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Chapter 138

Chapter 138

“You look beautiful Beau smiled. “I mean, you look like me, so it shouldn’t be that difficult, but you lookbeautiful

I looked at my reflection in the mirror one last time and spun around so I could look at the dress.“Christian has good taste. I’ll give him that.”

“I guess.” Beau chuckled. “But why are you taking Siena with you?”

I looked down at Siena, who leaned her tiny head against my shoulder. “Because I can’t live withouther, and so it won’t be awkward between us.”

“You’ll understand in a few months, being without your baby is difficult.”

I knew bringing a baby to a date wasn’t that ideal, but Siena being around us meant we would actuallyhave something to talk about. Christian decided to organize the date his house, which made it evenmore awkward than it had to be.

“It warms my heart to see the two of you.” Lita smiled as she walked into the hallway. “The two of youare so close. It’s like the two of you have known each other for years.”

“Let’s not make this awkward,” Beau spoke. It was typically Lita. She couldn’t live a day withoutreminding Beau and I about how we didn’t spend our childhood together. As far as everyone wasconcerned, Beau and I were having a sibling day. I wouldn’t tell my family the truth about Christian untilthey were mature enough to handle it.

We weren’t even together, we were only friends, and I still felt the need to hide it. That was howjudgmental the Alfonzo’s were.

“I want to take a picture of the three of you!” Lita spoke as she pushed us together. “She’s soannoying.” I whispered while Beau agreed with my statement. “She is, but at least we have a mom.”

“We have to go now, bye,” I said and pulled Beau out the door. “There was no need to be this rude.”Beau scolded. “She’s still our mom.”

“One day when you and dad start arguing again, I will definitely use this against you.” I told Beau. Thetwo argued at least once a week, so it wouldn’t take that long.

“How about you take care of Siena?” I suggested as I handed her over to Beau who had a startled lookon his face. “W-what?”

“You have to learn these kinds of things. You don’t want Christian to beat you, right?” I asked. Losingwas Beau’s worst nightmare. He always had to be on top of everything, and he always felt the need tosucceed.

“Don’t compare me to Christian” Beau gulped as he stared at Siena, who stared right back at him.“Why is she staring at me?” He asked. “Oh my god, you’re too much.” I yawned. “Right after tellingeveryone how good you are at taking care of Siena.”novelbin

“I am good.” Beau defended himself. “I just want to know why she’s staring at me.”

“It’s because she’s waiting for you to put her in her car seat.” I smiled. I did have to admit, Siena wasjust like her dad and couldn’t stop staring at people. “I can do that,” Beau spoke.

After a failed attempt. I decided to help him out and shook my head in disbelief. “I worry for you.” Ijoked while he gave me a confused look. He always took everything seriously, but I thought it was acute charm.

“I’m kidding.” I smiled. “Let’s go.”

After a while, we arrived at the mansion, and just as expected, Isobel’s voice was so loud that we couldhear it from the driveway. “Be nice,” Beau told me. “Whatever happens is on me and not on Isobel”

“You’re telling me that?” I laughed. He was the one who threatened to kill Christian, but I was the onewho had to be nice?

“I don’t have anything against Christian, and whatever I had against him will be dealt with this eveningBeau smiled. His statement scared me and I had no clue what he had plannen, but all I could hope forwas that he wouldn’t give Christian a hard time. I grabbed Siena from his hands as we made our wayinside.

“Why doesn’t he lock his door?” Beau complained. He always had something to complain.

“Beau!” Isobel yelled out and flew in his arms while all I wanted was to disappear from earth. Christianstood on the opposite side of me and took a look at Siena before he glanced back at Beau. There wasnothing more awkward than this.

Beau pushed Isobel out his grip and glared at Christian. Please don’t do anything stupid, I prayed tomyself but unfortunately that prayer could not be answered because before I could do anything. Beau’sfist connected with Christian’s jaw.

“Beau, what the hell?” Isobel spoke while I gasped in surprise, but Christian was unfazed and so wasBeau. “Don’t bother. I deserved it.” Christian chuckled and stuck out his hand. “So are we good now?”

“Yes.” Beau nodded. “I feel like I should thank you for everything, because you saved me this time-butif you’ll ever hurt Serena again…I will kill you.” Beau spoke and glared at Christian’s hand. What waswrong (with him?

“Come on,” Isobel giggled and pulled him away. This time Christian reached for Siena and grabbed herfrom my hands. “I didn’t know you were taking her with you.” He smiled. “But I’m glad you did, I missed.


“I know.” I mumbled. “And I’m really sorry about Beau-”

“Don’t be.” Christian shrugged. “You know, I don’t get scared easily but for some reason your brotherreally scares me.”

I laughed at Christian’s words. They were not that different from everyone else’s and it was somewhatthe truth. Even Matteo feared him, which was probably the reason why he kept him close. Beau wasbold and unpredictable. “You look really beautiful.” Christian complimented me.

