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Chapter 137

Chapter 137


“Dad, are you so excited for the shoot?” Christian smiled. Lucio had been involved in everything, fromhiring the photographer to choosing the location and the outfits.

Usually, Christian didn’t like the thought of Lucio working harder than he should, but it seemed like hisfather was enjoying himself, so this time he didn’t care about it. “I am. I feel like I can finally rest afterthis.” Lucio spoke as the smile on Christian’s face had vanished.

“Don’t say that,” Christian spoke. “Don’t say stuff like that.”

“Why, does it makes you cry at night?” Lucio mocked him, but Christian’s expression had not changed.“Okay, I won’t say stuff like that anymore.” Lucio smiled.

Although Christian didn’t want him to be in pain anymore, he didn’t want to be without him either. Theonly person stopping the Lamberti’s and the Alfonzo’s from killing each other was Lucio, Christian feltas if he had failed his father. He was supposed to lead the Lamberti’s, but he couldn’t, and it was allbecause of his very own grandfather.

Ever since he came back, it seemed as if he was slowly trying to gain back his power throughChristian. All the key decisions went through his grandpa. “Why are you smiling at me?” Christianfrowned.

“That’s easy,” Lucio spoke. “I’m smiling because I’m proud of you. I’m impressed by the way you foughtfor Aldo Sala. I obviously don’t know a lot anymore, but it almost makes me feel embarrassed to knowthat I did not give him a second chance when I could’ve.” Lucio sighed.

“You were the first one to forgive him for Isobel’s mistake. I think that’s more than enough.”

Christian was grateful for his father’s words, but he felt unworthy. Going behind all the families’ backs totake back Isobel’s dad also came with many disadvantages. He went from cowardly killing FabioGarcia with no chance to protect himself to cheating on the mother of his child to going behindeveryone’s back.

It seemed as if everything only got worse after he received power, and he didn’t like the sound of that,just as much as he didn’t like the sound of Dario trying to mess with his life, as if his life wasn’t hardenough. “What’s going through your mind?” Lucio asked.

“Nothing” Christian lied. His grandpa, who had a big hand in what the Lamberti name was today, hadan unbreakable bond with Lucio and Christian did not want to come between that. Especially not duringhis father’s last months.

“Isobel finally found some happiness in her life, isn’t that great?” Lucio spoke. “I have a request.”

“What is it?” Christian asked, worried. “Do you need your medicine? Tea? More blankets?”

“No.” Lucio reassured. “I was only going to tell you to take care of Isobel and Beau. It seems likeMatteo is pushing that poor boy the same way I used to push you-”

“Did he came to see you?” Christian wondered. “Yes, he stopped by with Matteo. He’s such a nice andpolite kid.”

Nice enough to kill me, Christian thought in his head as his mind went to Serena’s brothers. None ofthem liked him any more, and it was well deserved.

“Have you checked up on Gina?” Lucio asked as Christian took a deep breath. He disagreed with hisfather,

and he did not want to take care of her, but he wouldn’t disrespect a dying’s man wish. “Yes. I have,and she’s healthy” Christian lied. Whatever Gina was up to wasn’t his problem anymore.novelbin

He did have to admit that she was good at her work and took away many of his tasks. After not havingher around, Christian slowly began to realize how much of a help she had actually been.

“Dad, how about you rest for a while,” Christian suggested. “If that’s what you want.” Lucio sighed andclosed his eyes as he was trying to force himself to sleep. Christian remained by Lucio’s side until hefelt safe enough to leave his side and made his way downstairs.

“Grandpa-we need to talk,” Christian spoke. Franco was confused but followed Christian and wascurious about his words. “Have you finally changed your mind about Serena?” Franco asked. “Youcan’t let her walk all over you-

“No, you’re wrong.” Christian sighed. This time he was going to stick up for her. “She’s not walking overme. All of you are doing that.”

“Excuse me?” Franco spoke, surprised. “You heard me. Christian glared. “I appreciate you being hereto help-but from now on. I want you and my mom to stay out of my personal life.”

“Is that what this is?” France asked. “I do not involve myself in your personal life because I want to, butI’m doing it for the family! I’m doing it because you’re a mess!”

“Don’t forget who put your dad here, better yet-don’t forget who put you here! I was the one who putyou above your brothers because I thought you were capable of handling the family business. I washappy for you and Serena-but you’ve changed a lot, and it’s all because of her.”

“Yes,” Christian spoke. “I became a human being with a heart instead of the monster you wanted me tobe, and it’s all because of her-and I’m so grateful because she saved me before I had the chance toturn into my brothers or you.”

“Which is?” Franco chuckled. “I put you in this position, and after your father is not here anymore, I caneasily remove you from this position.”

“Then do it!” Christian yelled. “Please do it, so I can take Serena and Siena and finally live a peacefullife. I was the one who hurt Serena, but somehow she’s the problem?”

Franco gulped at Christian’s words. He had always admired Christian’s boldness, but until now, it wasnever used against him. Christian had lost his respect for his grandfather. “You will drop everything forher?” Franco asked, confused.

“Everything.” Christian confirmed. “I will drop the entire family to be with her, you, grandma, uncles,cousins, siblings-1 don’t care!” Christian yelled. “So please give me your orders. If you don’t acceptSerena, please tell me to leave, and I promise you, you’ll never have to hear from me again.”

