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Chapter 378

Chapter 378


“I’m the problem in this marriage?” His words made me chuckle. Last I remembered, he had notinstructed me to stay put.

“Where did you get these things?” I reached out to touch his shoulder, but Vince stepped back.

“We have to go.”

“No, wait!” I called out, making him stop in his steps. “D-do you know how much money we can makeselling those?”

“As well as put a target on our backs,” Vince said. “It wouldn’t be that much different from suicide.”

“Oh, my god.” I squealed. “This is like heaven!”

Vince wrapped his hand around my wrist. “Aria, let’s go.”

“Does your uncle know about this?” I placed my hands on top of his, my eyes begging him to give mean



“I figured. If he did, you wouldn’t have to marry me.” I said my thoughts out loud. “If it’s respect andpower you’re after, here’s your key.” My hands reached for one of the weapons.

“I’m not-

“Boom.” I winked, pointing it at him. “Enough to blow up a household.”

Bothered, Vince placed his hand on top of the trigger as he lowered my hand and took away theweapon. “That’s why I’m trying to keep them away from people like you.”

“People like me?” I pointed to myself. “Right, because the Garcias are model citizens.” He was one totalk.

Vince huffed, probably knowing there was nothing else for him to add.

“Come on. We’re going.” He roughly grabbed my hand, only for me to free myself from his grip.

“Why would you want to live in Christian’s shadow-when all of this is enough to surpass theLambertis?”

“I don’t want to surpass anyone,” Vince spoke humbly, shaking his head. “Certainly not, my friend.”

“I know he would’ve.”


It was the truth. Christian Lamberti did not seem like the type to back down from doing anything toplease his friend.

“Arial” Vince squeezed my hand, staring into my eyes. Not going to lie. He looked pretty hot-but I wasconvinced his head was empty.

Why would he not want to be on top?

“You can’t tell anyone about this-do you understand?”

I grinned at his seriousness. “Yes, Vince, daddy.”

“Stop.” Vince sighed, frustrated. “Aria, I’m not kidding. I’m serious.” He spoke. “It’d be better to keepsomething like this to ourselves.”


“These weapons are dangerous.”

“I know.”

“They can’t fall into the wrong hands

“Don’t worry.” I nodded my head. “You’re my husband. I respect you-and I won’t tell a soul.”

+5 Bonus

“And there were like endless containers!” I paced back and forth, telling Anthony about my findings.

It was late at night, and like always, he was in my room to discuss my day. He sat on the end of mybed, taking in every word.

“All containers are full of those rare weapons?” He asked. “Are you sure?”


Vince told me not to tell anyone, but Angelo was a special case. I trusted him, and he was the one whohad encouraged me to take a look at the basement in the first place.

“He didn’t say much about where he got it from, obviously is trying to keep me out of it-but those thingscan make us a fortune,”

“Why do you think he doesn’t want to do anything with it?”

“Because of Christian.” There was no doubt about it.


“Yes.” I nodded, thinking about their brotherhood. “Those two, together with Serena’s brother, are like ina polyamorous relationship.” Had I not known otherwise, I would’ve thought they were the onesmarried. “Vince doesn’t want to outdo that family.”

“Because he doesn’t have a reason to.” Angelo shrugged.


“I know you’ve just been here for a while-but if it weren’t for Christian, Vince would probably not evenbe alive.” He shared a part of Vince’s life he wouldn’t talk about. “When everything went down, and allfamilies turned their back on anyone having to do something with the Garcias-Christian remained byhis side.”

“Was it really that bad?” I wondered as I tried to find every reason not to feel guilty about all of this. Hewouldn’t have been alive? What the hell was that all about?

“A-are you talking about the coma?” I wondered. “When Fabio shot Vince?”

“I wish I was.” Angelo whispered. “Let’s just drop it. That’s not for me to tell.”

I felt an uncomfortable feeling down my stomach. The thought of Vince hurting and not being there tocomfort him broke my heart.

I was not there, but Christian was

“So they’re that close.”

“He stayed with him while he was in a coma, took care of him, dropped everything to help him gethealthy-so his loyalty is understandable.”

A deep sigh left my lips. “So it’s a lost cause?”

“No, not really.” Angelo shook his head. “You just have to convince him enough to look past Christianand sell those weapons.

“How?” It was easier said than done. “You just told me Vince believes he owes him his life.”

“Well, easy. Make sure they don’t get along.”

“Keep talking.”

“Steal something valuable, frame the Garcias-and see if Christian won’t do anything.” Angelo workedout his plan. “He would have to because everyone depends on him. Same for Vince.”

“You’ve got it all figured out-don’t you?” A delighted smile appeared.

Why couldn’t I have thought about it myself?

The only way to stop their friendship would be to involve the business.

I grabbed two glasses and filled them with wine before handing one to Angelo.

“What would I do without you?” We clicked our glasses, but then it suddenly hit me. Why wouldsomeone like him, who should care for his own family-go that far to help mine?

“What is it?” Angelo asked, worried.novelbin

“Why are you doing all of this for me?” I took a step back. Worst-case scenario, I had taken it too far bytelling him, and he would raid the basement as we speak.

