His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 439
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Chapter 439

Chapter 439 Good Times Are Coming

Lysanne scoffed. “She’s just a spoiled little girl, eight years younger than Josiah. Without the Lanisterfamily backing her up, do you really think they’d have anything in common?”


“Go ahead and play your games. I’ve been busy lately. I don’t have time to engage in your schemes.Whether you’re planning to sue or you’ve got other tricks up your sleeve, I’m ready for it.” Lysanderwould never accept the terms proposed by such a hypocritical person.

Today, Lysanne could cozy up to Lysander just to drive Tiffany away. Tomorrow, she could eliminate herwithout hesitation for her own gains.

Lysander simply wanted to observe from the sidelines with a detached indifference.

Lysanne saw her unwavering determination and played her trump card in a seemingly submissivemanner. “Rest assured. My circumstances are different from before. As long as I can get Tiffany toleave Josiah, I won’t vie with you for the title of Mrs. Guerra.”

This was the funniest thing she had said all night.

Lysander couldn’t help but laugh, although it was more out of frustration than amusement. She retortedwithout hesitation, “Have you been binge–watching too many palace dramas lately, planning to applytheir tactics to real life? Instead of wasting time on such thoughts, why don’t you spare some time toget your brain checked? Given our unfortunate connection, I’d be more than happy to recommend agood neurologist for you.”

Then, she paid no further attention to Lysanne, whose face had turned pale with anger. With a calmand composed demeanor, she bypassed the trees and headed back toward the lounge along the path

she had come from.

The corridor up ahead was situated next to the pond. Given that Lysanne had pursued all the way tothe restroom, it was likely that Tiffany was done taking photos and had returned.

As for Josiah, he was probably in the private dining room, accompanying her for dinner.

As Lysander pondered, he ended up encountering them in the corridor, just one turn away from theentrance of the hall. There was only one path here; circumventing them was out of the question.

Things really didn’t go as planned.

Lysander halted, attempting to blend into the night, but Josiah had already spotted her.

Josiah was already standing in a well–lit area, towering over Tiffany by more than a head’s length. Atthat moment, he easily glanced over her head, catching sight of Lysander, who was trying to avoid him.His gaze involuntarily turned cold.

Tiffany was oblivious to all this. She stood with her back to Lysander, acting coy toward Josiah. “Jose,could you

hold my bag for me? I need to go to the restroom to touch up my makeup. I accidentally smudged myfoundation while taking pictures earlier. I’ll be right back.”

Josiah certainly acted the part of the big brother in front of her, expressing helplessly, “All right. I’ll waitfor you at the door.”

“I knew you were the best!” Tiffany exclaimed, pulling out a compact makeup bag from her purse. She

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Chapter 439 Good Times Are Coming

playful expression on her face. “Oh, Lysa, are you here for a meal too?”

“Yes,” Lysander replied flatly.


Tiffany exuded an air of carefree joy, typical of girls her age. With enthusiasm, she asked, “Whichprivate room are you in? How about we join together?”

Perhaps only someone like her, who was utterly ignorant of Lysander and Josiah’s past, would makesuch a


Lysander felt compelled to reply. “No thanks. I’m with a friend.”

Tiffany did not doubt this as she expressed her regret. “That’s truly a pity. I was hoping to have a goodchat with you. How about we go shopping together next time when you’re free? I know a greatboutique. Their hair accessories are particularly good for photos.”

Lysander wasn’t in the mood, nor did she want to get involved with anyone from Josiah’s circle again.So, she simply brushed it off with a nonchalant, “Maybe next time.”

Under normal circumstances, this was merely a polite platitude.

Believing it to be true. Tiffany cheerfully went off to touch up her makeup.

Lysander steeled herself and walked a distance away from the direction of the restroom. Standing afew steps away from Josiah, she asked, “Are you serious about Ms. Lanister?”

The bag that Josiah held in his hand had a warm hue. Adorned with adorable trinkets, it gave the sameimpression as Tiffany’s.

A girl as innocent and charming as her, who held no defenses against anyone, should not havebecome a pawn in the disputes of others.

