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Chapter 117

Chapter 117

“Dad, you need to stop looking at that video.” I sighed as I grabbed the phone from his hands. It wasthe video that had gone viral between all the families in the past day.

Seeing myself behave like some out-of-control animal was definitely a wake-up call, and I looked crazy.Yes, Christian was crazy for cheating, but I was crazy for losing control like that.

“Serena, you’re too kind. You only have to say the words, and I’ll take care of him!” Matteo threatenedChristian. “I need all of you to stop!” I yelled out.

“I need you to understand Christian is not just a cheater. He’s also Siena’s father-1 need you guys tostop!” I spoke as I looked around the table. Emilio, Marcello, and Beau joined my father as they thoughtabout every way to destroy Christian and even brought poor Luke into it.

“And I need you to understand that you’re not just Christian’s ex but also an Alfonzo-and I won’t allowhim to play with my daughter!” Matteo growled as he slammed his fist on the table.

I flinched at his reaction and took a step back. Matteo being overprotective became a bit too muchsometimes, but I knew it was due to missing a massive part of my life which made it all even harder.

“I know, dad, but please think about Siena. I at least want her to go from one parent to another, withoutnoticing somethings wrong.” I spoke. The story about wanting her to grow up with two parents always


“When will you get it through that messy head of yours that he doesn’t deserve to see, Siena. He’s unfitto be a father!” Marcello snapped and stormed out of the room.

“Unfit to be a father?” I sighed. There was not one time I had thought Christian was unfit to be a father.He was scum, disgusting, a liar, and a cheater-but he wasn’t a bad father. Siena was his everything.“It’s funny you all say that because he was the one trying to hold me back to protect my image while Iran around like some headless chicken.”

“And you had the right!” Beau raised his voice. “You had every right to react like that, and I’m glad youbeat her up. It serves her right. All you have to do is let me beat him u-”

“No, Beau-stop!” I told him. “Stop being like this. What’s wrong with all of you?”

“No, little sister, what’s wrong with you? And the worst thing is you’re going to pick up your stuff with hiscousin, a Lamberti. If you forgive Christian, you’re a joke!” Emilio lashes out while I stood there with anuncomfortable look on my face. Why couldn’t they just let me do my own thing?

“I told you we’re not getting back together. I’m done with him as a partner, but he’s still Siena’s father-what do all of you expect me to do? To take away his visitation rights and-”

“Yes.” Everyone spoke in unison. “The video is damaging, and the Lamberti’s will start rumors aboutyou. We can prevent that from happening and keep him in check by threatening him with Siena, or letme find you a good lawyer in case they try to do something.” Matteo spoke. All I heard from theirmouths were all these crazy theories. “Christian won’t allow that-he isn’t like that.”

“You’re not dealing with just Christian. You’re dealing with the Lamberti’s.” Emilio sighed. “Serena, wecare about you and Siena, and we’re trying to help you out here-we are not the enemies. Christianmade himself the enemy.”

“What about Lucio?” I asked as I looked at my father. “He stays out of it. I heard the Lamberti’s evenhid his phone, and he’s barely breathing-no matter what happens, I think the Lamberti’s and theAlfonzo’s

can all agree that it shouldn’t reach him. He stays out of it.” Matteo maile clear.

It was good to know he had a conscience when it came to his best friend, who was like his brother, but1 only wished for him to have the same with Christian.

My dad obeying my wishes despite not agreeing with me was a relief, but deep down, I knew it wasalso mainly because of Lucio. My biggest fear was for my dad and my brothers to put a bullet throughChristian’s head-the very second Lascio took his last breath.

Yes, I understood they knew the Lamberti’s before I was even in the picture and that they were awareof the dirty games they played, which was most likely why they wanted Siena to stay with me, but theydid. not know Christian the way I knew him.

I hated him, I still hated him-but Christian and I wanted the same thing. We both wished for Siena tohave a healthy life.

“Serena, there’s someone here to see you.” Lita appeared around the corner. “Who? I don’t havefriends. anymore.” I chuckled. Daniela and the other girls must be having a field day after figuring out Iwas not the perfect little princess. Dana was a Lamberti, and my other three best friends’ with theirbusy lives’ abandoned me and never took the time to visit Siena.

“You have one friend, and that friend has a black eye,” Dario spoke and showed himself. “Oh my god.” Igasped and ran towards him. “Who did this to you?”

“It was that crazy baby daddy of yours, and it was all because I told you the truth about his assistant.Can you believe it?” Dario spoke before he took a look at my family. “I don’t think we’ve officially metyet, Dario Orlando.” He introduced himself with a bright smile on his face.

“Emilio, get him some ice,” Matteo ordered. “Don’t bother. I can take a hit.” Dario shrugged him off, butEmilio followed Matteo’s orders.

“They told me to keep an eye out for you, but you were the one who saved my daughter from thatscum?” Matteo scoffed and led Dario to a seat. “You must’ve come here for your award, tell me what doyou want? Property, money-”

“No, none of that. I just came here to check on Serena. Christian is out of control. I was worried for hersafety.” Dario spoke before he looked at me. “Serena, how are you doing? Are you okay?”

“Christian wouldn’t hurt me.” I rolled my eyes and looked the other way. “Oh well.” Dario chuckled.

“What is it, tell me?” Matteo demanded. It was really sweet of Dario to check up on me, but I wasunsure about his intentions. I knew he hated Christian and the Lamberti’s and would to tarnish theirname.

