Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 800 Daddy, Do You Have Money?
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Chapter 800 Daddy, Do You Have Money?

Chapter 800 Daddy, Do You Have Money?

One month later, Vivian was discharged from the hospital in good health.

After being discharged, Vivian looked at her mother happily and asked, "Mommy, can I go to schoolnow?"

"Of course," Jane replied with a smile on her face.

Vivian's condition was stable and there were no signs of rejection from her new heart. Everythingwent smoothly.

Now that Vivian had been discharged, Jane and Louis decided to send her to kindergarten so thatshe wouldn't be too different from other children. However, they hadn't decided whether to send herto the kindergarten owned by Louis in Z Country or the one in their current city.

Vivian didn't sense her mother's dilemma at all. She looked at the man sitting next to her with ahappy expression on her face and said, "Daddy, you said you would take me to the amusementpark."

"Do you want to go now?" Louis tilted his head towards Vivian with his blue eyes full of indulgencefor Vivian.

After spending time together during this period, Louis had treated Vivian as if she were his owndaughter.

Of course, this was largely due to the fact he still didn't know who Vivian's biological father wasdespite many attempts by Louis' men to find him.

There were no results or even any clues, which meant that that man had possibly disappeared fromthis world.

But he feared that this possiblity was wrong, so he never gave up searching for that man.novelbin

The next second, Jane interrupted Louis' thoughts with a gentle voice, saying, "Vivian, we just gotout of hospital, so let's go home first and put our things away at home. We can go to theamusement park tomorrow, okay?"

Vivian pouted when she heard this but didn't cry; instead she just became less excited than before.

She nodded slightly and whispered softly, "Okay."

"Don't wait until tomorrow; let's go now," said Louis immediately upon seeing how unhappy Vivianseemed about waiting another day.

Jane furrowed her eyebrows slightly but before she could say anything else, Louis' deep voicesounded again inside the car, "I'll have my assistant park my car, and we can leave everythinginside it safely while we're gone."

Jane heard those words but didn't say anything. After all, it was Vivian's day of discharge from thehospital and she didn't want to spoil it.

Vivian looked at Louis hopefully when she saw that her mother wasn't speaking.

Louis noticed Vivian's wet eyes and softened his tone as he continued to persuade Jane.

"Jane, today is a good day because Vivian is discharged from the hospital. It's worth celebrating."

"Well then, let's go to the amusement park," Jane nodded gently. She knew that after being in thehospital for so long, Vivian deserved some relaxation.

When Vivian heard this, her eyes lit up and she immediately kissed Jane on her cheek.

"Thank you, Mommy."

Jane calmly looked at her happy little face before raising an eyebrow and looking towards Louis.

"Aren't you supposed to be thanking me?"

The little girl nodded seriously before turning around and kissing Louis on his cheek too.

"Thank you, Daddy."

An hour later, the family of three arrived at the amusement park.

While they were on their way there, Louis wanted his assistant to clear out everyone else so thatonly they could enjoy it privately.

However, Jane thought otherwise as it would not only affect others but also make them look bad byhaving an empty amusement park just for themselves.

In the end, Louis chose to listen to Jane and said "I always listen to you, honey." This made Janeblush with embarrassment.

While they entered into it, Mr. Ruiz who had previously worked with Louis greeted him.

"Mr. Caesar, welcome!"

Louis responded with a simple "Hmm," keeping his gaze fixed on both Jane and Vivian withouttaking any notice of anyone else around him.

Mr. Ruiz stepped forward with flattery in his voice, offering them tickets for all three members of theirfamily.

Louis signaled his guard to take it and looked back at Mr. Ruiz, saying, "Looking forward for ournext collaboration, Mr. Ruiz."

Mr. Ruiz replied, "It will be my honor."

Mr. Ruiz bowed, the smile on his face widening.

Louis, however, did not look at Mr. Ruiz one more time and turned around to walk directly towardsthe entrance of the amusement park.

After entering the amusement park, there was a different scene inside.

Large dolls were passing back and forth in the various programs between the amusement park, thevoices of vendors selling things were rising and falling, the happy voices of children and the joyfullaughter of adults all proved that this amusement park was a paradise of joy.

When Vivian, who was standing in the middle holding Louis in one hand and Jane in the other, sawthe scene of the amusement park, she couldn't help but exclaim, "This place is so beautiful!"

She had been to the amusement park with her mommy and played on the carousel.

But the amusement park here was bigger and better looking than the last one.

Louis' eyes softnened as he looked down at Vivian, "Do you like it here, Vivian?"

"Of course." Vivian nodded, her big eyes full of joy.

Just as Vivian's soft voice rang out, Louis' inquiring voice resounded again, "Then what do you wantto play first, Vivian?"

"Carousel!" The little one immediately replied with bright eyes.

The last time Mommy took her to ride the carousel, she was so happy.

This time, the amusement park was bigger, and the carousel would definitely be prettier.

ane's heart softened when she heard this, and her mind unconsciously recalled the last time shetook Vivian to the amusement park.

At that time, Vivian's heart condition hadn't been cured yet, and she couldn't be overly emotional, soshe could only play the more peaceful items. Plus, she didn't have much money, so they ended upgoing on the carousel.

She remembered to this day that Vivian laughed a lot that day.

Jane's eyes softened as she thought about it and looked at Vivian standing beside her.

"Then let's go play on the carousel first."

"Okay." Jane smiled and answered.

Looking at Vivian's happy face, she added, "Vivian, you can play whatever you want today."

Vivian heard this and exclaimed, "Yay!"

Louis reached out and dotingly touched Vivian's head, and said, "Vivian, play whatever you wanttoday. I'll pay!"

"Daddy, do you ... do you have money?"

Vivian suddenly turned her head, feeling a bit uneasy as she looked at Louis. Her little face wasslightly tense.

Louis smiled and curled his lips, his voice becoming even more gentle. "Of course, if you like it, Ican buy you an amusement park."

Vivian was shocked to hear this and widened her eyes in disbelief as she looked at Louis.

Jane chuckled lightly and said with a smile, "Your dad is joking. Let's go play."

"Yay! Yay!"

Vivian's attention was immediately diverted and she happily pulled Jane and Louis towards theamusement park.

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