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Chapter 264

Chapter 264


“I’m sorry, my bad.”

I pulled my hoodie over my head and reached down to grab my phone as I was determined to ignore allcontact with the person who had bumped into me.

“No worries,” I whispered as I stormed off and made my way towards the bar. Today was a workday,and the wedding was getting closer, which also meant my meeting with Marvin was slowly gettingcloser, and I was as nervous as one could be.

“If you didn’t want to work today, you could’ve just said so,” Rona laughed as I walked past her. Shefollowed behind me and removed my hood from my hoodie. “You know why I’m nervous,” I spoke.Besides Victoria, Rona was the only other person aware of the mess I had gotten myself into.

“Come on, calm down,” Rona reassured me. “You still got some time left, and besides that, it’s not as ifyou’re going to see the Marvin guy around here or something.”

“True.” I breathed. Rona had a point. He wasn’t going to be around here. It wasn’t even the fact that hewas a criminal, but it was more so the fact that I had fallen in love with him. It was difficult to admit, butit was the harsh truth.

“Listen up. I’m about to ruin your day even more. Rona spoke nervously. I waited for her explanation,but she remained silent. “What do you mean?”

“Uh, well,” Rona began. “There is this group of men upstairs, and apparently, the cops are on their wayto

arrest them.”

I was waiting for her to tell me that she was joking, but I could not deny the serious look on her face.“I’m sorry, what?”

“Yes, some guy came in here.” Rona sighed. “I think he’s a special agent or something. By the way, itwas actually Santiago’s brother..”

“Santiago of the wedding?” I frowned while Rona nodded her head enthusiastically. I guess his brotherhad finally returned from vacation. “Yes, him!”

“Okay, but please get to the point.”

“Oh, yes-of course.” Rona continued her story. “He told me to be prepared because the cops are ontheir way to arrest this asshole who is upstairs.”

I let out a hysterical sigh and closed my eyes in annoyance. It seemed like I just wasn’t able to live inpeace without a criminal bothering me. “Do you think I attract criminals?” I asked Rona. She went intodeep thoughts and shrugged her shoulders. “No, why?”

“Because it seems like trouble is following me wherever I go, and I’m getting sick of it.”

“Oh, well.” Rona shrugged me off. “How is your dad doing? Is he still suspended?”

thought things through, and neither did Alex since he was stupid enough to remain by his side. “Yes, heis,” I spoke, embarrassed. “And he will be until he can find some proof of the people who are reallyresponsible for his partner’s death.”

“That must suck,” Rona spoke. “I know how obsessed your dad is with his job, and I know he’s beendoing this for a long time.”

I was not in the mood for a pity talk. Not from Rona and also not from Victoria. “So how long until heruns out of money to pay his bills?” Rona asked. It was not a silly question as I definitely wondered thesame. I was just about to answer her before we got interrupted by the sound of the officers barging in.

I flinched and stepped back while I felt grateful that there weren’t that many customers inside. Ronapushed me aside and ran towards the group of men. She pointed her finger upstairs and motioned forme to come her way.

Why me?

“Go, I have it under control here.” One of the employees smiled at me. I was reluctant initially, but Imade my way over to Rona and the police, who walked past us, except for one man. “So our…colleague who reported it is not here anymore?” The man spoke to Rona. “That’s interesting.”

His eyes met mine and turned big before he stuck out his hand. “Agent Torres, daughter?” He spoke,surprised. “I don’t think you recognize me, but I work with your dad and your brother?”

Excellent, so as if it couldn’t get any worse, the issue was drug-related. I frowned my eyebrow and triedto connect a name to the face. I had been at my dad’s office countless times, but that was years agowhen I was still a high school student. “Agent Clover?” I guessed. The man nodded his head. “Yes,your dad did mention something about you working at a…bar”

“Oh, did he now?” I smiled at him. I didn’t want to talk about my dad and especially not with one of hisco-workers. If anything, I felt embarrassed that everyone was aware of his suspension. “Yes, he did,”Clover replied. “So, how is he doing?”

There it was. The infamous question to which I could not answer. “Uh.” I stammered as I tried to comeup with a lie as to why we couldn’t discuss my dad’s whereabouts. “We should probably catch thecriminal first.”

