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Chapter 114

Chapter 114

It was evening, and we were all sitting around the table. Emilio, Marcello, and Maddie had stopped byfor dinner, which allowed me to announce the news. Luis stayed with his elder brother so he could bewith Vince, which meant I did not have to watch my words. All I had to do was tell them the news.

Everyone was too busy with Milo and Siena that they hadn’t even realized that I wasn’t in the mood.Other than Carmen, no one had noticed-not even Beau.

“I have something to tell you guys!” I spoke loud enough, so I did not have to repeat myself. Everyonestopped talking and turned their heads towards me. There was probably more than enough footage ofme beating up Gina, which was yet to be released, and I wanted them to hear it from my mouth.

“Christian and I are not getting back together,” I announced. It was so quiet around the table. You couldhear a pin drop. As expected, this was everyone’s reaction. “What do you mean? You still had your ringin the hospital-please explain, I’m lost.” Beau chuckled.

“What do I have to explain?” I spoke, annoyed, and stabbed my fork into my steak. “Christian and I arenot getting back together.”

“Sweetheart, I told you arguments are not forever-whatever happened between the two of you is notforever.” Lita comforted me, but what no one knew was that there was another bomb left to drop.

“Christian cheated on me while I was pregnant. He cheated on me with his assistant-we’re not gettingback together. I explained as I tried to remain calm. “What?” Matteo spoke. I was too afraid to meet mydad’s or my brothers’ eyes, and I did not want them to do anything stupid.

“I will kill him,” Emilio spoke and smacked his fists on the table-but before he could get up. Lita sat himback down again. “You won’t kill him. None of you will do anything. You won’t kill him. You won’t touch.

him-he’s not worth it.” I told them as I looked across the table and tried to read everyone’s expression.

Matteo and my brothers seemed like they could pick up a knife and run to his house any second, whileCarmen, Lita, and Maddie seemed confused. “How can you ask us not to kill him?” Beau spokethrough gritted teeth while Carmen held his hand. “Relax.” She told him.

“That’s why you came here. I’m so stupid.” Matteo sighed.

“I’m asking all of you to remain calm-because I beat up his assistant in broad daylight, and I’m prettysure people filmed it,” I spoke, embarrassed. “I don’t need any more shit on top of that, whateverhappened-leave it.”

“Do you know who filmed it? Maybe we can stop it from spreading?” Luke suggested. I smiled at himand. shook my

head. “Don’t bother. The entire neighborhood was there to watch the show. I don’t know what cameover me-but I just got so angry…”

“It’s okay. You’re not the issue here.” Luke spoke. I looked down at Matteo’s clenched fists andwondered. whatever he would’ve done if I wouldn’t have told him to let it rest. “I know things are verydifficult for Lucio, but if he knew about this-I won’t let it rest.”

“He didn’t, so please.” I lied to Matteo. Christian made it clear that he did know about the cheating butdid not know about Gina. Whatever happened between us, I did not want it to hurt Lucio. “I see.”Matteo sighed.

“I really want to kill him!” Marcello growled while Maddie tried to calm him down. “Me too, but that’s notwhat I’m asking from you-what I need at the moment is support.”

“I can’t believe I defended him yesterday while he ran off with his assistant-that’s so messed up, menscare me.” Carmen spoke. They were indeed scary. I was not going to lie.

“This video you’re talking about. Is it more damaging to him or us?” Matteo asked. All they cared aboutwas themselves. “I don’t know. I don’t even know if it’ll be out. I was just giving you a heads up.” Isighed.

Matteo nodded his head and grabbed his phone from the table. “Dad, what are you doing?” Emilioasked as Matteo typed away on his phone. “I’m telling Lucio about what Christian did to my little girl,”Matteo spoke. “No one hurts Serena and gets away with it, not even a Lamberti.”

His words were as expected and scared me. This was what I was trying to avoid and the biggestreason why I wanted this to remain between the two of us-but Christian left me no choice. “Dad,everyone, this is between Christian and me-not between the Lamberti’s and the Alfonzo’s,” I explainedagain. “All I’m asking for is support and suggestions so we can work this out for Siena. He’s still herdad.”

“It’s the assistant for me. Please tell me you gave her a really good beating?” Maddie spoke for the firsttime. Maddie being here meant that everyone would know by tomorrow, with or without the video-but Ididn’t care. The urge to protect Christian had vanished, and I did not care about his image. Everyonehad to know the truth.

“I think I did a pretty good job at rearranging her face-and she probably has a few bald spots.” I sighedas my mind went to Gina. I did not regret hitting her, but I did regret the way I handled things. Going toher house and screaming the entire neighborhood together? That was not me.

“I don’t want to see him, and neither do you-but I have to work something out for Siena. So suggestionswould be nice.”

“He doesn’t deserve to see her,” Beau spoke. The way he handled the situation and remained calmerthan expected had surprised me. Beau was known to be aggressive and unpredictable, but it seemedlike even he had changed for the better.

“Yes, you should teach him a lesson!” Luke agreed. I understood where they were coming from, buteven after all of that, I still didn’t have it in me.

“I grew up without parents. Siena is not growing up without parents.” I made clear. “The issue is notwith his parenting skills. The issue is between us.”

“Yes, besides that–if you won’t let him see Siena, Christian will drag you to court. It’s his only daughter.”Maddie nodded her head. Gossiping was her forte, and for once, she was saying something useful.

“I don’t think he’ll go that far.” Lita tried to convince herself, but even I knew better. “I think he’s willing togo extremely far when it comes to Siena, and I don’t want to find out-so I need a solution.”

