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Chapter 237

Chapter 237

Luca cleared his throat, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Dad, I thought we said no guns. He let outnervous laughter.

“For them, not for me.” By the sound of Berto’s voice, I could tell that this would probably not end well.

“Christian, you’re right-this place is usually heavily protected, but since dad wished to have a peacefuldinner-everyone left.” Luca told him. “For now.”

I tried reading the sketchy expression on his face. Christian, who had stopped asking questions,seemed relaxed after hearing Luca’s words.

Instead of cracking my brains and coming up with reasons why Berto was stupid enough to get rid of allthe guards and maids, I accepted that he was the only armed person in the room.

“Chrissie, have you thought about my offer? Berto turned his attention onto me. “I told him I’d tradeyour life for his.” He spoke as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

I didn’t know which part was scarier. Berto planning to get rid of me all along or Christian’s words.

“You can keep her.” He said. “She’s of no use to me. Keep her.”

I knew I had brought it upon myself, but come on? Giving me away, just like that-was unlike Christian.

He probably had some stupid plan to get me out of here. I mean, he had to.

“I don’t believe you.” Berto wasn’t fooled either, but Christian didn’t back down. “Where is all that talkabout her being the love of your life?

“I would rather let the love of my life die before handing you the business.” I could hear the insinceretone in his voice.

Berto brushed his hand against the gun on the table. “See, I know that’s not true.” He said. “I knowyou’ll try to do something stupid, but you really shouldn’t.”

He tapped the gun with his finger while Christian didn’t utter a word.

“God Luca, he’s worse than Johnny and that useless mom of yours,” Berto murmured, bad-mouthingJohnny. It was the first time he had mentioned him, but the hatred on his face was almost terrifying.

After all, Johnny was the only one mature enough not to fall for his dad’s tricks. No, I hadn’t forgottenabout him trying to sacrifice my siblings, but he was a good person with a mind of his own.

“So, what will happen to Serena?” Christian spoke just above a whisper. He played with his fork as heslowly raised his head.

That was a good question.

What would happen to me?

“That’s none of your concerns anymore,” Berto answered. “She will work for me.”

“Work how.”

“I don’t know yet. Maybe after I get rid of that thing inside of her-I’ll let her make use of that nice pole inthe basement.” He grinned. “I heard she’s quite a natural.”

My baby.

Threatened, I pushed back my chair and wrapped my arms around my stomach. He could kill me ifthat’s what he wanted, but not my baby.

“Will you really leave us alone if I give you Serena?” A confused smile appeared on Christian’s lips. “Doyou really think you can do that-”

“Yes.” Berto frowned for a second. “If your mental state is the thing that makes this family crumble, sobe it.”

“See, that’s the thing.” Christian huffed. “You’ve already messed me up so bad that I might as well takemy chances and deal with this situation while I still can.”novelbin

“And how are you going to do that.” Berto reached for his gun before pointing the weapon at Christian.1 took a breath, praying Christian wouldn’t do any stupid. Yes, I wanted to leave-but what would be thepoint if we both end up dying here?

“So now that I gave you an answer concerning Serena’s future-I think it’s time for you to go. Dinner isover.”

Christian raised himself from the chair with the fork still in his hand. “I think you’re right, uncle.” Hespoke, looking at me for a second. “It is time to leave, but you were right. I’m not leaving withoutSerena.

“Oh, is that so?” Berto spoke mockingly as Christian fixed his clothes.

“Yes, so we can do this the easy way or the hard way.”

“Chrissie, there is no easy way.”

“Then we’ll have to do it the hard way.”

Not having the time to get his words through my head, Christian lunged the for to Berto’s left eye as amonstrous shriek left his uncle’s mouth.

Suddenly all lights went dark, and the room was filled with gunshots. The only thing I could see wasLuca running away and Vince going after him before my brother pushed me onto the floor. He draggedme under the table and wrapped his hands around me while I closed my eyes and ears.

At that moment, I didn’t care for anything else but Christian. All I could think about was him.

How could he possibly protect himself against this armed man?

The bullets kept flying through the room as I tried to release myself from Beau’s grip. “Let me go!” Irepeated. I felt hopeless and wouldn’t be able to help, but all I wanted was to be with Christian. Itshouldn’t end like this.

It just kept going and going until it had suddenly stopped. I crawled from under the table, trying to getaway–but my brother stopped me by pulling my hand. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” He shook my

shoulders. “Serena, are you okay-”

“I’m fine, I’m fine!” I shrugged him off, forcing myself from the floor. I felt an uncomfortable feeling in mychest as my eyes searched for Christian.


