Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 607 Someone Knew The Truth
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Chapter 607 Someone Knew The Truth

Chapter 607 Someone Knew the Truth

"Come get gasoline and burn the criminals' bodies."


The guard responded respectfully, turned and left the place.

Not long after, the guard came back with gasoline and sprinkled the gasoline on the fake old Mrs.

Lucas and fake Martha.

Another guard raised a torch and threw it at their bodies, and soon their bodies were ablaze.


Since that day, everything seemed to have settled, and life had restored its calm.

When Martha returned to the Lucas residence, the Lucas residence was as solemn and majestic as

when she first came.

But now Sam was the only one left there.

She lowered her eyes, gave a wry smile, and walked slowly into the Lucas residence.

She still remembered the first time she saw the old Mrs. Lucas, who looked at her with tears. But she

didn't expect that everything was fake.

If her mother knew that her grandmother had been killed, she would be very sad.

Martha sighed silently, and clenched her fists.

Today, she brought her own badge, and she was going to put these badges together, in order to make

those who were killed by the Lucas rest in peace.

She walked to the old Mrs. Lucas' room with heavy steps, and put the badges from the table into the

treasure box of the Lucas family one by one.

Each of these badges represented someone from the Lucas family.

After Martha finished placing the badge, she reached out and gently took out the badge in her pocket,

and stroked it carefully.

This badge was left to her by her mother.

Now that she had finally avenged her mother, her mother could rest in peace.

Her eyes reddened, and she choked up and murmured, "Mom, I finally avenged you."

"Martha, don't be sad, we're all here."

Eve walked into the room in distress, reached out and patted Martha's shoulder.

Martha had endured too much.

Now that everything had been settled, Martha could pursue her own happiness.

Upon hearing Eve's voice, Martha turned to look at her, "Auntie."

"Now the truth has been found out, all the suffering is over, and we will all be fine in the future."

Eve's voice was soft, and she looked at Martha with complicated emotions.

At first, in order to find out the truth about her sister's death, she had been forcing Martha to marry King


At that time, she clearly knew that Martha liked Stefan, but she still...

Now that it was finally over, she wanted Martha to live the life she wanted.

Thinking of this, Eve clenched her hand on her side, and a guilty voice rang out.

"Martha, I'm sorry, if it weren't for me, you and him wouldn't have missed so long."

"Things are over now."

Martha lowered her eyes, obviously not wanting to continue the topic.

From the beginning to the end, she had always disagreed with Eve's idea of letting her marry King

Ducasse so as to find out the truth of the matter.

Now that things were over, it was pointless in discussing such a topic.

Eve replied "Hmm", and her eyes stayed on the treasure box on the table.

There were different badges in that box, each representing a different person.

Suddenly, she reached out and gently touched a badge, with a bit of bitterness in her eyes.

"Unexpectedly, my mother is fake. Maybe the mother I have been in contact with since I was a child is


Eve smiled wryly, her hands trembling as she touched the badge.

In her memory, her mother would smile at her and treat her very well.

Later, for unknown reasons, her mother became paralyzed and had to live on a wheelchair.

Later, she married Count Caesar, and her contact with her mother gradually decreased.

Hearing that, Martha frowned slightly, and the strange color in her eyes flashed.

Eve's words made Martha connect all the things that were wrong in her mind.

Now Martha had a bold idea which surprised her.

She suddenly thought of her mother who left Z Country many years ago.

The reason why her mother left must be that she had discovered something wrong with the old Mrs.

Lucas and known that no one would believe what she said.

Therefore, under repeated considerations, her mother had to leave Z Country. Only by leaving her life

would not be threatened.

However, since her mother could find out that something was wrong with the old Mrs. Lucas, what

about Aunt Eve?

Couldn't her aunt tell there was something wrong with the old Mrs. Lucas at all?

Thinking of that, Martha looked thoughtfully at Eve.

Eve took Martha's hand with great emotion, and said with a wry smile, "Martha, thank you for your hard

work. If it weren't for you, the truth would not have been revealed to the world so soon."

Martha raised her eyes to look at her smiling aunt. She had an answer to her doubts just now.

It was impossible for her aunt to not find it out.

From the very beginning, her aunt had been very cautious. Whether her aunt was in contact with her ornovelbin

secretly looking for her mother's whereabouts, it was not difficult to see that Eve was a thoughtful


Over time, Eve must have discovered something was wrong with the old Mrs. Lucas, so she married

Count Caesar early and left the Lucas family.

The fake old Mrs. Lucas had been relying on the blood of the original entity and the original entity's

descendants to maintain her appearance and life.

After her mother escaped from Z Country, the fake old Mrs. Lucas would definitely send someone to

hunt her down.

After a long time of hunting, the old Mrs. Lucas would definitely turn her attention to others. Therefore,

in other words, Elsie's departure brought danger to Eve.

After Eve became the countess, she happened to be able to use the status of the countess to protect


Martha's fingers on the treasure box froze at the thought.

Perhaps, Eve actually knew the truth of the matter from the very beginning, but she didn't have the

courage to reveal the truth, so she chose to use her to expose all the dirty things.

After Martha thought of that, she sighed helplessly.

Though Eve was the most cunning, no matter what, Eve didn't hurt her.

Thinking of this, Martha smiled and reached out to hold her aunt's hand, "Auntie, we are all the Lucas

and have the same mission, so you don't have to feel guilty, these are what I should do."

Eve froze for a moment, and smiled slightly.

No matter what, all she wanted was for the Lucas family to be at peace.

Now the masterminds behind the scenes had been found out, and those who smeared the Lucas had

also been punished.

And the Lucas family had returned to its former peaceful state.

She reached out and hugged Martha gently, and said gently in Martha's ear, "Now that everything has

settled down, it's time for you to pursue your own happiness."

She was the one who prevented Martha from leading a happy life before, and now she wanted Martha

to be happy.

Martha was her sister's only child, and she wanted to watch that child live a peaceful life.

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