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Chapter 377

Chapter 377


Fooling Vince and making him believe it was absolutely necessary for us to stop by every warehouse tostop the feud between our men made me feel bad.

It was important, but not half as important as me figuring out whatever was going on in that basement.

“He’s going to hate me for this,” I told Angelo, who wouldn’t be joining me today. According to him, thatwould only create more distance between Vince and me, and after seeing that hot new tutor-distancewas the last thing we needed.

I didn’t intend to call Vince a terrible husband, but he left me no choice.

“Just play the game, gain his trust, make sure you end up at the factory-and get to that basement,”Angelo spoke. “Whatever is down there could be of value to the family.”

“I know,” Isaid. “That still doesn’t mean I can’t feel bad

“About what?” Angelo’s tone changed. “A man that doesn’t want you?”

At times his direct words were enough to make me drown, but until now, all Angelo said was reality.

“Angelo, did you see Luis’ new tutor?” I wondered, thinking about the woman who could give me a runfor my money. She didn’t look bad at all, and unlike Serena, she was probably not married.

“I did,” Angelo said.

“Who’s hotter?”

“What is this, high school?”

“Just answer the damn question.”“

“She looks good, yes.” Angelo stepped closer, staring down at me. “But that’s all.”

“That’s all?” I asked for confirmation. Angelo chuckled, leaving a few inches between us. His fingermoved to my cheek.

“There is no one who comes even close to you.” If this was his way of making me feel better, it wasworking. “You’re beautiful, intelligent, amazing and Vince is an idiot for missing out on that.”

Maybe I should’ve married him instead.

No, I couldn’t think that way-I was married to the man I wanted.

It was just that he was everything I had expected Vince to be.

It was no lie that Angelo was handsome, but he was also a hard worker, caring, friendly, and honest-heknew how and when to say the right things.

Was I attracted to him?

Taking a chance, I grabbed Angelo’s shoulder to pull him closer and rested my forehead against his,wondering what his next move would be.

Would it make me feel better if he kissed me instead of the other way around?

I felt my heart rise as seconds felt like minutes, and he still hadn’t pushed me away. All that left hismouth was a slight chuckle.

“You’re married.” He brushed my hair to the side and pushed me back respectfully. “You’re justconfused and are looking for the love Vince can’t give you-that’s all.”


That’s right, and call me crazy-but regardless of his rude ways, I still wanted Vince, so what was Idoing?

“I’m confused,” I repeated Angelo’s words, hoping my brains would receive the message.

“Now go downstairs, be a good girl and be the wife Vince wants you to be,” Angelo advised. “Even ifyou do not agree with something, set your feelings aside-seduce him because we need to find outwhatever’s in that basement

“I can’t seduce anyone.”

Angelo smiled. “You need to stop being insecure.” He said before walking away.

It took me some courage, but after some time, I finally dragged myself downstairs. I planned to walkstraight to Vincenzo and pull him out the door, but that approach changed once I saw Vince with a babyin

his arms.

Disturbed by the sight in front of me, I stopped in my steps as Luis’ teacher leaned over Vince tosqueeze the baby’s cheek.

“Isn’t he the cutest thing?” She cooed, her head a little too close to my fiancé, but Vince didn’t seem tomind.

“He is.”

“Is that your baby?” I interrupted their moment, looking anything but threatened. Luis’ tutor grabbed thebaby from Vince’s grip, looking guilty as charged.

“H-hi, Livia-Livia Corco, nice to meet you.”

Livia Coreo, I knew that name all too well. It was the name of the bakery man’s daughter, and Vincebrought her into our home to become Luis’ tutor.

Freaking out about it or picking a fight would not do any good, so I did what Angelo advised me to do.Be the perfect wife.

“It’s nice to meet you too, and thank you for tutoring Luis.” I put on my best act, not removing my eyesfrom the baby. At least he was cute, I guess.

“Can I hold him?” I said without thinking, but Livia nodded.

“Here you go.

As Gentle as ever, I grabbed the baby from her hands and pulled him back just a little to see his face.

Regardless of my feelings, children were innocent, and the baby did not choose to have Livia as itsmom.

I absolutely loved children, and if it were up to me, I would’ve already been pregnant by now-butunfortunately, Vince did not share that same opinion.

“Hey, little guy. What’s your name?”

Livia giggled. “Dace.”

“That’s a pretty name.” I gasped at the baby, who treated me with a big smile in return.

“You’re good with children,” Vince commented, complimenting me for the first time in a while.

