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Chapter 315

Chapter 315


It took us a lot of kicking and yelling to get there, but I had finally managed to drag the girl to the officeof the clubhouse.

“P-please don’t kill me. I-I promise you t-t-this is my first time!” She begged for her life, with tearsstreaming down her face. For a second, I began feeling sorry for her but got back to my senses as Ithought about the family business.

I was a Castillo.

I was a Castillo.

I was a Castillo.

“Get on your knees, get on your knees!” I forced her to the floor. This wasn’t right. I wasn’t this kind ofperson. Had it been a male, I would’ve blown his head off without a single hesitation, but I’d always hada soft spot for women. Maybe it was because of my mom, or perhaps it was because of my sister.

“What’s your name?”

A-Amelia!” The girl trembled.

“How old are you?”


Twenty? What the hell was she even doing here in the first place?

“Fucks sake,” I muttered under my breath as I realized I had to get rid of a twenty-year-old. One of thebiggest cons of this business had to be the expectations. How could they expect me to kill a youngwoman?

“Do you have any family?”

“P-please, not my family!” Amelia shook her head.

“I asked you a question.”

“M-my mom, m-my little brother…”

It had only worsened the situation. She had a family who was probably waiting for her return.

“Why do you have to be so fucking stupid?” I yelled out, kicking over a can. “Can’t you think?”

Why did she have to put me into this position? I was trying to be good.

“I-I’m s-s-sorry, s-sir!”

I lowered my gun and took a deep breath. “So what am I going to do with you? Because I was trying tobecome a better person, but you’re making it very difficult for me.”

1 frowned as stutters left Amelia’s mouth. She was unable to answer.

“How about you decide what I’m going to do with you?” I came up with the perfect idea. Maybe if shetold

me to kill her, I wouldn’t feel guilty. That was it.

“Give me a second chance,” Amelia whispered. “Please give me a second chance?”

“Give you a second chance?” I laughed out loud.

“And what do you think will happen if I give you a second chance?”

“Others will try doing the same, thinking you’ll show them mercy.”

At least I didn’t have to explain that to her. I was all about showing mercy and wouldn’t want to hurtanyone unless necessary.

“I was just trying to take care of my family.” Amelia clarified. “Please don’t kill me…please.”

She was just trying to take care of her family, and so was 1. She was not that different from me, so whydid I have the right to kill her?

“Get up.” I managed to get out. My dad had not sent all these men to keep an eye on me, so he couldwatch me fail-but I couldn’t do this anymore. I was capable of a lot, but this was not it.

Amelia got up from the floor while I took my suit jacket and wrapped it around her cold shoulders.“Come on, sit down.” I led her to a chair at the table.

It wasn’t my intention to take care of her, but I couldn’t help myself and handed her a glass of water. Isaved a life today, and if Elena knew-she would be proud of me.

“So what, they don’t check ages around here?” I started a conversation.

“N-no, they do.”

“Who hired you?”

“Victor?” Amelia went into deep thoughts. I didn’t even know why I asked because it was obvious. Iwould never hire someone that young to work at a drug lab, knowing one mistake could ruin their lives,

but Victor was a demon. The devil’s offspring, if I had to be more specific. Had I not known any better, Iwould’ve thought he was Mario Castillo’s real son.

The important thing was that I was back and that stuff like this would not happen anymore. At least notin the future.

“What are you going to do to me?” Amelia wondered.

If only I could give her an answer.

“Don’t worry, if I really wanted you dead-you’d be dead,” I told her. “You could’ve faced anyone else, butyou’ve faced me-and today is my lucky day. So consider yourself lucky.”

The person who had truly saved her life was Elena. The thought of Elena kept me calm and wasenough for me to reconsider my decision. I wanted her to be proud of me, and I did not want to ruin ourdate.

How could I be honest with Elena and tell her I killed a twenty-year-old just the day before? That wasnot going to work.

What would that even be like? Don’t worry, Elena, I’m a cold-blooded killer, and I killed some girl justyesterday, but I promise I won’t kill you!

of monster I am.”

