Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 434 Waiting To See Martha Make A Fool Of Herself
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Chapter 434 Waiting To See Martha Make A Fool Of Herself

Chapter 434 Waiting to see Martha make a fool of herself

She had hid here, but she didn't expect King Ducasse to directly say that he came to the Lucas family

to find her, now she had no reason to reject him.

Her eyelids drooped, and a strange color flashed across her eyes.

She lowered her eyelids and a flash of something different flickered in her eyes. After a moment of

silence, she took a deep breath and turned around towards the reception hall.

Soon, Martha saw King Ducasse, and Daisy staring at her unkindly.

She looked at the man sitting on the sofa, nodded slightly, and said softly, "Your Majesty."

"You're here," Ducasse stood up from his seat and walked towards Martha with an unusual smile on his


When he was a step away from Martha, he stopped, and his voice was obviously pleased.

"The weather is nice today. I want to take you horseback riding at my stable. Would Lady Martha like to

grace me with your presence?"

Martha frowned slightly, looked at the man standing in front of her, took a step back slowly, and

apologized. "I'm afraid that I have to let you down, I don't know how to ride a horse."

In fact, it's not that she doesn't know how to ride a horse. She has learned it in a foreign country for two

years before, and her riding skills are good.

It's just that she didn't want to have any intersection with King Ducasse anymore, that's why she said


King Ducasse was not angry when he heard this, but smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't

know how to ride a horse, I can teach you."

Standing aside, Daisy clenched her hands tightly, forced a smile, and took a step forward.

"My sister has been wandering for many years, so it's normal for her not to know how to ride a horse,

unlike girls like me who have to learn how to ride from an early age."

"Speaking of which, "I even won awards during equestrian competitions before, so let me teach my

sister another day."novelbin

When Daisy said this, she looked at Martha with unfriendly eyes, not as gentle as she appeared on her


When King Ducasse heard this, he just looked at Martha with great interest, waiting for her answer.

But before Martha answered, Andrew's voice sounded first.

"Since King Ducasse proposed to ride a horse at the racecourse today, how about we go together?"

As soon as he came down, he saw such a lively scene in the living room.

His older sister Daisy had always wanted to be a queen, and of course he couldn't miss this


Maybe after they went out, there would be a chance for him to finally do what he had been wanting to

do - take care of Martha.

Andrew's eyes darkened at the thought and his mind began to plot where and how he could take her.

Upon hearing this, King Ducasse smiled, "Then let's go together!"

Daisy chimed in with a mocking tone in her voice, "Yes, let's all go together." Her eyes clearly showed

that she was looking forward to seeing Martha make a fool of herself.

Martha frowned even harder and sounded tired as she declined their invitation. "You all go ahead," she

said. "I'm not feeling well today so I won't disturb your fun."

But as soon as she finished speaking, Andrew replied with an ominous tone in his voice.

"I haven't seen anyone who dares to refute King Ducasse's request."

After saying this, Andrew took a meaningful look at Martha, then nodded respectfully to King Ducasse

and said, "Don't worry, the Lucas family will always serve the royal family."

Martha's gaze turned icy cold upon hearing those words while tightly pursing her lips without saying

another word.

Andrew had deliberately provoked her by saying that if she didn't go now it would become an issue

involving The Lucas family as a whole..


Half an hour later, the four of them drove to the largest racecourse in Z Country.

The racecourse covers a very large area, surrounded by mahogany, the viewing platform is inside the

circle, and the racetrack is outside the circle.

In addition, there was a circle of audience seats on the outer circle of the racetrack, where the seats

were more luxurious, and there were private rooms and other equipment.

After the four of them came to the racecourse, they didn't stay here for long, and walked directly to the


The horses raised in the stables are of the highest quality, and there is also a specially designated area

for the royal family.

King Ducasse had been training in this racecourse since he was a child. Naturally, his exclusive horse

was raised here, which was White Pearl and looked very beautiful.

When passing White Pearl, Martha couldn't help but take a second look because it was rare to see

such a rare and beautiful horse.

All this was seen by King Ducasse who was walking beside her, and he approached Martha with a


"You like this horse?"

Martha took a step back subconsciously, and after realizing it, she replied with a smile, "It looks pretty."

The smile on the corner of King Ducasse's mouth widened unconsciously, and he said softly, "This is

my horse, called White Pearl."

Daisy who was standing aside heard this, gave Martha a glare, and then interrupted with a smile.

"King Ducasse's horse is beautiful, and we will choose a good-looking horse later."

King Ducasse pursed his lips without answering Daisy, and walked straight ahead.

It didn't take long for Martha, Daisy and Andrew to choose their own horses at the racecourse.

When the waiter at the racecourse received the new king who brought the daughter and son of the

Lucas family, they had specially prepared riding clothes for the three of them.

They put on their clothes with a smile, and walked in front of the four of them respectfully.

"My Majesty, these are the clothes prepared for the daughter and son of the Lucas family.

"Take them to change clothes."

King Ducasse glanced at the waiter indifferently, and ordered in a cold voice.

Not long after, Daisy and Martha changed into their riding clothes and walked out of the changing room


When leaving the fitting room, Daisy looked at Martha mockingly, and sneered.

"Don't cry when you make a fool of yourself later."

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