“Christian? All of this over some woman?” Franco spoke, shocked, but Christian heard enough. “No,listen to me. Why are all of you acting like Serena is the problem? I hurt her, so how exactly is she theproblem? Serena has always been perfect. She never involved herself in any family business. Shedoesn’t ask any questions-

“Stop it!” Franco shouted. “I don’t even recognize you anymore. Since when did you become so weak?”

“Yes, you cheated on her, and you never should’ve done that, but that was no reason for her to act likesome crazy animal and put this family to embarrassment. She’s working together with your enemy. Shetook Siena away from you, and now she bewitched you. The way she turned on you is scary.” Francospoke, but Christian disagreed.

“No, the way you’ve all turned on her and the Alfonzo’s is scary.”

“Do you think Serena is sticking up for you at this very moment?” Franco laughed in disbelief. “Do youhonestly think that she will give up her family so she can be with you? Don’t be stupid.”

Franco’s words made him feel a sharp pain in his chest. Christian was aware that Serena didn’t want tolet go of her family, and he was okay with that decision. It would’ve been so much easier if she waswilling to do the same, but he wouldn’t force her to do anything.

“You brought back Aldo Sala, and it was probably to satisfy Serena because you miss her, you wentagainst all families once again-you go so far for her, but she’ll never go that far for you. An Alfonzo willremain an Alfonzo, and they’re good at keeping things professional. It’s in their blood.” Franco spoke.“Do you even know what you’ve done by starting an alliance between the Alfonzo’s and the Sala’s? Doyou even think about this family?”

Christian tried to think of an answer, but he failed to reply as he could see somewhat of the truth in hisgrandpa’s words. Worst case scenario, the Alfonzo’s and the Sala’s would start an alliance to removethe Lamberti’s from the top, but Christian trusted Serena. Serena would never encourage them to dothat.

“Just a few months ago, you were all desperately trying to save her—”

“Not her, Siena. Your daughter is a Lamberti. Serena was carrying a Lamberti. If she were notpregnant, nobody would’ve fought for her, and that’s the harsh truth.”

“You disgust me,” Christian spoke. He made a promise with himself, and that promise was to neverbecome like his grandpa.

“Christian, I need you to listen to me, and I will only tell you this once,” Franco warned him.

“I want you to mark these words. Serena will be your downfall. She’s playing you, she will break youuntil you have no more air left to breathe, and when that day comes, you’ll be thinking back on thisconversation we had. Serena is dangerous, and she is not good for you. She’s too strong, tooconfident. She will be your downfall and the family’s downfall.”

“That’s not true,” Christian whispered. He was determined to prove his grandfather wrong. “I won’tallow you to leave the business. That’s too easy for you.” Franco chuckled. “I’ll let you keep everything,and the day she ruins you, and you’ll come crawling back to me, I’ll take care of you the same way Itook care of your uncle-because that’s what I’m here for. I’m here to take care of my children andgrandchildren.”

“And I will prove you wrong.” Christian glared. He couldn’t stand his grandpa at the moment. Hecouldn’t. stand anyone who had something bad to say about Serena.

“That gaze…it’s the same look your uncle used to give me when his first wife possessed him, andyou’re following in his footsteps,” Franco spoke. “How dare you to give me that look? I’m yourgrandfather, and I put you here.”

“I don’t care,” Christian whispered. All he could focus on were his grandpa’s words. It was not the firsttime he heard this comment about his uncle’s first wife but only now were they starting to get through tohim.

There was a possibility that, that woman was Dario’s mother.

“I’m speaking from experience. You’ll crawl back to me and beg me to save you.” Franco told him. “Justlike your uncle Berto.”

“Serena is nothing like his first wife. Stop this nonsense.” Christian spoke as he was trying to get moreinformation, and it seemed to be working.

“Yes, she is. From trying to keep Siena away from you to working with the enemy and starting a charity.I don’t know if it got through to her or not, but we’re not some government-sponsored clubhouse. We’retrying to take our distance from that stuff.”

Trying to keep Siena away from you.

That was the only sentence that had reached Christian’s ears. He had a pretty good reason to believethat his uncle’s first wife kept Dario away from the family and was secretly hoping Serena was able tofind out some more information.

“Tell me more about this woman so that I can make my own judgment,” Christian spoke. He did notwant to spill anything to his grandpa and had to do this the smart way. There was already more thanenough. shit going on for him to make a mistake. He would deal with Dario without involving anyoneelse..

“I told you, Serena, and those bold actions of hers will be your downfall. That’s all you need to know.”Franco spoke as he prepared himself to leave.

“I’m begging you not to start anything at the upcoming photoshoot.” Christian sighed. He would notallow anyone to ruin Lucio’s day, not even his grandfather. “I would never hurt my son. I always put myown. family first. Franco replied.

Christian chuckled as his grandpa walked out of the room. Also, he would never do anything to hurt hisfamily ever again, and that was why he was willing to fight for Serena. If only she were willing to do thesame for him.

He wasn’t that excited about the double date and did not want to see Beau, but he agreed to it becauseit was a way to make up with Serena.

He would not stop until she was back in his arms.

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