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Chapter 196

Chapter 196


“So everything is being taken care of, Franco is transferring the money, I’ve also taken care of Carmenand Luke’s party, and all we have to do is prepare for tonight. Beau informed Christian

Christian gave him a nod, but all he could think of was Serena. The text had bothered him, and hewanted to call her back, but he couldn’t. He knew he got easily distracted, and he did not want to riskwith his


Christian called for a last-minute meeting with all of the men he had gathered to capture his uncle Hehad chosen a group of twelve of loyal men who were able to take a secret to their grave, and hebelieved they were able to do so because they didn’t carry the Lainberti burden. As expected, theywere all surprised at the sudden news of Berto’s resurrection, but they all listened to Christian’sinstructions and were busy with the preparations for tonight.

“I cut off all of his credit cards and managed to gain the trust of every last person who worked for theOrlando’s.” Dario jumped in. Christian was proud of Dario for making that difficult decision, but it wasfor

the best.

He couldn’t even begin to imagine how difficult it must’ve been to go against his own father, but Dariowas willing to help, and that was all that mattered.

“You have a thing for breaking people to the point they get too crazy to even defend themselves, don’tyou?” Beau commented. He had observed Christian and noticed it was the same strategy he used on



It was weak, low, and an action of a coward, but it worked, and that was enough for Christian. “We’vebeen playing this game for way too long, and it’s time to end it” He explained. Christian had enough ofhis uncle, and him ruining what he had with Serena was the final straw.

Even though Christian knew that the cheating part was all on him, he also knew that things wereperfect. after Siena was born. That was the time when nothing could get in between them.

“Your phone,” Dario smiled at Beau as his eyes moved towards the bright phone screen. Christian’swidened his eyes as he read Isobel’s name and ignored the apologetic look on Beau’s face.

“I’m sorry, I have to take this.” Beau apologized as he got up from his chair, but Christian pulled himdown. and shook his head. “Take it…take it here, it’s an order. Ile spoke, embarrassed. He was the firstto admit that there was a lot he could learn from Beau and secretly wondered how he managed tohandle someone like Isobel.

“I’m would like to apologize in advance.” Beau chuckled before he accepted the call. Christian was onlyinterested in what Isobel had to say and scooted closer so he wouldn’t miss a single word.

“So, can you talk like a normal human now?” Beau laughed.

How can he be so calm? Christian thought, knowing his approach would’ve been a bit different.

“Beau, I’m sorry for this morning, and I’m sorry that I ignored your call.” Isobel apologized. Christianwas shocked to hear the word, sorry, from his friend’s mouth and was wondering if perhaps Serenawould’ve done the same.novelbin

“What was that?” Beau teased her. “I said I’m sorry, now don’t make me repeat myself.”

Beau laughed at Isobel’s failed attempt to apologize and decided to let it go. It’s fine, don’t worry aboutit.” He spoke. “I should be the one to apologize. I’ve just been so busy that the idea of calling you hasn’tcrossed my mind.”

“You’re just too cute,” Isobel gushed while Christian rolled his eyes. It had never been that easy for him,but then again–he had never been the one to apologize.

“What about Serenal” Christian whispered while he scooted even closer as Beau frowned hiseyebrows. “S- so, how was your night?”

“Wild” Isobel called out. Christian furrowed his eyebrows at the new information. He had seen thepictures the security had send him, but he didn’t even had the energy to scroll past the third one.“Wild?” Beau chuckled.

“Yes, wild-did you know the girls really took shots from some guy’s abs.”

“Ask her about Serena?” Christian whispered again. He knew he had no right to say what she couldand couldn’t do, but the thought of her doing something like that disgusted him. “And Serena?” Beaufollowed Christian’s request.

“Yes-her included,” Isobel confirmed. Christian felt defeated and as if he had failed her. He believedthat if she could do something like that, she was capable of doing anything. This was not what hemeant when he told her to have fun.