“I found out more about Dario.” I spoke. I wasn’t good with compliments and especially not if they camefrom Christian. “Is that so?” Christian chuckled.

“I’m happy to hear that, but that’s not what I want to talk about right now-we can do that later in private.I also have something to tell you.” He spoke as he stuck out his free hand and pulled me along withhim.

Beau and Isobel were glued to each other and poor Beau was getting his cheeks pinched by Isobel.“Do you see that satisfied smile on his face? This is ridiculous.” I scoffed at Christian.

“I would never lose my pride like that, I would rather eat Siena’s poop diaper.” Christian agreed andpulled a disgusted look. I let out an awkward giggle and nodded my head.

We had never been like that. It was because Christian would never allow it. “Wait, I didn’t mean it likethat.” Christian sighed. “I was supposed to fix things and I only made it worse.”

“It’s okay, it doesn’t matter.” I shrugged, but Christian wouldn’t let it rest. “Come on, pinch my cheeks.”Christian offered and moved his head closer.

He was teasing me, but that was the person he was and I was fine with it. It was the person I fell in lovewith and I didn’t want him to change. “I don’t feel like staring at this disgusting image and Beau whoseems nothing like Beau. I’m hungry.” I huffed.

“Yes, I made you all of your favorites.” Christian smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Heled me to the table and placed Siena in her chair while Isobel and Beau joined us. “You surprise me,Christian Beau chuckled as he looked down at the dishes.

“How about you teach me how to make all of this and I’ll teach you how not to cheat on my sister.” Helaughed at his own joke, while everyone else was quiet. Was he serious?

I laughed along with Beau to case the tension while Isobel joined me, but Christian remainedunimpressed. We ate in silence and the only one making noise was Siena. “Did I make this awkward?”Beau sighed after a while.

“I promise you, it was a joke.” He chuckled. “I forgave you for being a cheater, and I don’t care aboutthe fact that you used to sleep around with my fiancee and still hang out with her or that you left Vinceout there to die while you carried out your brother and barely visit him.” He smiled.

“All of that disappeared when you decided to become the knight in shining armor and saved my Isobel.The moment you saved her, all of your mistakes vanished.”

“Beau.” I whispered. “That’s enough.”

“No-that’s okay.” Christian spoke, pissed. This whole thing was a bad idea, I should’ve known better.“This is the most I’ve ever heard him talk since the day I met him and he clearly has a lot to say.”Christian shrugged.

“Serena, I said I wanted to fix things with you-so if your brother has something to say, he can say itright. now so we can work on this issue.”

“Good.” Beau chuckled. “I really don’t care anymore, I just felt like getting on your nerves.”

“Well, you’re doing a good job at it.” Christian spoke. He was holding himself back for my sake, and itmade me happy to see it. Beau made fun of him, and Christian accepted it because he didn’t want toruin my evening.

These were the kind of comments which he could expect if we were to get back together. If he thoughtBeau was bad, he would not be prepared for Matteo and my brothers. Beau’s anger was nothingcompared. to them.

“Isobel, we should go shop for baby clothes sometime.” I changed the subject. “We should. I wouldactually love to do that.” Isobel smiled, but that smile wasn’t sincere. Also, she must’ve felt hurt byBeau’s comments. It was unnecessary to bring up her past with Christian.

“Did Christian fart, or is it the baby?” Beau commented after a weird smell filled the dining room. “Haha,really funny,” Christian spoke, sarcastic.

“It’s Siena. She’s your niece, so how about you change her diaper?” Christian glared at him. The two ofthem used to get along so well, and Beau used to respect him, but all of this was just laughable at thispoint. There had to be more behind this, and it was unlike Beau to be this childish.

“I mean, you know how to change a diaper, right? It’s the same way Isobel changes yours.”

“You mean the same way the Lamberti changes yours.” Beau smiled.

“You guys, come on.” Isobel giggled. “Let’s not be like this.

+15 Bonus

“Be like what?” Christian and Beau spoke at the same time while I gave Isobel a bothered look. I wantto say that this was not how I expected things to go, but this was exactly how I imagined it.

“Christian and I are good, right Christian?” Beau smiled. “Right, not a single issue.” Christian smiledback. We weren’t even at the family shoot, and things were already a mess. I could only imagine whatit was going to be like.

“Come on, follow me,” Christian spoke and grabbed Siena while Beau followed him upstairs. Thismust’ve been why Beau told me to be nice to Isobel. It was because he had other intentions withChristian. “Beau told me he wouldn’t try anything. I’m so so sorry.” Isobel apologized.

“All I wanted was to fix your relationship, but he’s only making it worse-

“He isn’t.” I chuckled. “You still have a lot to learn about my brother. He is doing this for me.”

“What?” Isobel spoke, confused. “Please help me understand. How is bullying Christian beneficial toyou?”

“He’s not bullying him,” I smirked. “He’s testing him.”

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