Angelo chuckled. “You’re wondering because I’m a Marino?”

I gave him a nod, awaiting his explanation.

“I care about you a lot, and I want the best for you.” He looked at me. “We’ve started rocky, but now Iconsider you my closest friend, and my loyalty lies with you-not my family.”

1…don’t know what to say.” I didn’t doubt his words even once as he made sure I could read his eyes.

“That’s because you don’t have to.”

The next day I wasted no time and was already headed to Vince’s bedroom. “Vincey!” I knocked on hisdoor, granting him a new nickname. “Vincey, Vince?”

No answer


Finally, the door opened, and Vince blessed me with his presence, wearing nothing but a towelwrapped around his lower body.

Shamelessly, I checked him out.

“It just amazes me how you keep on knocking until you get a response.” He spoke sarcastically, but Iwas already happy enough to see him crack jokes. That meant we had moved to the next level of ourrelationship.

“You go and finish your shower.” I looked past him and focused on the sound of the running water. “I’lljust wait for you.” I pushed him aside and entered the room.

Vince forced a smile. “That’s very nice of you, Aria. He waved me off, eager to get to the bathroom.“You’re a great wife!”

“T-thank you!” I yelled back, my volume at a ten. It was once again one of his sarcastic jokes, but Ididn’t


As he continued his shower, I patiently sat on his bed, waiting for his return. I didn’t mind waiting, andback in the day, dad used to make me wait all the time.

Sometime later, Vince stepped out in his boxers. “Still here?” He glared, drying his drained hair with atowel.

“Wow,” I said loudly, having the sudden urge to touch him. As expected, he looked as if he had justjumped out of a movie. Perfect.

“Yes, I’m still here.” I followed him to his closet.

“When do I get to see what’s underneath that?” My eyes moved to his boxers.

Vince rolled his eyes. “When you finish high school.”

“I’m twenty-one?”

“Barely.” He shot me a strained smile.

Sighing, I leaned against the wall. Ever since that basement thing, it appeared as if he had becomeeven colder. “I’m a woman, I have needs, and I know you don’t give a shit about this marriage and takecare of yours-so what should I do about mine?”

What was I doing? I don’t know.

Where did the confidence come from? Who knew?

All I knew was that I had gotten a wake-up call when Vince finished dressing and stepped right in frontof


Nervously, I bit my lip as he lowered himself to meet my eyes.

“H-hey. I appreciate you still taking my advice.” I touched the fabric of his suit with a nervous giggle.“Oh wow, the material-”

“Do you know what you should do?” He grabbed my shoulders, and I could not move a muscle or say aword. “Ask Angelo to take care of it. He’ll do it gladly.”

Angelo? No, I couldn’t accept that.

“I don’t want him. I want my husband.” My eyes were sharp.

“Your husband doesn’t want to.”

“I know.” I nodded. “Is it because you’re not attracted to me?”

Vince scoffed, releasing his grip on my shoulders. “We went through this before. It has nothing to dowith the way you look.”

“Then what is it?”

He frowned. “I refuse to let you win this game of yours. I won’t let you have your way.”

Game? I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

Did he really think my love for him was nothing more than a game?

“What are you doing here anyway, and what happened to you? Aren’t you supposed to be dry andboring?”

The comment about me being dry and dull made me cackle. Despite the rumors, it wasn’t as if he wasthe life of the party, at least not around me.

“Oh, Vincey-

“Don’t call me that.” He pointed out.


“Don’t call me by my full name either.”

“Then what am I supposed to call you?” The cold shoulder began driving me insane. “Mwan?”

“Mwan?” Vince tried reading my face in utter confusion.

“Man without a name?”

“Let’s not make jokes ever again.” He looked disgusted. “You’re beginning to sound like EnzoLamberti.”

“Enzo?” The comparison was definitely not a compliment. I had heard many things about him, but mostweren’t great.

“What is it really?” Vince took a breath. If he could’ve dragged me out of the room without anyconsequences, he most likely would have. That’s why I decided on a quick dishonest apology.

“I feel terrible about everything that has happened between us. I should’ve never disrespected you andgone inside that basement, commanding things you do not want to do.” I said. “I will drop it, I will notask you about it anymore-and I just want us to get along.

“You’re apologizing?” He cleared his throat, eyeing me suspiciously. “Thanks?”

“No problem.” The high-pitched tone almost exposed my lies. “So, what are your plans for today?”

+5 Bonus

I wasn’t an idiot, and I was only here for one purpose. Vince had a routine, and usually, on this day, hewould run by the Lamberti warehouse for business with Christian.

That would be the right time to execute Angelo’s plan. Steal something valuable and slowly make thetwo so-called soulmates despise each other.

“I have to make some runs, handle some business-”

“Can I join you?”

“Sure.” Vince awkwardly put his hands in his pockets as he nodded his head. He didn’t want me aroundanymore, I knew that-but soon, that would change.


“I can’t stop you,” Vince spoke. “We’re leaving in an hour.”

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