Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 685: Is The Flower Helen Gave You?
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Chapter 685: Is The Flower Helen Gave You?

Chapter 685: Is the Flower Helen Gave You?

Stefan stared at Helen with indifference all the time. Upon hearing her words, his eyes grew even


He had no intention of paying attention to this woman, but it seemed that if he didn't speak up, she

would continue talking.

So, his clear voice said, "I don't drink."

Helen was stunned in place and looked at him helplessly. Her big eyes were misty for no reason and

seemed a bit sad. It made people want to hold her in their arms and comfort her.

But all Stefan felt was disgust.

He stood up and walked directly to a distant stone chair on the other side while looking gently at Martha

and Jimmy not far away.

Seeing Stefan's actions, Helen gritted her teeth with a resentful look in her eyes.

She took several deep breaths before calming herself down again.

Since deciding to chase after Stefan, she knew that he was indifferent. But none of these could be

reasons for stopping her from getting him. She aimed to get him no matter what happened.

After calming herself down again, Helen stood up and sat back next to Stefan once more.

She looked pitifully at him with tears in her eyes as she choked out the question, "Stefan, do you hate


Stefan frowned tightly as disgust showed clearly on his face. But before he could say anything else,

Helen's voice rang out once more, "I have been suffering from homelessness since I was a child; I

didn't see the hope of going home until I met you."

"I know that Martha is the one you like; but I just can't control myself."

"Whenever I think about that day when you appeared before me like a hero, my feelings towards you

just can't be suppressed."

"I know that what I'm doing is wrong, but I still want to tell you. Only by telling you, I'll have no regrets in

my life."

After finishing speaking these words, she handed over a small bouquet of lavender flowers and then

walked away without any trace of sadness left on her pretty face anymore.

She was confident that as long as Stefan's gaze could fall on her, she could use all means to make him

crazy about her.

As long as this man could focus his attention on her, she would gradually break down their marriage

and eventually...

Helen's smile widened unconsciously at the thought, and there was an expectant light in her eyes.

At this moment, Stefan was emitting a terrifying aura.

He disdainfully swept the bouquet of flowers that Helen had just handed over to him onto the ground

with one hand.

The small bouquet of purple lavender scattered on the ground, looked particularly messy.

He stared at the scattered purple lavender and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He thought, "Does this woman stop hiding her true intentions?"

Stefan clenched his hands and made up his mind once more. He would talk to Martha tonight and send

this woman away early tomorrow morning.

After sitting for a while with furrowed brows, he couldn't hold back the nausea any longer.

He took out a wet tissue from his pocket to wipe his hand that had just touched the flower.

When Martha and Jimmy returned, they immediately noticed Stefan's displeased expression.

Jimmy paused slightly when he saw it. Then his puzzled tone of voice said, "Daddy?"

Stefan lifted his deep-set eyes towards Jimmy before giving an indifferent response.

Martha immediately noticed the scattered bouquet of lavender flowers on the ground, secretly thinking,

"He's really showing off! He just came out to see flowers and so soon there's a woman giving him

flowers? I'm so good-looking but I haven't received any flowers yet!"

After thinking for a while, she turned around and signaled Jimmy with her eyes, "Jimmy go check why

Melissa and Eden haven't come back yet."novelbin

Jimmy nodded quickly after receiving his mommy's signal, "Okay! I'll go now."

Then he ran towards Melissa and Eden who were not far away.

After he left, Martha walked up to Stefan with the bouquet in her hand and handed it to him. "This is for

you," she said.

Stefan raised his eyes and looked at the bouquet handed to him by Martha.

Several blue lavender stems were tied together by the woman, making a small bouquet.

Blue lavender was a gift for lovers, representing heart-to-heart connection.

When Stefan saw this, his irritable mood was relieved. He reached out and took the bouquet handed to

him by Martha.

"Martha, is this a courtship?"

Martha looked up suddenly at him when she heard his words. When she met his intense gaze, her

heart skipped a beat in surprise.

She thought, "What's wrong with him? He was clearly displeased just now, but suddenly he became

like animals in heat.

She pouted and said angrily, "I'd love to give it to someone else, but I don't know who to give it to."

"Do not give it to others."

The man glared and forcefully grabbed Martha's arm, pulling her into his arms and firmly holding onto

her waist with his big hands.

