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Chapter 113

Chapter 113

After going back to my parents’ place, I gathered a lot of courage to unlock my phone, but somehow Imanaged to do it. Lita had told me that Christian reached out to me, and the poor woman seemed sohappy, without knowing the real reason.

I wasn’t stupid and knew he was probably calling because he knew Dario had information that wasnever meant to reach my ears. As expected, Christian had blown up my phone even more, and Iwasted no time to call him back.

I locked my room and leaned against the door as I was quietly waiting for him to answer. “Serena!”Christian called out. “Where are you?”

“Home,” I replied dryly. “We both know why you’re calling, and you know why I’m calling, so let’s cutthis crap,”I spoke as I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the painful question. “Christian, Ineed to ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me. I’m not going to yell or say anythingcrazy-I’m giving you the chance to come clean. Your last chance.”

“This is pointless, and you’ll only end up hurting yourself,” Christian stopped me, but I was tired of hisexcuses and didn’t want to hear any of them. “I need you to tell me the truth, please don’t lie to me-all Iwant is the truth.”

“What truth?” Christian asked. “You ask me to stop hurting you, but in the end, the truth will only hurtyou. You’re right. We both know why we called each other-so don’t make me say it out loud.”

“The truth? So there really is more to the story? There really is truth?” I scoffed. “Serena, listen.”Christian sighed. “You’re right, I know you called me to ask about Gina.”

I was so disgusted that I had to hold the wall to support myself. It wasn’t a lie. Everything Dario told mewas


“So while I was pregnant and locked up in that house, worrying for my life, Siena’s life! You werescrewing Gina in our house? Our bed?” I asked in a calm tone. This could not be real. I had to bedreaming.

“Serena, please listen-it was a one-time thing-I didn’t know my dad hired her to be my assistant, and itcame as a surprise. I was going to fire her, but my dad loves her, and I didn’t want him to feel guilty-

“There’s nothing we can do about it. I just don’t know why you lied to me again.” I cut him off andclosed my eyes. to control my anger. I was tired of being angry, and I was tired of being sad. Tmcapable of doing a lot of things, but I’m not going to beg a man to stay with me—a cheater on top ofthat. So you go and do whatever feels right to you.”

Christian was one mess I had already dealt with, but my real issue was Gina. The same person whosmiled in my face and put on this good girl act, despite knowing the possible consequences of heractions.

“What?” Christian yelled. “Why are you yelling? I’m not going to argue with you-I don’t need anexplanation. I asked you for the truth, and you gave me the truth-that’s all I needed to know.”

“Serena, Lknow you gave me the chance to come clean-and I didn’t take it. I’m sorry, I love you, and Ijust didn’t want to see you hurt.” Christian said. He used that speech so many times it almost seemedas if he was reading it from a paper.

“Where is she now? Is she at home?” I asked. Christian was the least of my worries, and my thoughtsonly went to Gina. How could she?

“Yes, I promise you she is only here for the time being, just to reassure my dad because I didn’t wanthim to worry-but

“And what? Be the cause of your dad’s final days and have your entire family blame me?” I scoffedbefore I was met with complete silence. “That’s what I thought.”

“Christian, look-there’s a lot I have to think about, and there’s still a lot more I have to say. But I don’thave the energy to yell at you, so you go and be with your assistant if that’s what you desire.” I toldhim. His words didn’t even get through to me. All I could think about was Gina.

“I told you I don’t care about her. Serena, are you okay?” Christian asked. He was probably asconfused by my calm tone as I was, but getting through to Christian seemed impossible at times-so Iwasn’t even going to try it. I had enough. “Listen, don’t do anything stupid. I’ll come over so we can talkabout this—”

“Thanks, but I’ll have to pass-I really don’t want to see you right now, and I really hope you know Sienaand I are definitely not coming home next week,” I spoke. My head was like a garbage dump, and I hada lot of emotions.

at the moment.

There was still a lot to unpack. I didn’t know how to react, and I did not know what to do-I only knewone thing, I had to visit Gina. “Christian, I’m not in the mood to talk, and I’m not in the mood to thinkabout what I want to do with you. All I want is to choke Gina.”

“What do you mean, choke? Serena, don’t do anything stupid-”

“Me?” I chuckled. “You’re telling me not to do anything stupid?”

“Serena, just take a deep breath and sit down-I’ll come over so we can talk about this. You’re confused,hurt and you don’t know what you’re saying.” Christian tried to calm me down, but it was too late forthat. “Don’t ask me to calm down!” I yelled at him before I hung up the phone.

