His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 341
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Chapter 341

The Charming Ex-Wife

Chapter 341 A Chance Encounter

Adrian stood his ground for a moment, but in the end, Lysander coax him to move. She guided him tothe couch, gently pressing him down by the shoulders until he was s ated comfortably.

Lysander: Do you have a first aid kit at home?

Adrian gave a slight nod, then shook his head. “I used to have one, but the medications are probably allexpired by now. When I lived here before, I did prepare a first-aid kit. But I was young and hadn’tsustained any injuries. Even minor bumps and scrapes were easily taken care of with a quick visit tothe nurse’s station at work, so I never really used the one at home.”

Lysander nodded. Lysander: I’ll go out and get some medicine. Just wait here for a little while.

Adrian grabbed her wrist. “It’s too late for you to go out alone. It’s not safe for a girl. It’s just a minorinjury; it will scab over soon.”

Lysander: The picture frame is rusty.

At this point, Adrian remained silent.

They were both doctors, and they knew exactly what it meant when they got scratched by a sharp andrusty instrument.

Tetanus was not a joke.

Moreover, the wound on his arm was still bleeding. Although it wasn’t too deep, it had already stainedat good portion of his shirt red.

“Then I’ll go with you.”

As he spoke, he tried to stand up

up again.

Lysander pressed him down once again. Lysander: The pharmacy is just around the corner. It’s veryclose. Your wound will get wet in the rain.

Adrian paused for a moment, then suddenly chuckled. “I feel a little embarrassed. I initially came overout of concern for you, but I didn’t expect to have you go out in the middle of the night to buy medicinefor me.”

Lysander broke into a smile. Lysander: Just wait for me here.

Adrian studied her intently for a moment, ultimately modding in agreement. He handed his mobilephone to her. “The umbrella is in the cabinet by the main entrance. In case of any emergency, don’thesitate to call the police.”

Lysander nodded. Following his instructions, she found the umbrella and then she left the house.

In reality, they weren’t exactly in the city center. It was raining heavily, and there were hardly anypedestrians at night.

Fortunately, the pharmacy wasn’t far away, and Lysander quickly made her way inside.


Unable to speak, she resorted to typing in Stounian on her phone for the shop assistant to read. Shelisted out-antiseptic, cotton swabs, fever-reducing medication, a tetanus shot, and a small home-usesyringe.

The shop assistant softly asked her in Stounian, “Can you speak?”

Lysander pointed to her own throat and gestured with her hand.

The shop assistant gave her a sympathetic look. “No worries, I get what you mean. Just hang on amoment. I’ll go fetch it for you.”

Lysander nodded with a smile.

Just as the shop assistant turned to fetch the medicine from the counter, the door to the pharmacy waspushed open once again.

“Good day, sir. How can I help you?”

The visitor said, “I need some burn ointment, thank you… Mrs. Guerra?”

Upon seeing the person in front of him, Lysander was taken aback.

Isn’t he… Miles Rangel, a common friend of Josiah and Lysanne? I remember Lysanne having a crushon him during high school. How did he end up here?

“It really is you! You’re here to buy medicine too? Are you feeling unwell?”

Lysander shook her head.

The shop assistant kindly explained to him, “It seems that this young lady is unable to speak.”

Miles was shocked. “What on earth happened?”

Lysander simply smiled and decided not to say much

Just as the shop assistant had prepared everything Lysander needed, she said, “Excuse me, miss, youcan pay over here.”

She followed the shop assistant to the counter, where the assistant showed her the bill.

Lysander nodded, opening up her wallet.

However, there was only a ten in Stounian currency inside.

She had spent a significant amount at the supermarket during the day, leaving her with little cash onhand. A lot of her converted foreign currency was still in her bank account, which she didn’t withdraw.

Lysander typed a message for the shop assistant to read: Could you please tell me where I can find anATM nearby?

Miles walked over and asked, “Is there a problem?”

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