“I don’t think you’re a monster….you saved my life.” Amelia smiled. I didn’t know whether she wasbeing sincere or not, but me holding a gun to her head was a good enough reason to call me amonster.

“I’m not a saint either.”

“Do you love her?” Amelia asked.

“Yes,” I answered. I did not have to think about it twice. I was in deep denial for some time, but I didlove her.

“Does she love you?”

“I think so, yes?” I spoke, unsure. She didn’t make me breakfast in a house full of maids because shedid not love me. I wanted to believe that our feelings were mutual.

“Then you’ve got nothing to worry about.” Amelia shrugged, making me laugh. If only things were that


A better question would be, would she still love me after I told her the truth?

“You’re not that good at giving advice, but that’s okay. I smiled at Amelia. “That’s not what you’re herefor.”

“Right, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I shrugged her off. Despite me trying to kill her just minutes ago, she was still able to hold aconversation. She seemed like a friendly and energetic person.novelbin

“Are you the youngest here?”

“Yes….I’m the youngest. The one after me is twenty-six!”

“How are they treating you?”

Amelia’s lips trembled. Sometimes words weren’t necessary.

“Like shit?” I concluded.

“Yes….that’s right.”

If someone could shoot me every time, I felt the need to jump in to save others, I would’ve been deadby now. Saving others was not my job, but how could I let her get back to the lab?

What if my dad or Victor would send someone to finish off the job which I couldn’t?

God forgive me for this stupid idea in my head.

I looked at Amelia. “I would like to offer you a job as my…maid-but you’ve got sticky fingers.”

Mario Castillo had me work my fingers to the bone, and I didn’t want Elena to get lonely. At the sametime, I didn’t want anyone in this hellhole to lay a finger on Amelia.

“My fingers are not sticky. They’re spotless!” Amelia claimed. “Give me a chance, please!”

As expected, also she did not want to work here. She was probably in desperate need of some moneyand did not have that much choice. Same with the other girls,

“I’m well educated. I’m capable of doing anything, nice, polite…I’m a good person!”


“Good, you’re hired.” I stopped Amelia from doing too much. She jumped up to hug me, but I stuck outhands before she could touch me. Unless it was Elena, there was no need for this random half-nakedwoman to hug me.

“Thank you!”

“Yes, no problem.” I beckoned her to take a seat. Mario would not be happy with this, but it would besomething he had to live with. Just how I had to live with the fact that he cheated on my mom.

“From now on, I’m calling you my big brother!”

“I don’t-

“Thank you, big brother!” Amelia smiled brightly.

I nodded. “Maybe you should address me like your big brother. I don’t want Elena to misunderstand.”

I did not want Elena to get the wrong idea because I decided to protect another female. I only had eyesfor Elena and for no one else.

“So that’s her name…Elena.”

“Yes,” I spoke. “And I need you to pick out something for her to wear to our date. I’m not good at thatkind of stuff.”

“Sure, what does she looks good in?”

“She looks good in anything,” I spoke proudly. “She does not like dresses, and I don’t want her to feeluncomfortable-so no dresses.”

“Do you have a picture?”

“A picture?”

I grabbed my phone and showed Amelia my lock screen. It was a picture of us at the park inAmsterdam. At first, I felt uncomfortable after she had forced her phone to my face, but she was happy,and that was all I cared about-so I just went along with it.

“Wow, she is beautiful!” Amelia gasped.

“I’m glad your eyes are still working.” I agreed. “She’s the prettiest person I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”

“She’s gorgeous, but what are we going to do about you?” Amelia spoke with an innocent look on herface.

“Excuse me?”

Completely unaware of her rude comment, Amelia slammed her hand in front of her mouth.

“I-I…I d-didn’t…please don’t kill me!”

“Kill you?” I chuckled. We were long past that point.

“D-don’t worry!” Amelia recovered herself. “I’ll make you look so handsome that she just can’t say no toyou.”

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