There was only one thing going through my mind, and that was Gina if I could only get my hands onher.

I grabbed my bag and stormed to the kitchen to look for my mom. “Hey, are you okay?” Lita asked as Iput on a fake smile on my face and nodded my head. “Yes, can you watch Siena for me-there’ssomething important I have to take care of.”

“Sure, no problem.” Lita shrugged. I felt terrible for leaving my daughter behind, just so I could confront.someone but I wouldn’t be able to close an eye before I dealt with Gina. “Good luck!” Lita called out asI left the house.

I got into the car and drove to Gina’s place while knowing it wasn’t that safe to go in my state. I feltconfused, angry, betrayed-1 felt like a joke. There was no explanation as to why I deserved this or whyChristian and Gina had to put not only me but also Siena, through this.novelbin

I barely parked the car and stomped towards the door before I knocked on it several times, but therewas no answer. My finger moved to the intercom, and it wasn’t long until I heard Gina’s voice. “Yes?”

“Come outside. We have to talk!” I spoke. “Serena? Why, what’s wrong? Did Christian do something?”Gina had the nerve to ask while I couldn’t control my laughter.

“Did Christian do something? Christian? Listen, come outside, or I’ll drag you outside-come outside!”yelled and pushed the intercom button several times in a row. “Serena, I think you have to calm down.”Gina sighed while the sound of her voice made me even angrier. “I swear to god, come outside or I’llcome inside and deal with you myself-you fucking homewrecker!”

Hooked back as a car pulled up on the driveway and removed my finger from the button. “I’m sorry, areyou Gina’s husband?” I asked and made my way towards the man who stepped out of the vehicle.

“Yes, can I help you?” He smiled and stuck out his hand. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Do you knowwho I am?”

“No? Should I?” The man squinted his eyes. “Wait, you’re Christian’s fiancée-Serena, isn’t it?”

“Ex fiancée, and as his ex-fiancée, I want to know that your wife is a slut, a deceiving whore, a cheater,and a homewrecker.”

“W-what?” The guy stuttered as Gina ran outside. “Gina, so do you tell him, or do I tell him? Hedeserves to know the truth. I want everyone to know the truth about you.” I laughed as I looked backand forth between the two. Yes, I was crazy and out of control-but I did not care.

“Serena, please.” Gina pleaded. “Gina, what is the meaning of this?” Her husband asked. “Yes, Gina-tell us the meaning of this. Go on.”

I crossed my arms and looked at Gina as I gave her the chance to explain herself, but she didn’t take it.“You can’t do it? That’s okay. I’ll do it for you!” I spoke and turned to her confused-looking husband.“Come on, Gina, tell him how you slept with Christian while I was pregnant.”

“What! Gina, is this true?” He asked as he dropped his folder bag and took a step back. “Again? Gina,please tell me this isn’t true.”


“Does it even matter? We’ve discussed this, and you know what I did-just shut up.” Gina spoke, andlike that, the perfect girl act had vanished entirely. “I didn’t know you cheated on me with your he had a

pregnant fiancée-that’s new to me.” He spoke defeated. “Yes, this was also new to me. and patted hisback. “We’re in the same boat, welcome.”

“This is as far as I go-I want you out.” Her husband spoke. “You never learn. If you want to be ahomewrecker and a slut you can do that somewhere else. By the time I get back, you better be outyelled and made his way back in his car before he drove off. Gina’s eyes shot daggers at me as she wcloser. “Just so you know, I didn’t know he had a pregnant fiancée. I’m not the issue here-if you wan bemad at someone, be mad at Christian!”

“You smiled in my face and pretended to be my friend, you’re also part of the issue, and your husbandis right. Cheating might be something normal in this household-but I won’t give you a pass for beingslut.” I said the last sentence word for word.

“Me a slut? I didn’t know he had a fiancée, and you don’t have the right to call me a slut. You’re the onewho danced on a pole for money, but I’m the slut?” Gina sighed. “Listen, little girl. I have a lot of thingsto fix-just go home and sleep about it. You come here without knowing the facts, and you’re acting likea high-schooler.”

“W-what?” I stuttered in disbelief.

“Serena, I’m sorry, but Christian cheated on you for a reason. He didn’t feel bad about it at all, a matterof fact-we had a great time together, and he didn’t even think about you. I’m not the issue he—”

Before Gina could finish her sentence, I gave her a well-deserved smack against her cheek while shelooked at me in surprise. “A high schooler? How about you put yourself in my shoes!”