“You know, I’m the one who encouraged her to go out in the first place-because Christian is even worsethan you and hasn’t called her at all. Like I know that he’s busy and all, but I’m starting to doubt his lovefor her-”

“Isobel-” Beau called out, but Isobel had no plans to stop and continued her rant.

“He’s an asshole who doesn’t care for anyone other than Siena, and that’s why she send her bikini picsto Dario-”

“Isobel, stop!” Beau stopped her from talking. It took some time for Christian to process her words, andthe awkward silence wasn’t exactly helping. Beau looked at Christian while Christian stared right intohis cousin’s eyes and was shocked to see that he was completely unfazed.

Dario smiled at Christian and shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing, but Christian couldn’t beangry. It is just a picture, he told himself. If it was really something worry about, Dario wouldn’t haveremained that confident.

“Don’t tell me you’re on his side?” Isobel snapped. “Do you know what your ‘bff has been doing to us?”

Christian found it hard to believe that the woman who had always been that desperate for his attentiondidn’t want anything to do with him. “No? What did he do?” Beau gave Christian a suspicious look. Hehad plans to leave the room, but Christian pushed him back down.

“He has ordered people to spy on us and not just one, like a dozen,” Isobel revealed. “I mean, heliterally told me to ‘spy’ on Serena, so it isn’t as if we didn’t expect it.”

“He sends people to spy on you?” Beau asked. Christian stared down at Beau’s clenched fist and letout an annoyed sigh. This was the exact reason why he didn’t want to deal with his issues with Serenaright now. Beau was distracted, and it was all because of one phone call.

How could she have known? Christian wondered. He had ordered some of his best men to keep aneye on her, but it seemed like that plan had failed.

“He sure did!” Isobel confirmed. “Not just Serena, all of us-and he did it because he doesn’t trust us.”

“Serena is pissed, and she has every right to be.”

“Yes,” Beau spoke while he glared at Christian. “Yes, she does have the right to be angry.”

Beau did not felt comfortable knowing he had sent people to follow them. He knew that it wasn’t forprotection but because he lacked trust and always felt the need to be in control of everything.

“I think Christian needs to think about what he truly wants.” Isobel sighed.

“Well, what do you think he ‘truly’ wants.”

“Not Serena, that’s for sure. She texted him this morning, and he still hasn’t called her because he hasno use for her.” Isobel spoke. “He has Siena, and at the end of the day, that’s all he ever wanted.”

“Beau, I know you’re all about Christian nowadays, but Serena is your twin sister, and she’s broken,”Isobel spoke. “When I’m saying stuff like this-I’m speaking from experience because I followed his assfor years, and he’s incapable of caring for too many people at a time.”

“I know,” Beau whispered. Christian was shocked by Beau’s answer and tried his hardest to keep hismouth. shut. He disagreed with Isobel’s statement and knew he had never loved a woman the sameway he loved

otherwise. Serena. It was something different from what he had ever felt before, and no one could tellhim

“He’s no good for her-”

“I have to go,” Beau told Isobel. He felt as if he was right in the middle of it and didn’t know what to do.Christian was like his brother, while Serena was his other half.

“Oh…already?” Isobel spoke, flustered. “Let me guess. You have to get back to Christian-”

“Don’t be like that. I’ll call you later. I love you-bye!” Beau ended the conversation. He knew he’d mostlikely get yelled at for hanging up in her ear, but somehow that idea seemed much better than whateverwas about to leave her mouth.

Dario leaned back in his chair and tapped his finger on the table as he stared from Christian to Beau.“Uh, just to make myself clear.” Dario began. “Serena is a good friend of mine, and the picture was justa joke. I’m sure she had no intentions to hurt you.”

“I don’t care,” Christian spoke nonchalantly. He did care, and he was close to exploding, but the lastthing he wanted was to blame his cousin for something he had no control over. How could she do thisto me? Christian thought for a split second, but that thought had once again disappeared when hethought about his own mistakes.

