Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 801 How Long Has It Been Since Someone Cared For Me?
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Chapter 801 How Long Has It Been Since Someone Cared For Me?

Chapter 801 How Long Has It Been Since Someone Cared for Me?

On this day, Louis and his family spent a happy day at the amusement park. When they returnedhome that night, Vivian was already asleep.

Louis held Vivian and followed behind Jane, making sure to free up one hand to hold onto Jane'sleft hand.

"We're going home."

"Mhmm," Jane responded softly, her ears turning red.

When she raised Vivian alone, she had thought about finding a man to live with and share theburden of Vivian's medical expenses. But in the end, those men only wanted to give up on Vivian.

Only this man by her side now didn't care that Vivian was someone else's child or that she had anillness. He was willing to donate blood for Vivian.

She knew everything he did for them both. She also understood his love for her, so she was willingto try dating him even if it meant he would end up with someone else in the end.

When Louis stopped with Jane at a rundown apartment building, he frowned slightly upon seeing itall before him. This was where she lived these past five years?

A sharp pain pierced through his chest like needles pricking him all over causing discomfort withinhimself. He knew how hard these past five years were on her as well as how much money shesaved just so she could afford a new heart for Vivian, but when he saw it with his own eyes, hecouldn't help but feel shocked still.

He never imagined that this would be where she lived these past five years. She endured so muchhardship just trying to save enough money for Vivian's heart transplant surgery.

Thinking of this made Louis' Adam's apple slide up and down.

He looked towards Jane with pitying eyes, "Jane..."

When Jane turned towards him, suddenly locking gazes with his deep-set eyes.

She froze momentarily before breaking down emotionally from feeling such tenderness fromanother person again after such a long time.

She forgot how long it had been since anyone cared about her like this anymore...

This feeling overwhelmed her senses, leaving no words capable of describing what exactly washappening inside herself right now, which made running away seem like an option worthconsidering...

Regaining composure quickly though while forcing out a smile, she said, "Louis, this house is smallbut warm."

After speaking those words, she let go of Louis' hand, then took out keys from her pocket andunlocked the door leading inside.

The musty smell hit them both immediately upon entering but neither said anything.

Seeing familiar decorations brought relief to Jane despite dust covering everything around them.

Jane walked into the room, and Louis followed with Vivian in his arms.

Once inside, he looked around the room carefully.

Jane was right. Although the room was small, it had a warm feeling to it. It was clear that the ownerof this place was a gentle person.

The walls were covered with drawings made by Vivian, and there was a floral tablecloth on thetable. A cute sticker adorned the headboard of the bed...

Louis discreetly surveyed this space before him and smiled as he asked, "Shall we all sleeptogether tonight?"

Jane froze when she heard his question but quickly regained her composure.

She had brought Louis here today because she wasn't thinking straight. After all, how could a countlike him stay in such a small place? And one that smelled musty!

But upon hearing his question, Jane suddenly snapped back to reality. A suspicious blush crept upon her cheeks when she realized they would have to share one bed tonight since there was onlyone room and one bed in this house.

She wasn't ready for this yet... not with Louis anyway...

With these thoughts running through her mind, Jane lowered her eyelids while feeling embarrassedabout how hot her face felt.

"How about you stay at a hotel?" She suggested timidly.

"No," replied Louis firmly without hesitation as he looked into Jane's eyes with determination shiningfrom his blue orbs.

Although he wasn't satisfied with their surroundings or lack of space here in this tiny little room.However, since she is here, he won't leave! Besides, their relationship has finally progressedforward, so why let go of such an opportunity?

Jane furrowed her brows slightly, while looking hesitantly at Louis before saying, "But... this place..."

Before she could finish speaking though, Louis interrupted her confidently, "There's nothing wronghere! It's very cozy, isn't it?"

As Jane listened to him, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment before seeing him smilemischievously and ask, "Do you need to make the bed?"

At those words, Jane remembered that Vivian had fallen asleep so she responded quietly, thenhurriedly began making the bed while feeling flustered and anxious all at once!

Louis watched as Jane busied herself around them and felt extremely pleased by everythinghappening right now!

In this moment, he felt like his heart had been filled completely!

Not long after, Jane changed the sheets and duvet cover and whispered, "Put Vivian on the bed andlet her sleep by herself."

"Um," Louis responded in a low voice and gently placed Vivian in his arms on the bed.

Vivian who was in contact with the bed sniffed, as if smelling something familiar, turned over andcontinued to sleep.

The corners of Jane's mouth lifted slightly as she looked at Vivian with eyes full of love.

Her Vivian is just adorable.novelbin

In the future, Vivian can also run under the sun and go to kindergarten like other children, enjoyingevery sport and living freely in this world.

Just as she was envisioning the future, suddenly Louis wrapped his arms around her waist andrested his head on her shoulder.

"Jane." Louis' low voice rang in her ears, and his warm breath hit her neck, making her stiffen.

In Jane's memory, she had never been so intimate with a man before.

This was the first time.

Jane could clearly feel her heart pounding in her chest.

She tried hard to calm herself down and regain her usual tone, but the trembling voice still betrayedher nervousness.

"Louis, what... what's wrong with you?"

"Jane, Vivian's illness has been cured. Can you please divide your attention a little bit towards me?"Louis tilted his head and said this.

When he finished speaking, it was obvious that Jane's earlobes had turned bright red in a flash.

The man's lips lifted slightly, as if he had finally caught onto some small details that proved Janecared about him, and his hand around her waist tightened.

"I..." Jane opened her mouth to speak, but after uttering a single word, she suddenly didn't knowwhat to say.

After a moment, she blushed and whispered, "Louis, please let me go first."

"We are a legally married couple, did you forget?"

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