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Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Let’s hope grandpa and grands like you a bit more than your mommy Christian sprike as he held

Xina And made his way to the Allonzo estate

He knew he was unfair but he couldn’t help himself No matter what, he could not come up with a solidreason why Serena would tenore his calls and seeing pictures of her at the club with random men only

made it wo

He believest it was a good idea to send people to check on her because the truth would’ve never comeout it he hadn’t seen the pictures He felt pissed and betrayed until he realized that he didn’t have thenight to be the way the one who told her to have fun

hway carly in the morning, but he had decided not to call her Christian was aware of his temper andwanted to discuss this matter without yelling, and he could only do that once he was calm

Besides that he beloved that if Serena really wanted to hear his voice, she would’ve called a long timeago. There were other things on his mind, and today would be a busy day It was the day of thetransport of the money, Carmen and Luke’s party, and most importantly, the day he would put an end tohis uncle’s plans.

“Baby Christian heard from afar

He was best as Milo stuck out his tiny hands and pointed towards Siena Christian sighed in annoyanceas he had not expected Emilio to be there. If anyone asked many questions, it had to be him, andChristian was not ready to answer them.

He wasn’t that much of a better har than Serena and was afraid he’d slip up and spill something heshouldn’t, such as his plans for the night.

Milo ran to Christian and hugged his leg while Christian released one hand from Siena’s grip andpatted him on his head “Uncle Christian, good morning!” Milo spoke Christian stared at Milo and wassurprised by his sudden ability to speak “You can really talk now He chuckled.

“Yes, of course, he can Emilio walked out the door. He grabbed Siena from Christian’s hands and triedto grab her attention. “She’s starting to look more like you, don’t you think?”

“I hope so,” Christian muttered Emilio, who had heard Jus words, loud and clear, frowned at Christianand waited for an explanation “Are you and Serena at it again?”

Christian shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, Serena always has an issue, and she always expectsme to smell what that issue might be-”

“Yes, the two of you are at it again.” Emilio rolled his eyes. “I thought Beau said the two of you wereopen for counseling What happened!”

What happened!

That was something Christian had also wondered. Everything seemed to be going well, but everything.changed when Serena started to get a voice. He initially didn’t have a problem with it because that’swhat he wanted, but he knew the old Serena would’ve never denied any of his calls.

“I know you’re not supervising a bunch of teenagers tonight, so what are you up to?” Emilio asked.“Can you bring her inside? I need to grab her bag.” Christian ended the conversation. Emilio gave hima

suspicious look but went along with it either way. “You’re lucky I was just leaving, but we’ll finish thisconversation some other time,” Emilio spoke.

Christian made his way back to the car while Milo followed behind him. “Are you following me?”Christian asked while Milo had a bright smile on his face. “Following you!” He repeated.

Christian laughed at his way of talking and grabbed Siena’s bag from the trunk. “Look!” Milo spoke asthe two headed back to the mansion. Christian looked at the toy gun in his hands and couldn’t help butlaugh.

He knelt to Milo’s level and rubbed his hand on his shoulder. “Did daddy give this to you?” Christianasked. Milo pointed the toy gun to Christian’s face and pulled the trigger. “Bang! Bang!”

“No, stop it!” Christian scolded him while he covered the toy with his hands. This was exactly what hedid. not want for Siena. He didn’t want to be a bad influence. He looked at Milo’s tearful eyes andwondered whether his reaction went a little bit too far.

“No, no-don’t cry!” Christian whispered, but it was already too late. Milo dramatically opened his mouthbefore he filled the driveway with yells and tears. “Why Christian huffed as he picked him up from theground.

It wasn’t even a second later before Emilio ran out to see what was wrong with Milo. “Christian, whatdid you do?” Emilio asked out of instinct.

“I didn’t do anything. Your kid is overreacting.” Christian spoke, annoyed. “He pointed a gun to my face,and I told him to stop it.”

“You made him cry over a toy gun?” Emilio laughed as he took over Milo. “Who did this to you?” Emilioasked. Milo pulled an angry face and pointed his finger towards Christian. “What are you going to doabout it?” Emilio continued.

Milo had once again pulled out the toy gun and pointed it at Christian’s face. “Bang!” He laughed, whileChristian could not understand what was so funny. He was shocked by Milo’s actions and by Emilio,who had encouraged the toddler.

