't just sit

back and watch, can I?"

Both of them chatted and laughed, feeling relaxed and happy.

Eudora sincerely felt that every time she was with Chasel, she felt particularly relaxed. It was like

talking to a close buddy, and they could share their innermost thoughts without reservation.

After clinking glasses and finishing their drinks, Chasel put down his glass and looked at her, who was

sitting across from him, lost in thought. He pursed his lips and asked, "Are you really planning to leavenovelbin

Kenison City? You... won't miss it?"

There was a hidden meaning in his words.

As clever as Eudora was, how could she not understand what Chasel was saying?

She propped her elbow on the table, supporting her chin, and looked past Chasel. Her gaze was fixed

on a TV hanging on the wall, and her eyes grew deeper and more melancholy.

"To be honest, setting aside my personal grievances with Alva, they really are a perfect couple. The

handsome and talented gentleman and the beautiful and intelligent lady."

Her bright and sparkling eyes were filled with a hint of sadness and loneliness.

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