There was nothing he could do about it, and it bothered him,

“So we’re cool?” Dario frowned. “Oh, my issue is not with you.” Christian shrugged him off while Beausighed at his response.

“Then who is it with, my sister and Isobel?” He asked. “Is that the reason why you send people to ‘spy’on


“Can you

blame me?” Christian spoke. “One is apparently drinking shots from half-naked men and is too lazy tocheck up on her daughter, while the other one has so much to say about me while she should ask Godfor forgiveness for what she has done to Vince-”

“What has she has done to Vince?”

“You can ask him that when he wakes up, or if he wakes up” Christian nodded at Beau “Why do youthink he’s in a coma in the first place?”

“Because of you!” Beau spoke. “I don’t know if you’ve realized-but all issues start with you.

“So” Dario chuckled awkwardly. “We went from females to some guy who is not even here to defendhimself, and the two of you clearly have some unfinished business, so I’ll just leave and-”

“No.” Christian stopped him. “There is no issue, and we don’t have time for this. There’s still a lot totake care of, so sit down and let’s get to work.”

“She texted you, and you didn’t call her back. She has a daughter, your daughter. You can’t do this toher!” Beau jumped to Serena’s defense. He was far from finished with this conversation.

“Okay then.” Dario smiled. This is awkward-”

“I’m almost starting to think that you send away Serena on purpose-so she couldn’t interfere with youand Siena,” Beau concluded. “Do you even love her?”

Christian closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Beau was the last person he wanted to argue with.One twin was already more than enough.

“Don’t question my love for her. Please don’t go there. Christian tried to remain calm. “I love Serenamore than you could ever imagine, and everything I do is for her and Siena.” He reminded him.

“And scene.” Dario laughed out loud, but his expression quickly vanished after seeing the look onChristian and Beau’s faces. “Listen,” Dario spoke.

“There’s clearly a lot going on, and I honestly don’t care, but what I do care about is catching my dad.”Dario looked at the two. “If this plan doesn’t work out tonight, we’re screwed, and we can’t let thathappen.”

Dario got up from his chair and walked towards Christian and Beau, who couldn’t even look each otherin the eye. Dario grabbed Christian’s hand and placed it on top of Beau’s while Christian shot Dario aglare..

“If you guys want to beat each other up and fight till the death, you can do that tomorrow-but I want myfreedom, and I can’t let any of you mess that up, so how about a truce?”

“How about you call my sister?” Beau turned his head. Christian understood Dario’s point and knewthat it was not the time to argue. That was the reason why he hadn’t picked up the phone to call Serenain the first place.

“How about you mind your business and keep your trash in check?” Christian spoke. “My what?” Beauraised his voice, only to get held back by Dario. “What did you just call Isobel?”

“Guys, come on!” Dario clapped his hands. “Now get up, give each other a hug and a kiss and let’smove


“I’m not doing any of that, and I’m not kissing him either.” Christian snarled as he got up from his chair.Beau followed the same routine and glared at Christian the same way he glared at him.

“Just say, I’m sorry, I love you-it won’t happen again.” Dario laughed.

“What is this? Kindergarten?” Beau judged him, but Dario didn’t mind. “Yes, since the two of you wantto behave like a bunch of children-we will fix this the kindergarten way.”

All Christian could think about was Serena. Dario was right and this wasn’t going anywhere. StoppingBerto was his only priority. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do and took a deep breath beforehe looked into Beau’s eyes. “I’m sorry, I love you, and it won’t happen again.”

Beau failed to hold back his laughter and opened his arms to pull Christian into a hug. “And I’m sorryyou had to say that.” He chuckled as he placed his hand on Christian’s shoulder. “I agree, there is notime for distractions, and we have to stay focused-but you really need to call my sister.”

“I will.”

“Good, and you will call her right now.”

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