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Chapter 382

Chapter 382


1 felt the cold breeze on my skin as Aria and I stepped into the warehouse, surrounded by severalmen.

At the center stood Christian, and behind him was a small group of his people, including Beau.

Christian’s face twisted with anger as he yelled at AJ and CJ, who were kneeling on the ground. Noone interfered. Ever since my father and Christian’s crazy uncle had disappeared, things had returnedto the way they were.

In the past, those two had been the biggest threats to the Lambertis.

Now, everyone felt threatened by the Lambertis again, and no one dared to disrespect them-rightfullyso. The weight of the situation pressed down on me, making it hard to focus. I had come here hoping tofind a peaceful solution with my long-time friend, but seeing the state he was in and the tension in theroom made me doubt that possibility.

Aria broke the silence, adding fuel to the fire. I hadn’t expected anything less from her.

“Are you two insane? Kneeling for this guy?” she asked, her voice dripping with dismay.

Ishifted uncomfortably, knowing that her big mouth might force me to choose between my loyalty to mywife or to Christian, who was like my brother.

“Get up, both of you!”

AJ and CJ shared a look and carefully stood up from the floor, while Christian turned around to glare atboth of us. His eyes were sharp, almost demanding that I do something about Aria’s temper-but I didn’t.

He chuckled, rolling his eyes to look away from me. “Little girl, I think it’s best if you stay out of it.” Inthat one sentence, it became clear what he really thought of Aria.

“L-Little girl!” Aria was at a loss for words. She searched for my eyes, but I lowered my head. “Who thehell do you think you’re talking to?” She snapped.

I closed my eyes for a second, fearing that once I opened them, I would see the faces of all our men,who would view me as a coward. I was so intent on not being like Fabio that I had tried my hardest tobe everything he hadn’t raised me to be, but this felt wrong.

Christian walking in here, disrespecting me, my men, and even Aria, was not something I should haveto accept. The old Vince would’ve never accepted that.

“Vince,” Christian called my name, and my eyes shot open, while his searched for understanding. “Iknow it looks bad, but I have every reason to believe one of these men stole my daughter’s necklace.”

Aria nudged my shoulder, pressuring me to answer. “Vince, tell them we don’t steal.”

His gaze locked onto mine, and I hesitated for a moment. No, I didn’t believe AJ or CJ would steal thenecklace, and despite our relationship, I wouldn’t betray my wife either. “They said they didn’t do it,Christian,” I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

Other than that one horrible occasion from years ago that I didn’t like talking or thinking about, Christianand I had always had each other’s back. He didn’t bother me, I didn’t bother him, nothing got inbetween our friendship, and it had been like that for years.

Christian’s eyes narrowed. “Can you point out the two thieves who helped you with the delivery lasttime?” He asked, well aware that it was indeed the two men he accused of stealing.

I glanced at AJ and CJ, my stomach aching with unease. Yes, they were no saints–but those twowouldn’t steal something if I allowed them to.

“It was those two, right? Christian’s voice was filled with desperation. “Vince, I just want my daughter’snecklace back, that’s all.”

As I looked at Beau, who stood behind Christian, my eyes begged him for help-but he turned away.Nowadays, Christian trusted him more than he trusted me. He had the privilege of being Serena’sbrother. If anything, he had the power to make Christian walk away, as he could encourage him to letus discuss it in private, but he didn’t.

The guy who used to be so tough that others feared to approach him, known for his courage andtemper, had turned into a coward under Christian’s watch.

We were in the same boat now, and it made me open my eyes to certain things.

Christian was my best friend, my brother in arms, and yet I knew that my loyalty had to lie with Aria andour men, just as his loyalty would have lain with his family.

“We were there, but we didn’t steal anything.” AJ spoke up for himself as I was taking too long.

“Yes, that’s insane!” CJ nodded abruptly. “We unloaded the boxes, signed them off—”

“We didn’t even have time to go to your office. The two went back and forth.

“How did you know it was taken from my office?” Christian questioned, but Aria cleared her throat tointerfere.

Aria stepped forward, her eyes flashing with anger. They said they didn’t do it, so we’re sorry aboutyour necklace-but I think it’s time for you and your parasites to get out of here.” Her words were like aslap in the face to someone like Christian, and the tension in the room escalated even more as ourmen laughed and stomped their feet in agreement.

“Tell him, boss!”

My heart raced as Christian turned back to me, his expression filled with hurt and anger. “Are you notgoing to do anything about it, Vince?” He asked. “It’s the necklace my father gave her when he took hislast breath.”

“Christian, let’s go.” Beau finally intervened, but it was already too late. “Let’s take care of this someother ti

Christian raised his hand, silencing him in one go. “Vince?” He shrugged in disbelief. “What are youdoing?”

“Look, what do you want me to do?” I asked, my voice strained.

“I want you to-Christian opened his mouth to respond, but Aria cut him off. “Get yourself a pair ofmagnifying glasses and search through heaven and earth to find some silly necklace, becauseChristian Lamberti told you to do so?” Her sarcasm was met with laughter from our men, and I couldsee Christian’s patience wearing thin.

He tried to ignore her, I could see it–but Aria seemed to enjoy all of this. “You better shut her up before1

do it.”

I held my tongue, knowing that speaking up now could damage my friendship with Christian.

“Aria?” Christian said her name, his expression furious.

“Yes, your majesty?” Aria responded with mockery.

“Cute.” Christian chuckled at her behavior. “Weren’t you also there the day of the transport?”

“I was, yes.” Aria raised her brow.

“Could it be that you took the necklace to stir the pot?” Christian shared his theory. “An innocent jokethat has turned into something unfortunate for my family and me.”novelbin

“No.” Aria scoffed, her eyes narrowing. “Why would I need to stir the pot, Christian? Especially whenyou already talk about Vince behind his back.”

Christian’s face darkened, and he looked uneasy. “What are you talking about?” he scrun ched hisnose. I could see the nervousness in his eyes, and I wondered what Aria was referring to.

Aria didn’t hesitate to reveal what she meant. I remember hearing you say that both Vince and kneedsomeone to rely on. I have my dad, and Vince has you, Christian.”

“What?” I whispered, confused, feeling a wave of hurt and betrayal wash over me.

Christian’s eyes widened, and he avoided my gaze. “Give me back my daughter’s necklace.” His angerflared, and he drew his gun. Instantly, all of our men drew theirs as well, along with the group Christianhad brought.

Without a second thought, I pushed Aria behind me, wanting to protect her from any potential harm. Atthe end of the day, she was still my wife, and it was my job to protect her.

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