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Chapter 267

Chapter 267

Today would finally be the day.

1 was finally going to meet the person I just couldn’t stop thinking about. Elena Torres.

“The wedding is not today. It’s tomorrow.”

+5 Bonus

I turned around to look at Tiago, who leaned against the door. “For how long have you been standingthere?”

Even though we were both staying at my parents, it was quite a surprise that he even came to visit me.“I’ve seen you change your shirt about six times.” He admitted as he walked in further.

“Tell me, are you going on a date?”

I hadn’t really been vocal about my meeting with Elena because I wanted to meet her first-but this wasthe first time Tiago was talking to me, and I would make use of it. “I am,” I told him. “Am I making it thatobvious?”

Tiago chuckled and sat down. “You haven’t even been here for a solid week, and you’re already goingon a date.”

So that was it.

I could sense the hint of jealousy in his tone and felt tempted to call him out. He was the reason I waseven locked up in the first place, and I didn’t have to do it. I did it because I loved my brother, but thefeeling wasn’t mutual anymore.

“What do you want me to do. Tiago?” I asked him. “Am I not allowed to have fun? Do you want me tosuffer here just as I did inside-is that it?”

“No-that’s not what I’m saying.” Tiago rolled his eyes. “I can just tell that you’re up to something, and Idon’t want you to steal away the attention tomorrow as you’ve always done.”novelbin

“Steal away the attention?” I spoke in disbelief. “Tiago, this is not second grade anymore-I thought you.had at least matured after…”

“After what?” Tiago snapped. “After I killed that officer or after you stepped in to save the day like youalways do.”

“Is that what this is about?” I frowned my eyebrows. I had always known he felt threatened, but this wasnot it. He was my little brother, and all I wanted to do was to protect him. “Tiago, I’m with you-you knowthat,” I spoke. “And I don’t know what Victor told you because I know it was him-but everything I do-1do for you, mom and Karina.”

Victor was undeniably involved, and I could smell it from here. I was the only person who could seethrough that man, and after my dad would take his distance from the business, he would be the firstperson I would get rid of.

My suspicions got confirmed by the doubtful look on Tiago’s face. “Come on, tell me.” I pushed him.“What did Victor tell you?”

“He told me that you couldn’t stand seeing me happy because I got to live my life while you couldn’t,and he has a point-”

“How?” I asked, irritated. “I told you I’m happy for you, so how does he have a point?”

“I don’t know.”

“You’re scared to be around me because he made you believe that I’ll rat you out if you cross me,” Iconcluded. I couldn’t blame him for having those thoughts and especially not after what I had done toDanny Hernandez.

“I let someone else take the fall, just to keep you safe-is that not enough for you?” I folded my arms asTiago shrugged his shoulders. “Victor is trying to drive us apart.” I told him. “He should be the personwe should all be worried about, and god knows what he has planned.”

Tiago shook his head, and I could sense that he was waiting to jump to his defense. It was no surprisethat the two had bonded throughout the years. Tiago had not been able to rely on me, so he relied onVictor. “I don’t think he meant it like that. Let’s just forget about it-okay?”

“Yes, sure-if that’s what you want.”

Today was a good day, so I did not want to argue with my brother. I was going to meet the love of mylife, and no one could ruin it, not even Victor and his childish games.

“You’re glowing, Marvin.” Tiago sighed. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you were the one gettingmarried.”

“That’s what I said.” A voice spoke from behind. Panther entered the room and slammed his armaround Tiago’s shoulder. “What do you think about your brother falling in love with his pen pal? Prisondid something to him, right?”

I shot Panther a signal with my eyes to make him stop talking-but it was already too late. “I’m sorry,you’re what?” Tiago burst out laughing. “This can’t be real. Marvin must’ve fallen down the stairs.”

“No, I haven’t,” I argued back. I knew this was unlike me, and I knew it seemed pathetic, weak, anddesperate, but I would meet Elena, and no one could stop me, not even my brother.

Despite keeping it a secret for days, I had finally decided to tell Panther the truth, and his reaction wasthe perfect example of why I hadn’t told anyone. He made me out to be lost, crazy, and mentallyunstable.

“You could’ve picked anyone you want. Women are lining up to be with you-but you’ve decided to gofor some girl you haven’t ever seen before.” Panther ranted. “Tiago, did you know she’s twenty-one?”

“Jesus, Marvin,” Tiago gasped hysterically. “We have the same age.”

“I know. Thanks for reminding me!” I tried to remain calm. I forced a smile on my face and took a deepbreath. “How do you manage to go from Misty, who is twenty-six and a year older than you, tosomeone who is my age?” Tiago continued.

“Yes, because Misty is so mature.” I chuckled. If anything, she was the worst person to compare toElena. Judging by the emails, Elena seemed fresh and playful, but she also seemed intelligent andwise. “Fair point,” Tiago spoke.

“By the way, did I tell you that Misty is coming tomorrow?”

She was, after all, a close family friend, and it was not a good thing to start unnecessary beef with herfamily, especially not over some terrible breakup. “As long as she stays away from me, she’s free to doas she pleases.”

“And how about your new girl?” Panther teased me. “Are you taking her with you?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I spoke angrily. “I would rather eat shit than bring her over to the Castillo’s.”

“Ah, because you’re embarrassed of us.” Tiago sulked. There was no reason to lie, and his theory wasabsolutely correct. If anything, Tiago should take Anya and get away from here.

“I believe we should draw a clear line between business and friends,” I explained. Hearing that Tiagoinvited his old school friends and knowing that Anya’s family would be there was already terrifyingenough, especially when we were yet to hear a single word from the Hernandez.

“Don’t worry, Marvin,” Tiago reassured me. “After the wedding, I’ll take Anya and distance myself fromthe business-for her sake.”

Panther laughed at Tiago and ruffled his hand through his hair. “Look at you, you’ve got it all figured out-don’t you?”

Tiago pushed him away and brushed off his shirt. “I do, and Marvin.” Tiago looked at me. “If this thingwith your pen pal doesn’t work out, there is this girl I would like to introduce you to. I thought you likedolder women, but now that I know that you’re open for—”

“Thanks, but it will work out,” I spoke, determined. I wanted Elena, and I only wanted Elena.

“Don’t be like that.” Tiago walked across the room. “This girl….she’s funny, easygoing, beautiful, smart,talented…she’s just perfect.

“Are you sure you’re marrying Anya?” Panther frowned while I observed the look on Tiago’s face.Panther was right, it was a bizarre way to describe a friend.

“No, no-please don’t misunderstand,” Tiago spoke with big eyes. “You know I’m all about Anya, but Ijust really like this girl as a person-that’s all.

“I understand.” I told Tiago. “And I’m all about my pen pal, so I don’t need anyone else-but thanks forthe effort.

There was only one person for me, and that person was Elena.

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