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Chapter 269

Chapter 269


“You’re perfect…you literally look…drawn.” I gulped. It hadn’t even been a second, and I had alreadymade a fool out of myself. Marvin snorted at my cringe-worthy comment and brushed his hand againstmy


“Lena.” Marvin smiled. “I know you said you’d heard it before, but you look…perfect.”

1 felt my heart melt at his comment and took a tiny step back, so I could finally release the breath I hadbeen holding back. I was finally able to see him from up close.

My eyes traveled from his thick dark brown curls to his thick, soft, angled eyebrows. He had beautifulnarrow almond eyes, which were colored in a beautiful dark brown. His lips were beautifully plump, andhis jaw as sharp as a knife.

Marvin tilted his head with an innocent smile on his face and observed me the same way I observedhim. Why was he laughing? Did he change his mind about my looks after all?

“What?” I nudged his shoulder. “Why are you looking at me like that?’

“That’s funny. I was about to ask you the same.” Marvin spoke. He grabbed my hand and pulled mecloser as I pushed my hands against his chest to find my balance. I lowered my head at his confidence.He seemed intimidating, and it was not too late to run away.

“I wasn’t done looking. Look at me. Marvin spoke. I followed his demand and looked up to meet hiseyes. They were kind, soft, and a contrast from the tattoos on his face. My hand moved on its own and

traveled from his cheek to the small tattoo on the side of his jaw as I caressed the small seven. “Thatmust’ve hurt,” I whispered before 1 brushed my finger against the tattoo underneath his eye. “Fearless’that’s what the tattoo said, and it seemed like a good word to describe him.

“Do you like them?” Marvin smiled. He did the unexpected and pressed his lips against my foreheadwhile I froze up at his sudden gesture. We had just met, but it felt as if I had reunited with my princecharming. He was so perfect, and he was all mine. “I like them,” I whispered.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his embrace. I was not too fond of hugs, butdidn’t mind his. It felt strong, comfortable and I felt safe and protected. “You truly are beautiful.” Marvinchuckled. “You’re so perfect.”

You’re so perfect.

Those were words no one had ever said to me before. Would he still feel the same if I removed theexpensive clothes on my body and changed back into my old boring self? Maybe it felt as if I had foundmy prince charming because, underneath all of this, I was just a cinderella.

“Are you hungry? I made a reservation not far from here.”

1 escaped from Marvin’s embrace and gave him a nod. “I didn’t want to seem like a pig-but I’m actuallystarving!” I confessed shamelessly. My mouth was definitely something I had to work on, and Victoriahad warned me not to do this. Marvin seems unfazed by my lack of manners and showed me a brightsmile as he held my hand. “Come on.”

We walked in silence while I stared at our intertwined hands. My hands fitted perfectly in his, and italmost seemed like we were made for each other. Marvin had a slight smile on his face and staredstraight ahead as I turned my head to look at him in an unsuspicious manner.

I had a stupid smile on my face, and he could most likely tell it was because of him, but I didn’t care. AllI could think about was Marvin and how he had not turned out to be a catfish.

“So.” Marvin began.

I let out a stupid giggle. “So,” I repeated. It would be better to let him do all the talking, considering Ihad a habit of making a fool out of myself.novelbin

“You’re so quiet.” Marvin smiled. He wasn’t lying, but I had a good reason. I had no time to prepare anybasic sentences because I hadn’t expected him to show. “I’m sorry, I just don’t know what to say.”

Marvin squeezed my hand. “You had a lot to say in those emails.” He mocked me. I could hear thesame charms he had in those emails, making me feel a bit more at case. It was easy to talk to himthrough email, so why wouldn’t it be now?

“So, how do you feel?” I asked him. It was a basic question and the only question I could think of.“About meeting you?”


“Let’s see.” Marvin began. “I feel…happy, excited-shocked because you’re not a catfish-”

“So am I!” I spoke, surprised. It seemed as if he was just as nervous as I was, but unlike me, he was abit better at hiding it.

“Good,” Marvin spoke, relieved. We walked towards the restaurant in silence, and I had to say that itwas even fancier than I had expected. We barely stepped aside before a waiter made his way towardsus and smiled brightly at Marvin.

“W-we’re happy to have you, sir, it’s truly an honor!” The man almost stuttered as he tried to avoidMarvin’s eyes. “Please, come with us.”

“Let’s go,” Marvin spoke warmly as he wrapped his arm around my waist and led me inside. Just likethe waiter, I was too embarrassed to look him in his eyes, so I did what I was told.

Having someone like Marvin pull out a chair for me was crazy, but it was definitely something I couldget used to. My mind went to his friend who called him boss. Unless he was involved in shadybusiness, which seemed unlikely-he must’ve probably been from a well-off family.

“Would you like anything to drink?” The waiter asked. Marvin looked up at me as his eyes nearly forcedme to answer. “Water will do, thank you,” I told the waiter. “And whatever you’re going to feed me-please make sure to make plate big!”

“I know how you fancy little restaurants get, but…” I almost gasped when I realized what I was doing.Victoria warned me for all of this, but I was used to embarrassing myself. Marvin chuckled and reachedto hold my hand across the table.

“It’s okay.” He reassured me. “We’ll order right away. Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?”

I grabbed the menu and scanned through all the different unfamiliar dishes. “Uh,” I spoke awkwardly.

Marvin laughed at which would be my stupidity, and smiled at the waiter. Words were leaving hismouth, but the only thing I could focus on was his beautiful face. Was this even real?

“What are you thinking about?” Marvin woke me up from my thoughts. I nearly cringed as I realized that1 had to come up with yet another excuse.

“I was thinking about you.”

I immediately cleared my throat and felt embarrassed by the words which had left my mouth. Theyweren’t supposed to leave my mouth, but it just happened.

Marvin filled the room with his warm laughter and seemed satisfied with my answer. “I think we’re goingto get along well, Lena.”

If that’s what he thought, there was only one thing left for me to do. I could not ruin this.

“I think so too.”

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