In the next second, his handsome face enlarged in front of her, and he directly blocked her red lips.

Martha was caught off guard by the kiss, and couldn't help making a low moan.

After she regained her senses, she stretched out her hand and began to push Stefan. Her muffled

voice came, "You... what are you doing? Let me go."

After her sweetness filled his mouth, he let her go reluctantly.

"You're so charming."

His husky voice made Martha blush even more.

She thought, "I did nothing! Clearly he's the one seducing me!"

She gave him a displeased glare and scolded him unkindly.

"It's your impure thoughts that make you unable to control yourself. I did nothing!"

Upon hearing this, Stefan's gaze fell onto the scattered purple lavender on the ground. His pupils

dilated and his body temperature dropped a few degrees.

Martha was keenly aware that something was wrong with him, and said with a smile, "I want to know

which little girl fell in love with you and showed her love so boldly."

Upon hearing these words, Stefan pursed his lips and pondered on how to explain the recent events to


Just at that moment, Martha's joking voice sounded again.

"Could it be that this little girl is hoping you will pay more attention to her?"

Stefan reached out and grabbed Martha's waist, his gaze deep and his voice slightly lowered.

"Martha, have you ever thought that some people may be two-faced? They just look pitiful on the


Martha hesitated for a moment before realizing who he was talking about. She lowered her eyes,

tightened the hand resting on her lap, and asked softly, "Did Helen give you those flowers?"

"Yes," Stefan replied flatly, his voice cold as he recounted what had just happened. "After you left, she

came over to get closer to me. I refused her offer of water but she cried while giving me flowers. She

even confessed her feelings for me."

"She said she knew what she did was wrong but still wanted to express herself." Stefan's indifferent

tone echoed in Martha's ears, causing her heart to grow colder.

She had thought Helen only tried so hard because of fear of being abandoned by Stefan but now it

seemed like there was no way for her to deceive herself anymore.

However... she couldn't bear leaving Helen alone overseas either. After all, that girl had also gone

through such unbearable experiences before. Maybe if she was left behind, she would never be able to

go back.

Martha thought, maybe it was just Helen's obsession, now that Stefan had clearly rejected her, maybe

it wouldn't happen in the future.

She thought so and said, "You have rejected her, and she should know what to do in the future."

Stefan interrupted with a frown, "Martha."

Sighing helplessly at his reaction, Martha spoke softly, "Stefan... I know what you want to say but

someone who has been homeless for so long can't easily let go when they finally find something worth

holding onto."

"Let's give her one more chance; if she does anything inappropriate again, then we'll send her back

home first." Stefan could only reluctantly agree with his wife's request.

He tightened the grip on Martha's hand and buried his head in her neck while lightly sniffing at strands

of hair as he apologized quietly, "If I hadn't been blinded before, you and Jimmy wouldn't have suffered


"That's all in the past," Martha smiled gently as she turned around and planted a kiss on Stefan's

forehead. "We're happy together now."

"Mr. Harrison, guess what color flower Jimmy just picked?"

"Blue?" Stefan raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

A happy smile rose to Martha's lips. "Yes, blue! He said he and Nick are soulmates."

Stefan thought of Jimmy's little golden retriever at home and twitched his lips. A dog as a soulmate?

Martha's gag made Stefan feel better instantly. When Jimmy, Melissa, and Eden returned, the couple

was beaming with joy.

Later, when it was time for everyone to leave, Helen appeared, following behind them slowly as if

nothing had happened.

Martha and Stefan exchanged knowing glances but said nothing; they only resolved to keep a closer

eye on Helen.

That night after dinner, everyone retired to their own rooms for rest.

At 8:30 PM, there was a knock on Martha's door; Stefan answered it.

When Helen saw him, she hesitated slightly before calling out softly, "Stefan."

Hearing her crying voice made him feel disgusted; he reached out to close the door immediately.

But Helen quickly blocked it with her hand and begged,"Stefan... I want to talk to Martha."

"Who is it?" Martha asked curiously from inside the room when she noticed that Stefan had been

standing at the door for some time.

Stefan stepped aside so that Martha could see who was outside their room.

Upon seeing Helen at their door, her eyes flickered briefly before returning back to normal again.

"Helen, why did you come so late?"

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