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Chapter 238

Chapter 238

With an awful headache, I woke up and sat up straight. “What happened?”

“Just like they say in the movies.” I heard a chuckle, making me look to my right. Christian, who held acloth in his hand, pushed his arm against my forehead. “You’ve fainted.”


I breathed heavily, remembering every little detail. I was at Berto’s, and he started shooting around likea madman, but somehow we got out.

“Where am I?” I looked around, realizing it was our safe and secure bedroom. “Oh, never mind.”

“Ramiro says you’ll be fine.” Christian brushed his hand through my hair and pushed me back down.

“The baby-

He shook his head. “Our baby is fine.”

“And Siena-

“She’s not here.” He cut me off once again. “She at my grandparents.”

My poor Siena, who I had abandoned, thinking Berto would really hold his end of the deal. All I wantedwas my baby.

“I need to see her,” I begged, reaching for Christian’s hand. “Please!”


“Yes,” I spoke clearly, but Christian did not want to hear any of it and pushed me back down again.

“Serena, it’s 4 in the morning.” He stared as if I was ridiculous and pushed the cloth on my check.

My mind told me to smack away his hand, but I couldn’t move. I felt numb, weak, and was getting tiredby the second. “I need to see my baby.” I tried staying awake. “Now!”

Christian glared. “You need some rest.”

Not wanting to argue, I accepted his words and took an annoyed breath. Guilt washed over me as Ithought about my own parents. For all these years, I had been so angry, thinking they had abandonedme

-only to end up doing the same. At least, that’s what it felt like.

“Where is your uncle?”

Christian’s eyes grew dark. “With Dario he’s been taking good care of him.” He spoke, not giving metoo much information. “Let’s keep it at that.”

“Luca?” I stressed at the thought of Berto not accepting his loss. “The guards? B-Berto, before youguys came, he had so many guards-”

“It’s all over. Don’t worry about it.” Christian smiled reassuringly, but that was nothing new to me.

“You always say that.”

“But it’s true this time, so you should trust me!” I could feel a hint of disappointment in his tone. Iwanted to trust him, but being honest was not his strong point.

“I do trust you.” 1 faked a weak smile. “Where are mom and dad?”

“Only Matteo and your brothers know. I told them you’re fine.” Christian yawned as if I was boring himwith my endless questions. “Just go back to sleep, and I’ll take care of you.”

I’ll take care of you. Those were all the words I needed before I fell into a deep sleep.

I had no idea for how many hours I slept, but the first thing on my mind when I opened my eyes was mydaughter. I had to see her, hold her, kiss her.

“Christian, wake up!” This time I had enough energy to sit up straight and let out a gasp. “We need togo see Si-”

Looking to the side, I noticed Christian leaning back, sleeping in his chair. The cloth he used to takecare of me was still in his hands, his mouth slightly opened as soft snores escaped his body.

Even I knew waking him up would be cruel. He was a hard worker who lived an unhealthy lifestyle andbarely slept, so I didn’t want to wake him.

If I had to go and bring back my daughter myself, I would do that.

Seeing my own reflection in the bathroom was shocking enough. My eyes, which had always been fullof life, even in my saddest moments-were dull and tired.

I had only been at Berto’s for a day, so how would I’ve survived weeks, months, or years even?

I was not looking forward to any of Franco’s comments, so I did what had to be done and did every littlething to look like the old Serena. A warm shower, a nice outfit, and some makeup to cover the bagsunder my eyes did the job.

After running down the stairs hoping to get out of the house, I immediately concluded that it would notbe that easy this time.

The driveway was full of guards, proving Christian was determined not to make the same mistakeagain. Fifteen men or maybe even twenty?

My thoughts went to the poor guard who I had managed to deceive. I’m sure he only got off with awarning because Christian was cautious of my feelings.

As two angels were sent from heaven, dad’s car pulled up on the driveway. He got out with Beau andthe two made their way through the guards while I didn’t hesitate and opened the door.


Dad stopped in his steps, and I could sense the distressed look. He sighed, relieved, and fastened hispace until I was in his arms.

“You!” He began scolding me as I buried my head in his chest. “Don’t you ever do somethingdangerous like that and walk off on your own ever again!”

“I won’t.” I pulled him closer, hearing my brother’s chuckle behind me.

I knew what Beau was thinking. He’s one to talk after all the shit he’d put us through.

“Dad, I need to see Siena!”

Dad pulled away, placing his hand on my shoulders. “She’s staying at Franco’s, Isn’t Christian going totake you-

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “You need to take me. Right now.”

“Where’s Christian?” Beau asked.

“Taking a nap.” I kept it short.

“A nap?” Dad jumped in. “After all the problems he’s caused—he’s taking a-a-a nap?’


“He should be keeping an eye on Dario and his uncle. Get on his knees to beg for the families’forgiveness for going behind their backs again! He snapped. “Someone like him doesn’t deserve totake a nap!”novelbin

“Even though everything is my fault?” I raised my voice, stopping him. Christian wasn’t perfect. I wasaware, and 1 had experienced it first-hand, but I would not allow dad to bash him because of onemistake he had once made.

Dad lowered his voice. “Nothing is your fault, angel.” He spoke, knowing damn well it was. Apparently,his daughter could do no wrong in his eyes.

“Matteo-Christian hasn’t slept in hours,” Beau called dad by his first name, still refusing to acknowledgehim. “Let’s cut him some slack, okay?”