I felt my cheeks glow. “I try to be,” I responded, giving Livia back the baby so I wouldn’t ruin Vince’sperfect image.

“Livia, I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to you and your family,” I said, knowing it would earn me somemore bonus points with Vince. “It was wrong of me to use my power against your father-and I shouldapologize

“It’s all good.” Livia shrugged it off.


“Your husband is paying me-so, yes.

Of course. Girls like her would do anything for money.

“Then I guess I should thank my husband. I laughed at Vince.

Vince smiled and shot me a quick wink. “I guess so. His gesture brought butterflies to my stomach.novelbin

All I had to do was apologize for something which wasn’t even a big deal in the first place. Well, at leastit got me somewhere.

“I’ll leave you two love birds alone and find Luis.” Livia nodded. “It was nice seeing you!”

Even after Livia had left, Vince was still staring at me with a warm look, and I was starting to feelanxious. Was he alright?


“Nothing.” He chuckled, intertwining our hands.”Let’s go.”

Even more shocking than taking the initiative to hold my hand was his perfect manners. He opened thedoors for me and didn’t miss a single time. He led me through the warehouses like a proper husbandand spoke to our men as the head of the family.

I finally saw a different side of him and concluded that he perhaps wasn’t too bad after all. He knewwhen to be kind to others, he had a good heart, and in a matter of time, he would be a leader even myfather would acknowledge.

“I have to pick up something. I will be quick.” Vince held my hand as we entered the last stop for theday. The moment I had been waiting on the Garcia Factory.

Like the first time, people stared at our intertwined hands, some with a friendly and welcoming look andothers well-anything but that.

One thing different than before was that Vince didn’t pay any mind to the female employees trying tograb his attention. Several winked while others showed him seductive eyes.

“They seem to know you very well.” I couldn’t help but poke fun at the situation.

Surprisingly Vince laughed, slightly bumping my shoulder. “What can I say?” He was proud of hisachievement. “I have a good relationship with my employees.”

Good relationship.

I had a good idea of what he meant by that, and didn’t ask further.

“I just have to get to my office and-”

“I’ll wait here.” My eyes moved to the elevator, which I knew led to the basement. If I was going to do it.I had to do it now. Who knew when would be the next time he would take me to the factory?

Even though I had every right to visit on my own, that just wouldn’t make any sense.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Vince asked. “The people upstairs are a bit nicer.” Hewhispered the last part.

Smiling, I shook my head and automatically grabbed his briefcase from his hands. “Just go and handleyour business. I’ll be waiting right here.”

“Sure?” Vince didn’t seem to care much about the briefcase, not noticing my true intentions. I was sureI needed a key, and I was also pretty certain Vince wouldn’t keep something like that in his pockets.

“Just go.” I let go of his hand, sending him off and carefully counting the seconds until he was entirelyout of sight.

This was it.

Now I had to handle it quickly.

“My god!” I lifted the heavy briefcase from the floor, wondering what the hell he had been keeping inthere. Whatever it was, the keys better be a part of it.

As I strolled to the elevator, I kept my expression neutral, but deep down, I was freaking out. The planwas to stay on Vince’s good side, and disobeying his orders wouldn’t help me.

Then again, he had made his opinion of me very clear, and he couldn’t possibly hate me even morethan he already did.

Once downstairs, I was instantly met with the steel door in front of me. In a hurry, I opened thebriefcase and grabbed the biggest key. How did I know? Well, the word on it said basement. Way to go,Pince.

I unlocked the door and entered the basement, feeling a cold wave. My arms were wrapped around mybody as I took a deep breath.

What was I doing here? What if Fabio Garcia was somehow still alive and held hostage in this verybasement?

No, Aria.

That’s impossible and insane.

Taking my chances, I eventually found the switch and was welcomed by a bright light. Blinking myeyes, I looked at my surroundings.

Was this it?

Was this the hype?

Just a basement full of…containers?

“Okay?” A disappointed sigh left my mouth as I walked to the containers to get a better look.

Not expecting much, I threw one open, but once I did-I could only pat myself on the shoulder for notwalking away that easily.

My eyes widened, staring at the container full of rare weapons. No one had to tell me they were, asdaddy had already educated me about them a long time ago. One look was enough.

“N-no way!” I made my way to the other containers and opened all of them. Those things were worthmore than all the families combined, and here they were, rotting in that basement.

How much could we make selling those?

How much respect could we gain selling those?


“How do you expect to make this marriage work.” A stern voice awoke me from my thoughts. Startled, Iturned and looked at an angry Vince.

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