Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 606 I Will No Longer Dream Of Replacing You
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Chapter 606 I Will No Longer Dream Of Replacing You

Chapter 606 I Will No Longer Dream of Replacing You

Listening to these words, Sam sighed silently, his eyes were dark with unfathomable emotions.

Louis, who was standing next to him, looked up at the fake old Mrs. Lucas, and asked aloud, "Have

you ever regretted it?"

-If you didn't kill my grandmother at that time, you wouldn't have such a strong desire to live forever,

and you wouldn't end up like this.

Although the old Mrs. Lucas was fake, he had visited her very often these years.

He understood his mother's dependence on the old Mrs. Lucas. If he let his mother know that the real

grandmother died long ago, he was afraid that his mother would be sad for a long time.

The fake old Mrs. Lucas knew the hidden meaning behind Louis' words.

She stared at Louis with a ferocious expression, and retorted excitedly, "Why should I regret it!"

"If your ancestors hadn't created us, how could we have fallen to where we are today!"

"I was right, it was you who were wrong! If it weren't for your obsession, how could I be made to suffer."

"It's all your fault! All of you will definitely suffer retribution!"


The cell was filled with the angry curses of the fake old Mrs. Lucas, mixed with the frightened cries of

fake Martha, making it very noisy.

King Ducasse frowned, and he looked majestically at the crazy two not far away.

"Guards, these two criminals pretended to be the Lucas, and after killing the old Mrs. Lucas, they even

instigated Gage and Clark to commit crimes, and they must be punished."

"Now, I pronounce the verdict that these two people will be executed on the spot. Our country will never

condone such criminals!"

After saying this, King Ducasse turned to look at his personal guard, indicating that the latter could

carry out the execution.

The guard nodded knowingly, and said loudly, "Gunmen, get ready!"

Soon, two gunmen took pistols, and pointed them to the hearts of the fake old Mrs. Lucas and fakenovelbin

Martha who were tied to the stone pillars.

The fake old Mrs. Lucas looked panicked and unwilling.

She was unwilling to be shot and have her life ended.

But now, she had no room for redemption.

Fake Martha next to her was terrified and yelled, "No, I don't want to die, I know I was wrong! I

shouldn't pretend to be Martha, I know I was wrong!"

Fake Martha cried her eyes out, begging them to let her go.

"Martha, please save me... As long as you are willing to spare my life, I will behave myself in the future,

and I will only be a clone for the rest of my life, and I will never try to replace you again..."

Martha frowned slightly.

Seeing a clone who was exactly like her crying to her, she couldn't tell what it felt like.

In fact, when the clones were created, no one asked if they wanted to come to this world.

Yet what to do and how to do it were all their own choices.

They made mistakes, and they should bear the consequences.

Fake Martha seemed to feel Martha soften her heart, so she cried harder with a miserable face.

"Martha, I know you are kind, I beg you to give me a chance to correct my mistakes!"

"I know I was wrong, please, let me go this time. I promise, I will never disturb your life again, please let

me live..."

Stefan, who was standing aside, saw Martha frowning tighter and tighter, his eyes darkened, and he

immediately stepped forward and hugged her shoulders.

"Come on, let's go out and wait."

After saying this, without waiting for Martha's answer, he bent down and hugged Martha horizontally,

and walked quickly towards the outside of the dungeon.

The panic on fake Martha's face became even worse after seeing it.

She struggled vigorously, tried to untie the rope on her body, looked eagerly at the direction Stefan and

Martha left, and yelled in despair.

"Don't go, Martha, please help me, I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, King Ducasse cut her off indifferently.


"Bang bang!"

After two gunshots, the eyes of the fake old Mrs. Lucas and fake Martha suddenly became very dull,

and then they lost consciousness.

Seeing the two tilt their heads, the guard immediately waved to the two guards not far away.

Soon, the two guards stepped forward and reached out to feel whether the two criminals were dead.

After not feeling the heartbeats of the fake old Mrs. Lucas and the fake Martha, the guard turned to look

at King Ducasse and nodded slightly.

King Ducasse saw their movements, still with a frown.

He thought of the fact that the fake old Mrs. Lucas relied on the blood of the descendants of the Lucas

family to continue her life, and he was still a little worried that they didn't die completely.

Sam, who was standing aside, saw King Ducasse staring at the corpses of the two clones, and realized

what the latter was worried about.

He took a step forward and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, we don't understand the characteristics

of clones. If shooting them doesn't work, they might survive and cause endless troubles."

Human cloning is a violation of human ethics. If the fake old Mrs. Lucas survives, more clones will be


Then the world will be in chaos sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Sam looked at fake Martha more and more sharply.

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