Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 949 Don’T Know How To Face It
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Chapter 949 Don'T Know How To Face It

Chapter 949 Don't Know How to Face It

"Even if I die, I won't let you succeed!" Jenna spat fiercely.

Being violated by such a man was worse than death.novelbin

Isaias was not angry; he was just sitting next to her.

She talked tough, but in a few more minutes, she would lose consciousness, and then herdemeanor wouldn't be the same as now.

He waited patiently, ready to take action. Suddenly he heard a noise outside. Before he could evenstand up, several people broke in through the door, with Rhys at the forefront.

"Who gave you the courage to kidnap my woman?" Rhys looked at Jenna sitting on the chair,feeling an indescribable anger in his heart.

He didn't know what was wrong with himself, maybe it was concern or maybe it was self-protection.

"Your woman? We have slept together..." Isaias was about to talk trash when he got slapped in theface.

"You better talk to me nicely, my patience is limited!" Rhys said with a cold face, and then slappedIsaias again. "Do you think I'm a fool? I won't believe everything you say!"

When he first saw the photo, what he was thinking was that Jenna could never do such a thing.Fortunately, he bet right.

Jenna had been kidnapped.

If I were to be late again, no one knows what would happen.

"Do you not believe me? If you don't believe me, then just look at her!" Isaias felt very anxious, buthe still tried to appear strong on the surface.

He pointed accusingly at Jenna, saying, "Look at your wife, her face flushed. She was just seducingme. Normally, you must have never seen so many tricks, and I never expected it either. Your wifeappears aloof, but she's actually quite dissolute."

Kamden stood behind, listening to these words and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

This kidnapper's brain must not be functioning properly. At such a critical moment, he still wanted toprovoke Rhys.

As expected, Rhys grew angrier as he listened to these words and pressed him to the ground,beating him mercilessly.

Kamden didn't step forward to intervene until he heard the sound of police sirens outside. "The copsare coming, Rhys. Don't fight anymore," he urged.

Rhys nodded and finally stopped.

He walked up to Jenna and untied the rope for her, saying, "Let's go, I'll take you home now."

"I'm so hot." Jenna suddenly threw herself into his arms, and the lips of the two touched together.

Rhys was immediately stunned, with only one thought in his mind: Jenna's lips are really soft.

"Jenna, do you even know what you're saying? Are you crazy?" Rhys placed his hand on herforehead, suspecting something was amiss.

He guessed Jenna had been drugged.

The efficacy of this drug was very strong. Jenna had completely lost consciousness now and knownnothing, nor could she hear the voices of Rhys and Kamden.

Two people brought Jenna to Kamden's place, and Kamden conducted a preliminary examinationon her. He sighed heavily.

"There's no cure for this drug. Now you have only two options: either sleep with her for a night orwatch her die."

"Technically, there is a cure, but Jenna simply can't wait for it. Rounded up, it means she's beyondsaving."

Rhys hesitated immediately. He and Jenna were only in a contractual marriage, and in three monthsthey would have to separate. If they had sex now, what would their relationship be considered?

But he couldn't just watch her die.

"Is there any other way? Maybe we can delay it a bit and you can hurry up to prepare the antidote.Kamden, you are very talented in medicine and you have a teacher, so I'm sure you can figuresomething out!"

"I can try to find a solution, but the problem is that bastard gave your wife too much drug, youknow? Jenna can't wait any longer!"

If the dosage of this drug was a little smaller, he could find a way to handle it. But in this situation,even if his teacher came over, they would be powerless.

Watching Rhys struggle, Kamden patted his shoulder and said, "Take your time to think it through.After all, you're her husband and the decision is yours. Even if something were to happen, youwouldn't be held responsible. The real question is what do you truly want in your heart?"

When Rhys saw the photo, he unconditionally believed Jenna and personally rescued her. Isn't allof this enough to prove that Jenna is important in Rhys' heart.

After Kamden left the room, Rhys stood still for a while, hesitating. Eventually, he took off hisclothes.

An hour later, Rhys pushed open the door and walked out, coincidentally running into Kamden whohad just returned home.

"I went to get your wife some meds, and they're supposed to help..."

"Thank you, but we don't need these medicines anymore. Jenna is fine now," Rhys interrupted him.

Kamden was stunned for a few seconds before he realized what was going on and threw themedicine on the couch.

"I knew it, how could you let her die? After today, you two can live happily together. Jenna is a goodwoman, and you're at an age where you should settle down."

Since his good friend found his true love, Kamden was genuinely happy for him.

"But we don't have any feelings for each other now." Rhys didn't even know how to face Jenna afterthis incident.

This whole thing happened too suddenly; no one was prepared for it.

After thinking about it for a while, he spoke up, "Kamden, can you keep this between us? Give mesome time to think things through before I tell Jenna everything."

"Sure thing! I'll keep your secret until the baby's born if that's what it takes. But sometimes avoidingthings won't solve anything; eventually, you'll have to face them head-on."

Kamden agreed without hesitation and patted him on the shoulder as they both anticipated thatJenna would wake up soon. Rhys personally took her home and left with an excuse of having workto do in his company.

Mrs. Williams learned about Jenna's kidnapping and quickly instructed the servants to make somecalming tea which she served immediately when Jenna woke up from unconsciousness:

"Jenna, drinking this can make you relaxed. Drink some more. Treat this as just a bad dream andforget about it," Mrs Williams said kindly towards her daughter-in-law who had been treated muchbetter by Rhys lately than ever before in recent times.

Rhys' attitude towards her had improved so much during this period that there might be somethingspecial happening soon in their family.

"I know, Mom; thank you," replied Jenna with a slightly uneasy feeling inside of her heart.

After being drugged, she completely lost consciousness. She didn't know what happened next orwhether anything else occurred between Isaias and her or not...

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