“R-right.” Agent Clover agreed. He shot me one last smile and walked past me. “Elena, come on, stufflike this is always so exciting!” Rona pulled my arm.

I shared a different opinion, as it didn’t exactly interest me. I followed her to the VIP lounge andwatched as the officers turned towards one of the guys. He sat on the sofa like he owned the place andstretched out his feet on the table.

“Yeah, they should lock him up,” I whispered as my eyes moved towards his entourage, who didn’tseem all that different from him. There were quite a lot of officers, meaning this person had to be asevere case. “Danny Hernandez, Clover spoke.

The guy rolled his eyes. “Are you here for me?”

“I am.” Clover nodded. “And I think you know why I’m here.”

The guy had a fearless smirk on his face and looked at the officers. Agent Clover had quickly lost hispatience and pulled out his handcuffs. He yanked him from the couch before pushing him down ontothe


A few of the girls seated on the sofa yelled and backed away while Agent Clover did the usual you’reunder arrest’ speech. Any other person would probably freak out over this, but not me.

It was not the first time that officers had to arrest a troublemaker at this bar. Better yet, it was a weeklything. It kept me thinking, would the same happen to Marvin if I happened to go on a date with him?Would he also be that problematic?

“I haven’t done anything!” Danny kept yelling while they led him down the stairs, with his entouragefollowing closely behind. “Call my mom!” He called out to one of the guys.

Rona and I gave each other a look before we burst out laughing. “Isn’t it cute how they always end upcalling out for their mom?” Rona pouted as we followed them down the stairs.

“I don’t know. I kind of feel bad for him.” I admitted. He seemed terrified, and whatever he must’ve donecould’ve not been that bad, right?

Rona and I walked back to the bar and watched as the officers escorted Danny and his entourage outof the bar. “So you said Santiago’s brother has returned and is some sort of special agent?”

“No, I never said that.” Rona shook her head. “I said he looks like one, and I’m not going to lie, he looksfine.”

“Oh, he does?” I frowned at my eyebrows. “Who is hotter, Santiago or his brother-novelbin

“His brother, hands down,” Rona confirmed. laughed at her immediate reaction and tried to imaginesomeone even more handsome than Santiago. He had this cute and innocent charm and seemeddifferent from most men.

“His brother has such a recognizable face, so I asked if we’d met before, and he told me that he’srelated to Santiago.”

“Small world.”

“Indeed, but enough about the hot brother,” Rona sighed. “How are things coming along? How are thecocktails?”

“Good,” I shrugged. Believe it or not, despite everything which had been going on in my life, I somehowfound the energy to finish the menu for the wedding. “So, what are we going to wear?”

I looked at Rona and waited for her answer. I had never been to a wedding before and felt gratefulenough that Santiago and Anya had decided to invite us to the ceremony. “I don’t even know if we haveenough money to fit the dress code.” Rona snickered.

She was right. We probably didn’t-but I had to throw everything onto my Snapchat story, including thiswedding, to make people believe that my life was at least a bit interesting. “Oh, come on, I’m sure youhave a dress in your closet.”

“Hmm, maybe.” Rona hummed. Unlike me, she did not like attention and would rather work behind thebar all day. Not on my watch.

“So, how do you feel about your meeting with mister inmate?”

“I forgot all about it until you mentioned it,” I spoke sarcastically. The truth was that I just wanted to getit over with. I knew I was crazy for falling for someone who I hadn’t even met, not to forget-someonewho had committed serious crimes, but I had to meet him.

“I’m scared.”

“How come?” Rona placed her hand behind my back. “Because…” I sighed. “Call me crazy, call meinsane or whatever you want to call me-but I feel like I found my soulmate.”

It was a bold statement, but after re-reading my messages with Marvin, I had quickly realized that itwas the correct statement. I felt comfortable around him, and we had something special. Anyone whowould’ve read the messages could see that.

“Aww. Rona patted my back. I knew she didn’t believe in that kind of stuff and probably thought I hadhit my head against some concrete. “That’s cute…I think.”

“Rona, I know you think this is ridiculous-”

“No, I don’t.” Rona smiled. “If you like the guy, you like the guy.” She shared her opinion.

“So you think it might work out between us?”

“I mean, as long as he doesn’t kidnap you, pulls you into some van, turn out to be a pimp orwhatever…then yes.”

“It might work out.”

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