“Christian words were, I swear to god I will kill you and every single one of those dirty Alfonzo’s, Sienais mine, and she’s a Lamberti!” Dario mimicked him.

“You’re lying.” I whispered as I stared straight ahead. Christian wouldn’t say that. He wouldn’t. Whywould


“I wish I was.” Dario sighed. “I came here to check up on you straight away. His words scared me-and Ifelt guilty.” He spoke. “I can send you the security footage if you want, but I’m pretty sure you know Idon’t have a reason to lie to you.”

The entire room went in complete silence before Matteo screamed and threw a plate from the table.-“Calm down!” Lita spoke, but Matteo wouldn’t listen.novelbin

“I knew it, I knew it, I knew it all along?” Matteo paced back and forth as I was still trying to process thenews. Siena is mine, and she’s a Lamberti What did those words even mont

“Serena, don’t cry” Dario comforted me and wiped away my tears. Tears I hadn’t even noticed because1 was too shocked by Christian’s statement. I had my family was right? What if they were reallyplanning to take my baby away from met

“Serena, you know we have to take this seriously. Over my dead body that I’ll let him take Siena, noteven for a single day.” Emilio clenched his fist.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I tried to close off all the voices telling me what to do, butthis time I didn’t need any help. “I don’t want him to be alone with Siena” I breathed as everyone keptquiet. It was a difficult decision, and I promised myself not to make it because Christian was a goodfather-but his words scared me. An Alfonzo carried Siena, so Siena was an Alfonzo,

“Finally Matteo sighed, relieved. “I think he shouldn’t see her at all-

“No, Siena has to see her dad-we’re not having this conversation again. I just don’t want her to bealone with him.” I told him. I felt suffocated, and the fear of Christian taking her away made me sick.Dario was right, he had no reason to lie, and even if he did, it was most likely caught on the securityfootage.

Had Christian always thought of me that way? A dirty Alfonzo? The Lamberti’s and the Alfonzo’s weresupposed to be close, right?

“I told you, Serena, I will be there with him and Siena. She can’t be left alone with a single Lamberti. Ican bring her over once a week-but one of us has to be there” Matteo decided. Yes, he wascommanding- but he was probably just as scared as I was, and after hearing Dario’s words, he hadevery right to be.

What was Christian even thinking?

“Are you sure he didn’t just say it because you provoked him?” I asked Dario. I wanted it to be a lie.This was not my Christian. This was not the Christian I defended.

“Is there a difference?” Dario asked. “If this is what it takes to provoke him, it’ll take a lot less to takeher away from you.”

“He’s right. Listen to his wise words” Matteo nodded his head. “It appears we have been playing for thewrong team all along. Christian took it too far and is only bold enough to make these kinds ofstatements because he knows Lucio can’t stop him!”

“But Siena.” I sighed, defeated. “I can talk to him, for one last time-and ask him what he meant by that.I don’t want things to go like this.” I spoke. I wanted us to work out a normal schedule for Siena, buthim. claiming my daughter was not an Alfonzo had definitely turned things around.

“I know Serena, but there’s no other way,” Emilio spoke. “You have to do whatever is best for you andSiena, unless you agree with him.”

He was right. Christian and I were never meant to be together, and if we were-he wouldn’t havecheated on me. I had to think about Siena. “Don’t say that, Siena is an Alfonzo, and I’ll deal withChristian, but you have to promise me something. I want to keep this between the families, whateverhappens-no court, no lawyers, none of that.”

“Deal.” My dad spoke. “But the Lamberti’s will not sit quiet-

“I know. You don’t have to remind me.” I interrupted him. “If there is no other way, we’ll do it your way-but until that time, we’ll do it my way.”

“And Dario?” I spoke and turned my head to look at him. “I appreciate everything you’ve done until now,but you need to keep me out of whatever personal thing you got going on with the Lamberti’s. Christian

is still Siena’s father, and as crazy as it sounds, I still care about him, and we don’t have the same goal-I’m not out to destroy him.” I let out my honest feelings.

It was better to do it now instead of leading him on. Christian’s actions and words disgusted me, butthat was between him and me.

“Serena, I’m not going to lie-the Lamberti’s makes my skin crawl, but please know that I’m genuinelylooking out for you.” Dario smiled. I could feel the sincerity through his eyes, and showing him aroundthe city was one thing, but as far as romantic feelings, I knew I had to forget about this little crush I had.I had to focus on Siena.

“I don’t want to push you, but you should think about my offer-when Christian decides to fight back.every little achievement will give you a head start.” Dario encouraged me.

When Christian decides to fight back……

That sentence made it seem as if we were at war, but that was not the case. He just had to understandthat Siena was ours and not only his. He could not take her away from me, not in a million years.

“I’m still open for the charity thing-I’ve thought about it, and now that I have to depend on myself, 1want to do it let’s work together,” I told him as everyone gave us a confused look.

“You don’t have to get your hands dirty. You have enough money to buy the world. You’re an Alfonzo.”Lita spoke as everyone, but Beau nodded their heads.

“Money means much more when you actually work for it.” Beau stood behind me. “And Serena needs.some distraction. I think it’s a great idea.”

“I sec.” Matteo nodded his head. “I don’t know what your intentions are with my daughter, and I don’tcare about your little beef with the Lamberti’s-I’m grateful for your help, but if you hurt her, I’ll kill you…I

can only take that much.” He spoke as he looked straight into Dario’s eyes.

“I got it.” Dario gulped.

Having support was really nice, but at the moment, I could only think about one thing.

Siena was an Alfonzo, and she would be staying with me.

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