“You’re still making up excuses. Do you want Christian? Take him-I don’t care for that cheater, butyou’re not going to talk to me like this. I promise you, I will ruin you and you’ll never find another jobagain. I – said what I had to say, and you obviously have a lot to pack, so excuse me.” I told her andturned around to

leave, but before I could take another step, her hand was wrapped around my ponytail as she pulledme


“Gina, I will give you one second to let go of me-trust me, you don’t want to do this,” I spoke as shetightened her grip around my hair. “You bitch!” She yelled out.

I freed myself from her grip and pushed her down before my fist connected with her jaw. It wassupposed to be one punch to show her not to mess with me, but my anger took over, and I couldn’tcontrol myself. “Serena, stop it!” I heard Christian’s voice as he pulled up into the driveway.

He ran towards me and tried to pull me away, while I had no intentions to let Gina go and wrapped myhand around her hair. “Don’t touch me. How can you even touch me after you’ve touched her!” Ishouted.

“Serena, let go!” Christian spoke while Gina yelled out in pain. “Just let Gina go bold. Who cares.” Iheard Marc behind him before he pulled me away in one go. “Let go of me!” I yelled at Marc while hesighed. and ignored my cries.

“Can you take care of her?” Christian asked him and stared at Gina, who seemed to be in a bad state.A well-deserved state if you’d ask me.

“Christian, are you serious!” I cried out. “I’m right here, and you still don’t care about me-are youserious!”

Marc’s held me by my wrist and didn’t let go of me until Christian took him over. I yelled at him to let goof me, but all he could look at was Gina. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” Marc spoke as he helpedher up and brought her inside.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you crazy?” Christian yelled and grabbed me by the shoulders. “Youalmost beat her unconscious. Are you sick? What’s wrong with you?

“W-wrong with me?” I sobbed. “I didn’t even touch her, she started it, and you’re asking what’s wrongwith me?”

“Serena, calm down. You can’t react like this. You’re better than this.” Christian spoke and grabbed myhand. “Why do I always have to be the better person? Why do I always have to calm down? I’ve beencalm. for months. I’m done being calm!”

“I know, I know-you’ve been holding back a lot, but you can’t react like this. If you want to hit someone,hit me, punch me-but don’t put yourself in danger because of something I did-‘

“Just to be clear, I didn’t hit her because of you.” I laughed at him. “I couldn’t care less about you. Allyou do is lie. I hit her because I’m allowed to. I hit her because I politely asked her to let go of me, andshe didn’t but you don’t care. All you care about is yourself.”

“That’s not true. You know that.” Christian sighed. “All I’m asking you to do is to calm down. Don’t yousee everyone looking at us as if we’re crazy?” Christian whispered and looked around him.

I followed his eyes and noticed the neighbors who had left their houses to see what was going on.“Who cares about them? I’m right in front of you, and you don’t even care about me. Wake up!” I yelledwhile Christian put his hand in front of my mouth to shut me up. I did the first thing which came up inme and bit him.

“What the fuck?” Christian commented as he removed his hand. “Is this how you behave when Siena is


“Isn’t it funny how much you claim to care for Siena while you weren’t even here at the beginning of mypregnancy-and cheated on me the other half of it?”

“Serena, calm down. You’re not yourself right now. Let’s discuss this somewhere else.” Christianwhispered, but I had enough. Several neighbors had their phones in their hands to record everything,but I did not care. This was my limit. “Don’t you see this is all Dario’s doing? He’s trying to ruin me bybreaking us apart-

“You, you, you-it’s always about you. How can one be this selfish?” I chuckled. “Dario didn’t tell you tocheat on me with your assistant, did he?”

“I was willing to forgive you-1 took back the ring because I was willing to forgive you,” I spoke as Ipulled the ring from my finger with only one thought going through my head. I hate him.

“Even after hearing it was Gina, I was willing to forgive you–because I thought about your dad and howhe handpicked her, and I truly believed you felt sorry-but you don’t love me. You love your reputation.and you love the idea of a family. You love having Siena near you, but you don’t love me.” I told him.

If he truly loved me, he wouldn’t have defended or protected Gina.

I looked at Christian and wished for him to deny my accusations, but he didn’t. He stared at me with thesame guilty look, showing me I was not wrong. “I do love you. You know that.” He sighed. “Justbecause I’m asking you not to behave like a crazy person does not mean I do not love you.”

Crazy person?

“Don’t call me, don’t text me-don’t even try to apologize. We’re done!” I told him and threw the ringonto. the road. As long as he couldn’t get to the ring, there was no second chance for me to give. “Youdon’t mean that,” Christian spoke and grabbed my wrist, but I quickly shrugged him off.

“This time, I mean it.”

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