“If you’re letting your son play with a toy gun despite knowing the business we’re in, you’re disgusting,terrible, stupid, and in need of help,” Christian spoke, annoyed as he brushed past Emilio to make hisway inside. “And you’re a bad parent.”

“Yes, because you’re the parent of the year!” Emilio laughed. He could not take Christian’s wordsseriously, so he could not hold a grudge.

“You’re not even letting Serena spend time with the baby. Siena won’t even recognize her mom in a fewyears!”

Christian froze and turned around, but Emilio had already walked away. Siena won’t even recognizeher mom in a few years. For some reason, those words were a wake-up call as he understood whereEmilio was coming from.

He dressed her.

He fed her.

He gave her baths.

He changed her diapers.

He tucked her in bed.novelbin

Am I the issue? Christian thought to himself as thousandth thoughts went through his mind.

He felt embarrassed because it wasn’t his meaning to steal Siena away from Serena. It didn’t take hima long time to realize why Serena had been ignoring him. She had been so vocal about how much shemissed the both of them, while Christian felt as if he gave her nothing in return, but he did it for hersake. He did it so she could be free.


Christian looked up at the familiar voice and smiled at Luis, who flew into his arms. “You’re only gettingbigger!” Christian laughed. Since Isobel was away and Beau had his mind full, Luis stayed with theAlfonzo’s. Christian felt terrible for neglecting his best friend’s brother and made a mental note to spendmore time with him.

“I missed you!” Luis told him as Christian pulled him in closer. “I missed you too.”

“How are Beau and Isobel treating you?”

It was a question Christian already knew the answer to. Beau had been taking care of Luis for years,while Isobel, who also had a great bond with Vincenzo, couldn’t get enough of him.

“I don’t know whether Isobel hates or loves Beau, and it feels like a battlefield, and I’m just waiting for abomb to explode, but other than that-yes, I really like it,” Luis explained. Christian, who had alwaysbeen. fascinated by Luis’ descriptions, let out a laugh and ruffled his hand through his hair.

“And how’s school?” Christian asked as the two made their way to the living room. “School is nice, andI have a girlfriend.” Luis shared. “Oh, is that so?” Christian frowned. “Cute.”

Christian stopped in his steps and looked at Lita and Matteo, who were playing with Siena. Christianfelt grateful to know Matteo had put everything on hold to watch Luis and Siena. “They really love her,”Luis giggled. “But so do 1.”

Seeing Matteo with Siena made Christian think about his dad. He had processed the idea of Luciomissing. out on all of this, but accepting it was another thing. “Christian, come here!” Matteo spoke.

Christian stepped forward with a smile on his face and kissed Siena’s cheek. “Don’t worry. She’s ingood. hands.” Lita promised. That was the last thing on Christian’s mind. He didn’t want to say goodbyeto Siena. He didn’t want to be apart from her, even if it was just for a day.

“Have you guys heard anything from Serena?” Christian asked once Luis had left the living room.Matteo and Lita looked at each other with worried looks on their faces and turned their heads towardsChristian. “Yes, she called us last night, and she seemed pretty out of it.” Matteo laughed nervously.“Why?”

“Just wondering.” Christian played it off. He felt hurt as he realized Serena took the time to call anyonebut him. He knew he owed Serena an apology for whatever her issue might’ve been but now was notthe right


Distractions made him vulnerable, and that’s why he decided to discuss the situation some other time.All he could wish for was that she would understand. “About Carmen and Luke’s party, you know myinstructions about this Logan guy, right?” Matteo frowned.

Christian’s mind went to the poor boy who didn’t know what he was in for. “Don’t worry. I think Beau got

“Of contree he dors Lits eighed You’re ridicules and need to leave your daughter stone she not a babymeyersort”

“I agree, Christian epoker while he poked his finger in Siena’s cheek. T think you have to accept thatthe won’t remain single foreve

Matteo let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. “Let’s wait another sixteen years” He spoke Tm mire you’llagree with me

Christian chrugged his shoulders. The one thing he didn’t want, it would be for Siena to miss our on heryouth and he was willing to let her do whatever the wanted.

“Serena will probably be a bit more strict.” Lita commented. The two of you are like the completeopposite, don’t you think?”

Just as Christian was about to answer, he got interrupted by the sound of his phone and took the timeto read Serena’s text. He took in Lita’s words and took a breath.

They really were different


So you’re not going to call me?

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