Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 819 Sensing Something Wrong With Jane
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Chapter 819 Sensing Something Wrong With Jane

Chapter 819 Sensing Something Wrong with Jane

A week later, Jane went about her usual routine of working part-time and picking up Vivian fromschool to cook and clean at home. Since returning from the hospital, she had moved to a newplace. Vivian still attended the same kindergarten, but their new home was a bit farther away, sothey had to wake up early every day to make it on time.

Her life was like the days after losing her memory, just like before she met Louis. Her days werecalm and peaceful; it was what she wanted.

But one night, her peaceful life was shattered.

After dinner, as lightning flashed across the sky and thunder roared outside, someone knocked onher door. Jane stood up warily and asked who it was.

"Jane... it's me," a low and hoarse voice replied from outside the door - a voice that made Janefreeze in shock.

She never expected this man would come looking for her here. But soon enough, she laughedbitterly at herself. With his power and influence, finding her wasn't difficult anyway.

Jane pursed her lips tightly without saying anything or showing any intention of opening the door.After some time passed by in silence with Louis standing outside looking intently at the iron doorseparating them as if he could see through it into Jane's eyes,

"Jane... everything that happened before is my fault," he said finally breaking their silence, "Can yougive me a chance to make things right?"

"Sir... the past is already in the past," came Jane's cold reply, "It's getting late now. I suggest you goback."

With that said, she turned around coldly leaving him behind.

Vivian was standing nearby and looking at her curiously.

"Mommy, who is that?" She asked

"Just someone trying to sell us something," answered Jane flatly before turning towards the kitchenand asking, "What do you want for lunch tomorrow?"

"Anything is OK," replied Vivian obediently but still looked puzzled towards the door.

She glanced over towards kitchen where mum worked busily then quietly walked over there whileleaning against wall next to door whispering softly,


Louis' body stiffened when he heard Vivian calling out softly, but after some hesitation, heresponded gently, "I'm here."

Upon hearing the voice, Vivian's eyes lit up and she reached for the door handle. But then sheremembered how her mother had looked earlier and hesitated, saying softly, "Daddy, Mommydoesn't want you to come in."

"I know," Louis replied softly. His expression softened as well. "Vivian, go to bed early. I'm fine."

The little girl lowered her head sadly when Jane's voice came from the kitchen.

"Vivian, I will cook some corn for you tomorrow. Okay?"

"Okay," Vivian hurriedly replied before turning around and running towards the window in her roomto see her father.

She hadn't seen him in a long time.

She missed him terribly but knew that her mother didn't like him. She didn't want to upset hermother so she never mentioned him.

Downstairs, a man stood silently in the rain, letting it beat down on his body without moving an inch.

He was soaked through but refused to leave as he stood there like a statue.

Only during flashes of lightning could one feel his presence strongly. Rainwater flowed down hisface, making him look particularly disheveled at this moment.novelbin

Upon seeing this scene, Vivian turned around frantically, looking at Jane who happened to walk outof the kitchen at that moment and caught sight of Vivian's gaze.

"What's wrong?" She asked with confusion etched on her face.

"Mommy! The person standing downstairs looks like Daddy!"

Jane was stunned for a moment before unconsciously pursing her lips.

She hadn't expected Louis would be standing downstairs.

Just then, there was a sudden flash of lightning outside which made Jane involuntarily tighten hergrip on what she held.

After waiting for a while without any movement from her mommy, Vivian couldn't help calling out,"Mommy?"

Jane regained her focus after glancing at Vivian once and walked over towards the window silllooking downwards where Louis stood still amidst empty space letting himself get drenchedmercilessly by raindrops falling all over his body.

His wet clothes clung tightly against his skin, outlining every perfect curve of his body while waterdroplets fell off from strands of his hair onto long thick eyelashes.

His exquisite face was wet by the rain, but he didn't show any signs of distress. He just lookedlonely. In the next second, the man standing downstairs suddenly looked up towards Jane'sdirection as if sensing something. Jane quickly stepped back and looked down at him with a coldgaze.

Vivian met her father's eyes and hesitated for a moment before turning to her mother with a look ofconcern. "Mommy, it's raining so hard outside. Shouldn't we let Daddy come in?"

"No need," Jane replied indifferently before turning away.

Her slightly disheveled steps betrayed what she was feeling inside, but she wasn't aware of itherself. She only knew that this man had once been someone she loved deeply, but who had lefther badly hurt in the end.

Now, she didn't want to love him again.

Vivian watched her mother walk away and then turned to her father before getting up and grabbingher small umbrella to run downstairs.

Jane breathed a sigh of relief when Vivian went downstairs for Louis.

Later on, when she saw him holding Vivian's umbrella for a while before finally leaving withoutsaying anything else...

Jane thought that things would be over after Louis left. However, when she went to pick up Vivianfrom school as usual the next day...

She couldn't find Vivian at school!

Confused by this sudden change in routine, Jane asked one of Vivian's teachers who stood outsidewaiting for parents to pick up their children. "Excuse me, Miss, where is Vivian?"

"Your husband took Vivian home," said the teacher looking puzzled by Jane's question.

Jane frowned slightly but quickly regained composure and nodded lightly, "I see... thank you."

As soon as Jane stepped out onto the street corner near the school, she received an unexpectedcall from an all-too-familiar number.

With an icy expression on her face, she answered, "Louis, what do you want?"

"Jane, come back to me so we can raise our daughter together." The low-pitched yet charmingvoice came through loud and clear on her phone making Jane frown even more tightly than before.

Is this man planning to use Vivian as a threat against her because she is indifferent to everything hehas done for her? Jane couldn't help but sneer at the thought and sarcastically asked, "Are youthreatening me?"

"If that's what you want to believe," Louis replied in a deep voice on the other end of the phone. Ifthreatening Jane would work, he wouldn't mind using it as a means to keep her by his side. As forVivian, he never intended to harm her.

The man pursed his lips and glanced sideways at the little girl eating the cake in the living room.When he went to pick up Vivian today, she was clearly happy and thought that he had made up withJane. But that wasn't true.

Later on, he used taking her away as an excuse for her mommy following along and coaxed Vivianaway just so he could force Jane over here.

Standing outside of the kindergarten gate, Jane listened intently and her eyes grew even deeper.Just when she was about to speak up after some time had passed, someone suddenly reached outfrom behind her with a towel in his hand before pressing it against her mouth.

"Mmm... Mmm..." Struggling twice before slowly losing consciousness.

Louis quickly noticed something was wrong with Jane on the other end of the phone line andanxiously asked, "Jane! What's wrong?"

The man standing behind Jane let her collapse onto the ground without any care before curling hislips into an eerie smile while picking up Jane's tightly clenched phone from off of her hand.

With an evil grin spreading across his face like one coming from the devil, he spoke slowly, "Louis...It's me."

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