With a displeased expression, Josiah retorted, “How is this any of your business?”

After hearing Lysanne’s nonsensical talk, Lysander grew more patient with him. “Even I can see whatyou haven’t noticed yet. Ms. Lanister is the cherished jewel of the Lanister family. She was pamperedby her family since childhood. She simply doesn’t have that many schemes. She’s like a shelteredchild.”

Josiah tacitly agreed with her words.

Lysander placed more emphasis on her next words. “If you’re truly planning to be with her, then limityour interactions with Lysanne. I won’t say anything more than necessary.”

Even if she revealed Lysanne’s plans, he might not believe her. She couldn’t be bothered to go throughthe trouble.

Josiah listened with furrowed brows. “On what grounds are you saying all this to me? Who I choose tobe with is my personal affair. Currently, neither of the women has any objections, so what gives you theright

to interfere?”novelbin

Subconsciously, he was anticipating an answer.

However, Lysander didn’t grant his wish. She sighed lightly and said, “I didn’t intend to interfere withyour business, I just don’t want to see innocent people get hurt. Since they don’t mind and you don’tcare, just consider me as meddling in affairs that aren’t my busness.”


23:01 Mon, 3 Jun 0

Chapter 439 Good Times Are Coming

She had said all that needed to be said, so the rest was left to fate.

Lysander quickly headed toward the direction of the hall’s entrance. She brushed past Josiah, swiftlymoving several steps away from him.


Instinctively, Josiah lifted his hand, finally turning to ask, “Lysander, if I were to marry Tiffany, would youattend the wedding?

This development was indeed unfolding a bit too quickly.

Out of courtesy, Lysander turned around and asked, “Have you guys set a date yet?”

Josiah saw an appropriate level of surprise on her face. Beyond that, there was no trace ofunnecessary emotion. His heart immediately sank, and he hoarsely said, “It should be happeningsoon.”

Just as Lysander was about to respond to him, the phone she carried on her rang. She fook it out andsaid, “Let me take this call”

Josiah could only wait with a stern face.

The call came from Adrian, oblivious to the fact that he had timely rescued Lysander from apredicament. His voice was as gentle as always. “Where are you? Have you had dinner yet?”

“At the restaurant. I’m with Daphne. Did you need something?” she asked,

The corridor was eerily quiet. Josiah, who had an exceptionally good sense of hearing, naturally heardAdrian’s words. He stood still in his place, a silent, cold smirk playing on his lips.

Adrian assumed the person by Lysander’s side was Daphne, expressing his concern, “How did thesituation.

turn out?”

Lysander responded truthfully, “It’s already taken care of.”

Adrian was genuinely happy for them. “That’s great. Take your time to eat and celebrate properly. If youneed anything at home, just let me know. It just so happens that I’m free tonight and I’m out shoppingat the supermarket. I can pick up whatever you need and bring it over.”

He always claimed he was just passing by, leaving Lysander with no room for self–deception. Shepromptly responded in a nonchalant tone, “There’s no need. My house lacks nothing. Once you’re doneshopping. you should head home. It’s getting late.”

Adrian, in his good–natured way, spoke up again. “I’m kind of missing White Coat, you know. If you’rebusy, I can just go over and take it for a walk. Otherwise, it’s always cooped up at home and that canget boring.”

He had spent a considerable amount of time helping Lysander take care of White Coat, so it was onlynatural that he had grown fond of this fluffy creature.

Lysander found it impossible to harden her heart and utter words of rejection anymore.


Adrian sensed a shift in the attitude from the other end of the phone and promptly brought up matter.“By the way, I remember your home’s light seemed to be broken, and you probably haven’t had thechance to fix it recently, 1 happened to have borrowed some tools, so after I finish walking White Coal,I can swing by and fix the light for you.”



Chapter 439 Good Times Are Coming

He did have a bit too many incidental matters on his plate.

Just as Lysander was about to refuse, Josiah, who was standing nearby, couldn’t help but let out acold, sarcastic laugh. When she looked over at him, he added with a mocking tone, “Is Dr. Suttonchecking in on you? Are you two perhaps expecting some good news soon?”

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