His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 472
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Chapter 472

The Charming Ex–Wife

Chapter 472 A Scheme


Lysander asked, “Did the person who switched places with you mention why they did it?”

The middle–aged man chuckled as he reminisced, “That young man didn’t really provide a reason. Hejust straight up asked if I was willing to switch seats with him for a while. I noticed his boarding passwas for first class. He assured me it was fine, so I went ahead and swapped with him.”

Josiah was indeed lucky, for he had encountered one who didn’t pry too deeply for this change ofseats.

Lysander seemed lost in thought as she quietly remained seated even after the plane had landed.Unlike the other passengers who were quick to stand up the moment the cabin door opened, shechose to wait until almost everyone had disembarked before leisurely following behind.

As she spoke, she couldn’t help but glance around, truly not wanting to run into Josiah again. Althoughit was inevitable to meet him at the summit, she preferred to delay such encounters as much aspossible.

Just then, a flight attendant happened to walk by.

Lysander asked, “Could you tell me, has everyone from the first class cabin disembarked yet?”

The flight attendant was puzzled, but she dutifully addressed the passenger’s query. “The first classpassengers have already left on the shuttle bus.”

“Thank you.” Lysander visibly sighed in relief, for the first time ever, feeling grateful for the disparity inservices on both sides.

The passengers in economy class did not receive any particular service and had to collect theirchecked luggage from the carousel themselves.

Lysander intentionally lingered for quite a while before she finally left the terminal to hail a taxi.

Then, at the moment she turned around with her suitcase, she saw her old adversary again.

Josiah stood tall and elegant next to a business vehicle, with one hand casually tucked in his pocket.His brows were slightly furrowed, though it was unclear whether he was growing impatient from waitingor was simply in a bad mood.

Tiffany was the first to spot her. She greeted Lysander with a surprised delight. “Lysa, what acoincidence! Did you also take this flight? I didn’t even notice you on the plane.”

Lysander had no choice but to brace herself and walk over. “I’m in economy class.”

“Why did you go to economy class alone? You should have joined us. Jose, why didn’t you ask? If weknew earlier that Lysa was coming with us, we should have booked seats together. It was so boring onthe plane. We could have chatted.”

Josiah glanced at her. “Hmm, you should have asked next time.

Tiffany was still elated. “But it’s quite a coincidence. Out of the numerous daily flights to Apex City, weended up on the same one!”

Josiah casually remarked, “It’s only normal. We’re all attending the saine summit after all


Chapter 472 A Scheme

I study classical literature and arts, so I don’t understand any of this. What’s the point of me beinghere? But now that you’re here, Lysa, I finally have some company!”

Lysander hesitated, then simply responded with a noncommittal “Hmm.”

Tiffany had always harbored a fondness for her and said in a concerned tone, “Why are you stillwearing a mask? Your voice doesn’t sound quite right either. Are you feeling unwell somewhere?”

Lysander found an opportunity to distance herself and exaggeratedly said, “I’ve caught the flu. You allshould stay away from me. It wouldn’t be good if you caught it too.”

Josiah shot her a wordless glance.

Upon hearing Lysander’s words, Tiffany surprisingly didn’t flinch, but continued to hold her, saying,“Lysa, you need to rest well. I heard the summit schedule is packed. What if it worsens your condition?I’ve already booked a hotel with Josiah, so let’s stay there together.”

Lysander quickly assured, “No need. Doesn’t the summit host provide accommodations? I’ll just take acab to the address listed on the invitation.”

At the very least, there was no need to spend money.

Finding a hotel was a different story altogether, and any hotel that could accommodate Josiah wasbound to be expensive.


She was quite broke at that time.

Just as Lysander was about to bid them farewell and take her leave, she heard Tiffany speak up again.“But the hotel arranged by the host is quite far from the venue. The one Jose booked is much closer.Let’s stick together,” she suggested.

“No, I’ve already called a taxi.”

Before she could even finish her sentence, Josiah silently picked up Lysander’s luggage and placed itin the trunk of the car. Then, without missing a beat, he said, “Get in the car. We can’t afford to wastetime.”

Upon seeing that Josiah had already carried Lysander’s luggage, Tiffany flashed him a sweet smile.Clinging onto Lysander’s hand, she refused to let go and playfully said, “Lysa, let’s get going. We can’tpark here for too long.”

The traffic at Apex City’s airport was heavy, with cars already stacking up impatiently behind, honkingtheir horns incessantly.

Tiffany urged, “Hurry up, Lysa. We should get going. We don’t want to hold up the people behind us,”

“All right, then.” Having no other choice, Lysander reluctantly joined her in the back seat.

Josiah was seated in the passenger seat, casting a seemingly nonchalant glance at them. He theninstructed the driver, “Let’s go.”

The car drove toward the hotel. Tiffany was the only one chattering away, as cheerful as a songbird,about matters related to the summit. Lysander would occasionally chime in with a few words, whileJonah remained silent throughout the journey.

They arrived at the place quite quickly.

09:13 Thu, 6 Jun

NOO! fund


Chapter 472 A Scheme

As Lysander stepped out of the car, she casually asked Tiffany, “Did you used to visit Apex City often?”

“I’ve only been here a few times,” said Tiffany. She was lively by nature, but somewhat shy, and wouldnever venture out alone for fun. A faint blush spread across her face as she quietly confided, “Jose isthe one who chose the hotel. He’s got a lot of experience with business trips.”

Well, there’s no need to ask anything more.

Unfazed, Josiah pulled his car to a stop facing west. He then got out and unloaded the luggagebelonging to the three of them. Taking the lead, he strode into the hotel’s grand entrance, leaving theluggage to be handled by the dedicated hotel staff.novelbin

“Let’s go in, Lysa,” Tiffany suggested.


The hotel that Josiah had booked was superior in both standards and comfort compared to what thesummit host had provided. Naturally, it was highly sought after. The front desk staff, upon noticing anextra person than what was initially mentioned in their reservation, couldn’t help but feel a bitperplexed.

“Here’s the situation, Mr. Guerra, apart from the two rooms you’ve booked, we don’t have any extrarooms available. Would you like to reconsider your arrangements?”

The receptionist held the room key in her hand, somewhat unsure of how to distribute it.

This uncommon trio of two women and one man was indeed a rare sight.

Lysander, however, didn’t believe that Josiah had the foresight to anticipate even this. She quicklybegan searching for other nearby hotels on her phone.

At this point, Tiffany had already made up her mind. She took the initiative to approach Josiah. “Jose,how about we share a room? Lysa isn’t feeling well, so wouldn’t it be better to let her have a room toherself to rest?”

It was indeed embarrassing for her to initiate such a conversation, and as she continued, her voicegradually became softer.

Josiah cast a glance at Lysander.

Lysander also glanced back.

Your girlfriend invited you to move in together, so why are you looking at me?

“I should look for another hotel,” Lysander said.

“No need,” said Josiah. “Let’s just do as Tiffany suggested.”

Lysander looked at Josiah with a hint of doubt, noticing that he had already completed the paperworkand was heading toward the elevator

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