Christian taking her away from me had not been a worry until Maddie mentioned it. After seeing myoutburst, he was one second away from calling me a bad mother and asked me if I had also done thesame in front of Siena. “I have a suggestion.” Matteo spoke. “As you know, I visit Lucio every day, anddespite the circumstances, I will still visit him. I have no problem helping out.”

“Thanks, Dad, I appreciate that.” I smiled at him. Even though it was going to be hard, I did not want tosee Christian. “Then we have this other thing. I have to get my stuff-”

“I’ll do it!” Everyone immediately volunteered. They were a little too enthusiastic about probably gettingsome alone time with Christian, which worried me. “You know what, I’ll take care of that myself.”

I was sure Johnny, Marc, or even Luca would have no issue helping me out. “Lita, are you okay?” Iasked my mom. She had been quiet this entire time and seemed pale. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered.“I’m so

sorry you have to go through this.”

“I know, me too-but there’s nothing we can do about it.” I smiled through my hidden tears. Being sadwouldn’t do any good, and it wasn’t the Serena show-the real star was Siena, and I was still willing todo everything for her. Even if that meant working out a schedule with her good for nothing, cheating,father.

“I’m really proud of you, Serena,” Matteo spoke and held my hand. I looked at Siena, who was smilingand had no idea what was going on. I was willing to forgive Christian so we could be a happy family,and I wanted to give Siena a life every child deserved, but what was the meaning of a happy life ifChristian and I were miserable together?

“Excuse me. I have to make a phone call-to get my stuff.” I excused myself and made my way upstairs.“You go and handle your things. I’ll take care of Siena.” Lita spoke.

It was a good thing she did because after I closed the door, my tears had finally spilled. I did not knowfor how long I cried, but there was no end to the tears.

There was always this little part of me waiting for Christian’s call, so I could be stupid enough to forgivehim again-but he never did. I purposely did not block him, so he could call me and tell me how much heloved Siena and how much he loved me, but he never did.

After I managed to calm myself down, I called Luca. He always had something against Christian andwould probably be more helpful than Johnny or Marc. When it came to forgiving Christian, I was fragile,and if I was going to get my stuff, I needed someone to put me straight. Luca would

“Serena, are you okay?” Luca asked in a unusual tone. It was pretty clear also he had learned of whathappened. “I’m fine.”

“Marc told me about what happened, and I wanted to call you, but Christian told us to give you space. Iwant to kill him. I should just kill him, right?” Luca spoke as I laughed at his serious tone.

“I don’t really want to talk about it.” I told him. “I need someone to help me with my stuff, and it’s notthat smart to ask my brother-

“I’ll do it. I’ll help you. We can go tomorrow if you want to!” Luca interrupted me. “I’ll always help you,and you’ll always be my cousin, whatever you need-just tell me, and I’ll do it!”

“Thanks.” I smiled. I knew I could count on Luca. We started on the wrong foot, but I quickly learned itwas just his playful personality. “I don’t want to go tomorrow. I need some time.” I sighed.novelbin

“Two days?” Luca suggested. “Perfect works for me.” I spoke, relieved. My only goal was to grab mystuff and to give back everything Christian ever gave me. “I just want to get my stuff, and after that, Idon’t want to see him ever again.”

“I understand. I’m with you on that one.” Luca chuckled. “His assistant isn’t even as hot as you-who intheir right mind would ever cheat on you?” Luca questioned. “I know, right.” I went along with it. OnceLuca began talking, there was no stopping him. “You’re smart, sexy, can do the splits-can dance on apole-wait, now that you and Chris are not together, I can say that, right?”

“Yes, it’s what I need to hear.”I laughed as I sat down on my bed. “Keep going. Please tell me what Ihave that Gina doesn’t have!”

“Okay, where was I?” Luca asked. “You were at the pole!”

“Right!” He spoke. “You can dance on a pole. You love these nerdy conventions just like Marc does, butunlike Marc, you’re sexy-you have all these clumsy charms which most men love, you’re goofy, funny-cute, but most of all…you

have a kind heart.” Luca ended his rant. “Christian doesn’t deserve you. He didn’t deserve you in thefirst place. A little word of advice, live your life and find your own happiness.”

He was right. Christian didn’t deserve me. I knew he changed, but that still didn’t change the fact thathe cheated on me while we were in a relationship. He told me he loved me and he still cheated.

“How is Siena doing?” Luca asked. “She’s a baby. I don’t think she understands this kind of stuff.” Ichuckled and played it off, but the truth was she did know. I quickly came to learn that babies were notstupid, and Siena could probably sense something was wrong.

“Anyway, I appreciate your help-but I’m tired so-”

“Yes, I’m also tired. Tired of my idiot cousin and tired of being a Lamberti.” Luca spoke. “Please rest,and if you need someone to talk to, you can call me anytime, goodnight Serena!”

“Goodnight, Luca.”

After the phone call ended, I felt extremely empty again and was close to having another breakdown.Siena’s presence was the only thing that cheered me up, to the point I even dragged her crib to myroom so I could play with her.

She seemed a lot happier and didn’t cry, probably due to seeing Christian. Yes, I hated him—but I didnot want Siena to ever lose that smile.

Siena needed both of her parents, and I was going to give her that. I made a promise to myself, and Iwas determined to keep it.

Siena would not suffer because of her dad’s mistakes and Siena would not suffer because of mypettiness.

The only thing I had to do was keep it.

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