“Of course, you’d defend him.” Dad huffed. “Even though I’ve granted you the beautiful Alfonzo name,you’ll rather be a Garcia or a Lamberti before you’d ever be one of us.”

“Well, funny you say that-because months from now, Serena will be a Lamberti.”

“My daughter won’t change her name.”

“How do you know that?” Beau questioned. “Did she tell you that? Did you even ask her that, or did youjust decide the same way you decide for everyone?”

Dad and Beau stared at me, waiting for an answer to a question which hadn’t even crossed my mind.Of course, I would take Christian’s name. That was out of the question.

“Listen, just take me to my daughter-okay?” I didn’t want to disappoint dad.

“Sure.” He nodded, locking his arm with mine.

“Take good care of Christian,” I told Beau, expecting he would stay to look after Christian.

“Will you be okay?” Beau asked, giving dad the nastiest look.

“Yes, don’t worry about me. Just take care of Christian.”

The drive to Franco’s place had never been that long as all I could anticipate was holding my princessin my arms again.

Dad hadn’t even stopped the car before I ran out and made my way to the door, which hadautomatically been opened.

“Siena?” I called out, hoping she would hear me.

My heart melted, and my mind felt at case as Christian’s grandma, Maria-made her way to the hallswith Siena in her arms,

Overwhelmed with emotions, I slammed my hand over my mouth and took baby steps toward mysquealing daughter, who had reached out her hands to me.

“Siena is so happy to see mommy.” Maria cooed, handing her over.

I did not say a word. All I could do was hold her against my body as tears left my eyes.

“Mommy is so sorry.” I began, hoping she would somehow remember this apology. “I’ll never let go ofyou ever again,” I promised. “Never ever ever.”

Seeing Siena in a good mood meant she was in good hands, and that was all I could ask for. I hadn’teven noticed dad, who was right behind me, or Franco, who stood beside his wife, until the twopractically growled, greeting each other.

“Thanks for watching her, but I’ll take her now.” I told Maria.

The old woman gave me a wink. “Siena should be with her mother.”

“Should she?” Franco clicked his tongue. “Does she even have a car seat?”

“Don’t you worry about a car seat, old man.” Dad defended me before I even got the chance. “Youshould worry about that lazy ass grandson of yours.”

“Dad!” I shouted, not liking the way he addressed Christian. Neither did Franco, who had taken a step


“Matteo Alfonzo. I’ve known you when you didn’t even knew how to hold a weapon-so I would showsome respect if I were you.” He said. “I can break your family as quickly as I made it.”

Although in the past, the two families had always been on good terms, it was clear that dad didn’t sharethe same bond with Franco as he did with his son. Dad and Lucio were business partners, best friends,and brothers.

Was I the cause of all of this?

“Toddlers.” Maria mumbled angrily. “All of you are behaving like a bunch of toddlers!”

“Thanks, grandma.” I agreed. Enough was enough.

“Dear, I think we’ve got other stuff to worry about-like our out-of-control son and our other son who’s onthe verge of dying.” Her look was enough to make her husband shut up.

“I was only looking out for Siena.” He humphed, showing his dissatisfaction.

At times I felt bad for Franco. He had retired, handed his business to his dysfunctional son, ended upgiving it to Lucio instead for the sake of the family-only to get called a failure.

“We know that, right, dad?” I bumped his shoulder. Worrying about Siena’s safety was only somethingnatural.

“Who is we?”

“You and I…we,” I spoke sternly, losing my patience. “Dad, Franco, and Maria have been kind enoughto take care of Siena, and she’s in good hands-so I want you to thank them.”

Dad and I had a stare-down until he finally gave in. “Thank you for taking care of my granddaughter.”He raised his brow.

Maria smiled sweetly. “She’s also our granddaughter.”

“I also want you to apologize for the words you’ve said about Christian.” I requested. “You don’t have tolike him but you will respect him. He’s not going anywhere-so you’ll just have to deal with it.”

It was something that had been on my mind for a very long time, and I wished anyone on Christian’sside who wasn’t fond of me would also receive the message.

Christian and I were in this together and would not break up under any circumstances.

Dad murmured. “It’s not that I don’t like him. I just don’t believe he’s fulfilling his duties as the head ofthe family and my daughter’s fiancé.”

“You liked him before he was with me. You even called him your son!” I reminded him. “I love you, Ireally do-but Christian was there to protect me before I even knew I had a dad-

My sentence got cut short by Franco, who rubbed his hand over my head with a fatherly grin. “That’senough, Serena.” He gently tapped my forehead, shocking me. This was the first time he had shownme a genuine smile.

“Look, I’m sorry-we’ve all been through a lot, so you’ll have to forgive me for being so sensitive.” Heapologized to dad. “It has been a long day.”

“Of course it has, and I’m also sorry.” Dad cleared his throat, feeling embarrassed. “You’re looking outfor your family, and I’m looking out for mine.”

I was sure Christian’s cheating was not the only reason for dad’s sudden resentment towards theLambertis. Lucio, who had always had his back, was nearing his end, and the two children he had justgotten back were slowly becoming Lambertis

“Just take them someplace safe, and we will take it from there.” Maria gave dad a nod, adding to mycuriosity.

Was it some secret code for how they would deal with Berto?

Whatever it was, I’m sure it was confidential and not meant for my ears.

“Come on, Serena.” Dad placed his hand behind my back to lead me out the door. “Let’s take youhome.”

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