Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 686 Martha, Do You Blame Me?
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Chapter 686 Martha, Do You Blame Me?

Chapter 686 Martha, Do You Blame Me?

Helen timidly looked at Martha sitting on the sofa in the suite, and after biting her red lip hard, she

made up her mind and opened her mouth to tell her why she came.

"Martha, can I talk to you?"

Martha looked up at her suspiciously, with obvious surprise in her eyes.

She didn't know what Helen wanted to talk to her about so late.

Could it be something that happened during the day?

Martha hid the doubt in her eyes, got up and walked out of the room, "Of course."

The apprehension in Helen's eyes dissipated, and turned into grateful ones.

As soon as Martha took two steps, Jimmy, who was sitting in front of the small easel, reached out and

pulled her out.

When she turned her head, she happened to meet Jimmy's worried eyes, and a slight smile

unconsciously appeared on her lips.

"Jimmy, be good. I will be fine."

Hearing his mommy's response, Jimmy could only turn to look at his daddy as if asking for help.

After meeting Jimmy's eyes, Stefan pursed his lips slightly, and suddenly shifted his gaze to Helen.

"Helen, what is it? Come in and talk."

For fear that Helen did something bad against Martha, Stefan suggested they should talk in the suite.

Helen was stunned by Stefan's words for a moment, then nodded slightly, and walked into the suite.

When Martha came to her senses and was about to speak, Stefan had walked towards Jimmy and said

with a smile, "Jimmy just said that he misses his grandpa. I'll take him to video with Dad."

"OK," Martha responded with a smile, watching her husband lead Jimmy towards the bedroom step by


She knew Stefan's kind intentions and felt warm.

After the bedroom door was closed, Martha smiled and looked at Helen, "Come in and sit."

"Alright," Helen responded timidly, walked slowly to the sofa and sat next to Martha.

"Why are you coming to me so late?"

Helen lowered her eyes, bit her lips and clasped her hands.

After a moment, she raised her eyes and looked at Martha with teary eyes, her voice choked up.

"Martha, I'm sorry... I've failed your trust in me."

Martha's eyes flickered before returning to normal. "What happened?"

Helen reached out and grabbed Martha's hand as tears slowly fell from her eyes. She began

apologizing continuously with a guilty expression on her face. "Martha, I'm sorry... I made a mistake. I

shouldn't have had feelings for Stefan."


She couldn't finish speaking as she sobbed uncontrollably.

But Martha understood what she was talking about.

Helen was apologizing for the bouquet of flowers she gave Stefan today because of the feelings she

had for him.

Martha withdrew her hand and looked at Helen indifferently. "My husband is excellent, so there is no

need to apologize if you admire him."

After all, this indirectly proved that she had good taste; otherwise how could Stefan be so likable?

Thinking of this, Martha pursed her lips tightly and continued waiting for Helen's next words.

Helen saw Martha's calmness from the corner of her eye and was shocked by it.

Today after giving Stefan a bouquet of lavender flowers in the field, she didn't leave immediately

afterwards. Instead she hid herself nearby, observing his every move closely.novelbin

If that man had any sympathy towards her, then he would have stared at those flowers, but Stefan

didn't do that; instead he made them scatter on the ground, showing obvious dislike towards her.

Later on, when Jimmy arrived along with Martha, they sent away their child, then talked quietly and

soon Stefan's mood changed from gloomy back to sunny again.

At that point, when Helen saw everything happening around them, it became clear that today's plan

wasn't successful.

Stefan wasn't so easy to get, so she had to change her strategy.

Helen looked up again, tears welling in her big eyes, with a pitiful expression on her face and a hint of


"Martha, you're not mad at me?"

She looked shocked on the surface but had been calculating in her mind all along.

The reason she came tonight was to clear herself of suspicion. She couldn't let Martha suspect her;

otherwise, this woman would definitely drive her away to prevent her from seducing Stefan. Then she

would have no chance at all.

Therefore, she came to apologize and gain Martha's trust.

Martha sighed helplessly and spoke coldly, "Do you still not believe that we can really take you back?"

At this point, she knew deep down that Helen was not as innocent as she appeared on the surface.

However, she still felt sympathy for Helen who had suffered for a long time.

After she come back to reality from deep thought, Martha's gaze fell on Helen while paying attention to

any subtle changes in Helen's facial expressions.

Helen pursed her lips and hesitated for a moment before nodding gently. "Someone once said they

would take me back before but what I got instead was just beatings and humiliation, so I..."

She didn't finish speaking but Martha understood what she meant - being hurt once made it hard for

her to trust them easily.

Just as Martha was about to speak up, suddenly Helen reached out and held onto Martha's hand with

sincere eyes fixed upon hers, "Martha, it was my mistake not believing you before. Now I understand

that you are truly a kind-hearted person who will take me home."

Martha paused slightly when seeing the determination shining through Helen's eyes and then asked,

"What if you go back and get nothing back?"

Helen froze, unable to comprehend what exactly did Martha mean. After some time, she regained

composure and uttered softly. "Even so, that's my home. My uncle and aunt have caused harm to me,

which is indelible. They should pay the price, right?"

As soon as these words were spoken by Helen, her sorrowful gaze suddenly turned vicious!

She wanted those who have hurt her to pay the price!

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