Good bye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan)

Chapter 818 This Time I Won’T Let You Leave Again
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Chapter 818 This Time I Won'T Let You Leave Again

Chapter 818 This Time I Won't Let You Leave Again

After Johns and Rylen carried the gift boxes, they walked nervously in front of Jane to lead the way.

When they knocked on the door, Louis' impatient voice came from inside the hospital room, "Getlost."

Rylen and Johns looked at each other in confusion upon hearing this, unsure of what to do next.

Jane smiled and approached, opening the door directly.

Louis was resting with his eyes closed when he heard movement and was about to curse someoneout when his gaze suddenly froze upon seeing who had just entered.

Jane appeared professional as she held her gift boxes and walked straight to the table beside Louisbefore placing it down.

"Mr. Caesar, you have quite a temper," she said with a slight smirk.

The man's expression grew even darker after seeing that Jane had returned all of his morning gifts.

He pursed his lips before muttering an explanation, "Jane, I didn't know it was you."

Jane shrugged indifferently as she smiled at the pale-faced man lying on the bed.

"Mr. Caesar, I came here today because there is something I want to discuss with you."

After witnessing this scene from afar, Rylen and Johns exchanged glances before quickly puttingdown their gift boxes and leaving the room while thoughtfully closing the door behind them.

Once alone, Louis tried getting up but felt dizzy which made him sway slightly. Jane's eyes flickeredwith a hint of curiosity as she wondered why he seemed so weak but chose to ignore it for now.

She coldly turned around and sat on the sofa while silently watching the man lying on the bed infront of her.

Finally, Louis broke the silence in the room by speaking first, "Jane..."

"Mr. Caesar, five years ago we were already strangers. I hope you understand that," Jane statedfirmly while looking straight into his dark eyes filled with indifference. She came here today to talk toLouis properly, to make sure he would stop harassing her. She wanted to live peacefully again withVivian.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows, his hand by his side tightening as he spoke in a shaken voice, "It'simpossible. I won't let you leave me again."

"Nothing forcibly done is going to be agreeable," Jane replied calmly.

Jane's face showed no expression, but deep down she felt a bit dazed about the time when theywere together during her memory loss.novelbin

Those days used to be what she fantasized about, but now she no longer needed that kind of life.

Louis' blue eyes grew darker as he forced himself up and walked towards the couch.

"How do you know if it's agreeable if you don't give me a second chance?"

Jane furrowed her brows in surprise at Louis' unexpected words. She sarcastically smiled and stoodup indifferently, saying, "I don't want to, 'cause I don't like you anymore."

After speaking these words, she turned around and headed straight for the door of the hospitalroom.

She had only taken two steps when Louis grabbed her wrist tightly with his big hand. He lightlyopened his lips and said, "Jane, don't go."

"Everything between us is already in the past."

After Jane finished speaking these words, she broke free from Louis' grip on her wrist beforeleaving directly out of the hospital room.

As soon as she took two steps outside of the room, there was a loud noise behind her. When sheturned back around again after hearing it, the man who had been standing behind her was nowlying on the ground with his eyes closed tightly shut.

Upon seeing this scene, Jane's pupils shrank suddenly; there was some panic in those eyes aswell.

"Louis! What happened to you?"

But all that answered back was silence. Louis lay motionless on ground without any movementwhatsoever.

Immediately Jane rushed over to Louis while shouting loudly towards the direction where peoplecould hear her.

"Anybody outside? Come in quickly!"

Soon enough Johns and Rylen came rushing into view, followed by doctors who began examiningLouis' body. After checking him over thoroughly, one doctor removed his stethoscope from his ears.

"The patient has an infected wound which combined with an already weak body condition plusbeing under great emotional stress caused him to fall into a coma."

After finishing speaking these words, he frowned slightly at Jane, "As his family member, you shouldpay more attention to his conditions. Since he is seriously injured, he must rest quietly."

"Isn't he only slightly injured?"

Jane froze for a moment, then looked blankly at Louis lying on bed before turning back againtowards the doctor.

"Who told you that he was only slightly injured?"

Hearing this question made the doctor furrow his brows even tighter than before.

Without waiting for Jane's response, the doctor spoke again, "His arm is broken, he has multipleabrasions all over his body, and he has a severe concussion. His leg was just put back togetherafter being broken and his shoulder was dislocated when he arrived."

Jane trembled slightly at the doctor's words. She had not expected Louis to be so badly injured. Shethought that he had only suffered minor injuries and had not realized that he was hiding the severityof his condition.

Her emotions were complicated as she lowered her gaze and pursed her lips without sayinganything.

The doctor glanced at her and solemnly reminded her again, "The patient's condition requires a lightdiet. He cannot drink alcohol anymore or it will leave serious consequences!"

"Okay, Doctor. I will pay attention to his diet," Jane replied softly without saying much else.

After a few more instructions from the doctor, he turned around and left the ward.


When Louis woke up, he shouted Jane's name loudly.

The woman sitting by his bedside looked indifferent and did not say much.

Since the doctor left, Jane had made up her mind to take care of Louis during this time.

He got hurt because he protected her; if it weren't for her, he wouldn't have been injured in this way.

Thinking about this made Jane purse her lips as she asked softly, "Do you want some water?"

Louis nodded gently but faced with such a silent Jane, he didn't know what to say next.

Soon after that, Jane handed him a glass of warm water which Louis drank in one gulp.

After some time passed, Louis opened his lips with a hoarse voice, "Jane, I..."

Before finishing speaking, he was interrupted by Jane who said indifferently, "The doctor said youneed rest. What do you want to eat tonight?"

Louis frowned slightly, knowing that now all she cared about was taking care of him, but at thismoment he didn't know how he could make her stay with him longer.

He looked towards the woman sitting beside him silently before saying in low voice, "Anything isfine."


She turned around leaving the ward.

As soon as she left, Louis unconsciously tightened his hand while dark colors filled his eyes.

In the following days, Jane came to visit Louis every day, bringing him food and taking care of him.However, they rarely spoke to each other.

Several times, Louis tried to break the silence between them, but Jane didn't want to talk.

After two weeks, Jane went to the doctor's office to inquire about Louis' condition. When she heardthat he was recovering well and could walk without any problems now, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The next day, she took Vivian home and never went back to the hospital again.

In the hospital room, Louis sat on his bed as usual waiting for that woman. But even at two o'clockin the afternoon, he hadn't seen her familiar figure appear.

He frowned and turned his head towards his two guards standing at the door.

"Where is my wife?"

Johns and Rylen looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"We don't know."

Louis felt a panic rising in his chest as he clenched his hand by his side. He knew that since he hadrecovered so well from his illness, Jane wouldn't come anymore. She would never come again.

The man lowered his head, feeling pain in his heart but knew it wasn't time yet for him to go findJane. He needed time, at least enough time for him think of a way to make her return to him beforegoing after her.

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