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Chapter 383

Chapter 383


“I’ve never disrespected you or your wife, so please don’t come in here and disrespect mine either. Hehad taken it too far.

“You’ve never disrespected us?” Christian questioned with a smile. “Then what about you disrespectingour marriage by eyeing her like she’s some meal every second, or you trying to kill all of us when youturned full-on maniac and went on a rampage?”

The men behind Christian chuckled, and I felt the sting of his words. He could take my feelings forSerena however he wished; I didn’t care about that. But everyone knew my past was a sensitivesubject, and hearing him of all people bring it up like that was like a knife to my heart.

I glanced at Beau, who lowered his head in shame. Even the one who was there at my lowest pointstood and watched without putting an end to it.novelbin

Christian seemed to realize the impact of his words, and his expression softened. T’m sorry, Vince. Ijust want my father’s necklace back.” His words sounded sincere, but the damage had already beendone.

“No, no-I understand,” I replied, pretending his words hadn’t affected me. “We will find your necklace.”

Good. That’s all I’m asking. Christian said, his voice still strained.

“In the meantime, you should leave. I doubt any of them would confess with you and your….parasites. Icouldn’t help but glare at him.

Christian chuckled, clearly offended. “I’m glad you’ve got your priorities straight, Vince. Just remember,we’ve always had a tight friendship, and you have all of this because the Lambertis allowed you tohave it,

“How could I?” I almost spoke through gritted teeth. It was hard to forget when he reminded me of itevery damn second.

Christian gave me a nod and slowly walked forward to give me an awkward pat, then he walked awayand took all his men with him.

Beau lingered for a moment, looking guilty. “He’s just stressed, you know how much that necklacemeans to him,” he defended Christian.

“Right, I narrowed my eyes, my frustration growing. I never made up excuses for my past actions,neither should be.

“He shouldn’t have treated you the way he did, and I don’t agree with a word he just said,” Beau said. “Ithought you should know that.”

“Then why didn’t you speak up when you had the chance?”

Beau let out an exhausted sigh. “Goodbye, Vince.” He ignored my question and followed his newpeople. leaving me to my thoughts.

As Christian and his men drove off, my own men began talking badly about him, whistling and laughingwith Aria joining in. Truly, I felt bothered by the situation. I cared for little Siena; I knew how much thenecklace meant to them, but I knew AJ and CJ weren’t responsible for the theft.

“If any of you got a bit too ambitious and stole Siena Lamberti’s necklace, you can put it right there onthe

desk before midnight,” I said out loud. my eyes fixed on every single man. “It will be anonymous, sothere won’t be any consequences.”

“Thank you, boss,” they all replied in unison.

I met Aria’s gaze, giving her a small nod, and she linked her arm with mine. As I looked at Aria, mythoughts returned to her accusation from before. Christian’s face when she called him out was full ofguilt, proving she was right.

It bothered me.

It made my skin crawl.

“We should go.” Aria whispered, nudging my shoulder. “Give…. the guilty one the opportunity to putback the necklace?”

As we drove back home, the silence between us was palpable. My mind was still filled with thoughts ofChristian’s words, and I couldn’t shake the hurt I felt.

It wasn’t pain over his words, no. It was pain for letting myself come to this. A weak and fragile leader,waiting for everyone’s help. My uncle, my brother, Christian-and even Aria.

I was in pain because he was right.

I was weak.

“Did he really say that about me?” I broke the silence, seeking some kind of confirmation.

“Yes, there were more of them-and they didn’t have anything good to say,” Aria admitted, her voice softwith sympathy. “About either of us.”

“Was Beau there?” I asked, wondering if the person I’d once trusted most had been part of thebetrayal.

“You see…” Aria hesitated for a moment before answering. “He was there-and I don’t like him one bit,but he was the only one defending you.”

“Thanks for telling me,” I said after a brief silence. “Although, I wish you had told me earlier, so Iwouldn’t have appeared so stupid in front of everyone.”

“I didn’t want to hurt you,” Aria said.

“I don’t want your pity, I want your honesty.” Her hurting me was one of my last worries. “Tell mehonestly, what kind of leader do you think I am?”

Her eyes blinked. “W-What?”

“Do you think Christian was wrong?”

“No.” Aria swallowed, giving me the truth. Arranged marriage or not, having a wife view you as weakwas embarrassing.

“But I don’t think he’s right either,” Aria continued. “I think you’re trying, but you’re too soft, too kind. Noone fears you because everyone’s starting to see that you’re nothing like your father. They don’t fearyou because they know Christian can keep you under control.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, and it’s because they don’t know you like I do.”

“You don’t know me either.”

“But I understand you I get you better than anyone,” she spoke, her tone soft. “You don’t want to hurtanyone, because you know what it’s like to experience real pain. You’re compassionate. You have agood


Her words made me feel exposed, and it was as if she could see right through me. It was also as if shewas trying to make me into a better person than I truly was, I tried to make sense of her words.

“I don’t think you’re weak,” she said. “You’re just different from the others, but I don’t think it’s a badthing. You always think of others before thinking of yourself, and you’re too nice.”

Too nice?

I looked at her, trying to read her expression. Was she being sincere? Or was this just another one ofher games?

Maybe she had expected me to thank her for her words, but I wasn’t grateful. Her opinion didn’t matterto me at all.

No one in my position wanted to hear they were too nice.

There was a lot people could say about Fabio Garcia, but one thing was certain-he was not “nice.

He wasn’t really that respected either, but at least others feared him.

In this business, being feared was better than being kind-and Christian just showed me the proof ofthat.

I was done playing the nice guy, staying humble in the background-putting other families above my

If others had the same mentality, why shouldn’t I?

“Vince?” Aria woke me from my thoughts,


She placed her hand on my thigh, releasing it a second later after seeing the bothered expression onmy face. I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I just want to know what’s on your mind.”

“Let’s sell those weapons,” I said, determined.


“Bring our family to the top. Let’s sell those weapons.”

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