“I’m okay.”

I turned as fast as possible and looked at Christian’s back as he pointed his uncle’s gun to a powerlessBerto’s head. The sight of the fork in his eye was not that pretty.

His uncle, who always had a lot to say, was suddenly not that mouthy anymore. Disgusted at the sightof the fork in his eye-1 covered my mouth to stop myself from puking.

I felt my body go weak and lost balance, but before I could hit the floor, I held onto my brother. “Serena,are you okay?” Christian asked. I nodded. “Yes, continue what you were doing.”

“Where’s Vince?”

“I’m here.” Vince entered the room, dragging Luca by his collar. “Look who tried to get away.” Hechuckled, still sounding as bright as ever.

Luca shook his head. “C-C-Christian, y-you can’t do this!” He stuttered. “I saved Serena. I saved all ofyou!”

Small chuckles escaped from Berto’s lips. Then you’re a bigger idiot than your brothers.” He sighed. “Ishould’ve known.”

Christian’s eyes grew dark. “Take him away. I’ll deal with him later.”

“Got it.”

Vince carried a whining Luca out of the room, but even that didn’t stop Berto’s laughter. Not the fork inhis eye, not his son being carried away-nothing.

“If I die, you will all die.” He said. “Do you really think I don’t have enough people to fight against you?”

“So be it,” Dario spoke. “I don’t care if I have to fight the entire universe-but you will die.” He stated.“But don’t worry, I won’t kill you yet. I will eventually, but it will be a long and painful death.”

Dario turned to look at us, his eyes full of darkness. The kind and polite man I had once known was notthe same person anymore, and after everything he had been through-I couldn’t blame him. “I think youshould all leave now. Dad and I still have a lot of unfinished business.”

Christian, who did not seem to go against Dario’s words, stepped back, nodding.

“So this is it, isn’t it?” Berto groaned, still in pain, but Christian didn’t give him any attendance.“Chrissie- do you really think it will end here?”

Christian stopped in his steps as Dario let out a sigh of frustration. “Should I just kill you right now?” Hespoke so calmly, rolling his neck.

“This thing with my sons…” Berto continued. “It will never stop-just like their dad. They will always beafter power.” He spoke. “Do you know why? Because you don’t belong there, and you’ve takensomething

which isn’t yours. It will never stop, I mean-look!” He exclaimed. “Dario has my mother’s genes-it’s in


“Don’t listen to him. He’s trying to get inside your head-” Dario spoke until he was stopped byChristian’s hand, ordering him to shut up.

“No, I want to hear what he has to say.”

“Dario, Luca, Johnny..if you want to kill me for taking back what’s mine, you should kill all of them.Berto said. “We’re not that different.”

“Not that different?” Christian chuckled. “I’m done listening, uncle.” He walked over to my side andgrabbed my hand. His grip was so tight that I couldn’t escape it, even if I wanted to. “Come on, let’s getyou out of here.”


Berto used every bit of strength to call out his name until we had finally left the uninviting and gloomy


Once outside, I couldn’t control my feelings and slammed my arms over Christian’s neck asuncontrollable sobs left my body. “I’m so sorry! Tapologized.

“Why are you being like this?” Christian pulled me back, resting his hands on my shoulder. “I’m fine.You’re fine, and so is Siena. He smiled softly, moving his hand to my eyes to wipe away my tears.“Please

don’t cry?”

“D-don’t cry?” I breathed through my sobs. “You should want to kill me for what I’ve done to you.”

Not only to him but also to my daughter. What was I even thinking, leaving her alone without her mom?What was going through my head when I made a decision like that?

Christian pouted slightly and patted my head. “Please stop crying.” He felt uncomfortable after hearingmy words. Maybe he agreed, perhaps he didn’t-but one thing was sure. He did not want to talk about it.

“Hey, if there’s one person I should kill, it should be your brother for saying I shouldn’t be with you. Isn’tthat right, Beau?” He had somehow managed to make me smile.

“Beau?” Christian looked back, waiting for my brother’s response, but that response did not come as allmy brother could point to was my head. “Y-you’re bleeding…..Serena, are you sure you’re okay?”

“Hmm?” I nodded, bringing my hand to the back of my head, but this time I could not think properly as aburning sensation entered my body.

I felt my head spin as my legs grew weaker, and reached for Christian’s waist for support. “1-I’m f-fine!”1 managed to get out before falling to the cold ground.

Just like that, everything went black.

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