Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 433 I Am Here To See Martha
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Chapter 433 I Am Here To See Martha

Chapter 433 I am here to see Martha

The next day brought an unexpected visitor to the Lucas family.

When the royal convoy pulled up in front of the Lucas family's house, the servants standing at the door

were shocked..

One quick-thinking servant turned and stumbled inside while shouting, "King Ducasse is here! King

Ducasse is coming to the Lucas family!"

Although they were servants, they all knew in their minds that since Lady Elsie did not marry into the

royal family, the Lucas family has slowly declined.

The current Lucas family could not be compared with the past at all, so it was a great honor for the

Lucas family that the new kind came to the Lucas family in person.

And recently, the news had been saying that the king was going to marry, so maybe the king came

here for this.

At this time, Gage and other members were not in the Lucas family.

So the only people the servants can find are Daisy and Andrew.

The servant yelled all the way, his voice full of excitement, yelling and walking towards Daisy's room.

Soon, he came to the door of Daisy's room.

"Lady Daisy, King Ducasse is here downstairs."

Daisy who heard this in the room froze for a moment, and her hand holding the phone froze.

King Ducasse came to the Lucas family?

After she was shocked, she rushed to the door, opened the door, and asked a question in disbelief.

"What did you just say? Say it again!"

The servant looked at Daisy excitedly, and repeated it loudly.

"King Ducasse has come to the Lucas family, he is downstairs, Lady Daisy, how about going down to

meet King Ducasse now?"

Daisy's big eyes lit up, and a faint smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of her mouth.

King Ducasse came to the Lucas family at this time, he must have come to find her.

After she smiled smugly, she pretended to be serious and looked at the servant standing in front of her.

"I'm going to change clothes, you go down to receive King Ducasse first, don't neglect!"


The servant replied cheerfully, turned around and ran downstairs.

After Daisy saw the figure of the servant leaving, the smile on the corner of her mouth widenednovelbin


She returned to the room with a smile on her face, ready to dress up carefully before going down to see

King Ducasse.

Now was the important moment for the king to choose the queen, and she must ensure that her image

in front of King Ducasse was perfect.

And on the other side, in the garden of the Lucas family.

Martha was bored in the room, so she chose to take a walk in the garden, but she heard the news


When the servant learned that the new king was coming to the Lucas family, he kept shouting.

everyone in the Lucas family seemed to know that King Ducasse was coming.

Compared to Daisy who wanted to impress the king, Martha just wanted to avoid him and not have any

interaction with him.

She never wanted to be a queen, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she should not appear in

front of the kind.

Martha's eyelids drooped, and she couldn't help but wonder where she could hide herself.

On the other side, Daisy walked towards the living room downstairs with a decent smile on her face

after she dressed up.

Daisy walked down towards the reception hall downstairs. Upon entering there, she immediately saw

King Ducasse sitting on a sofa sipping tea.

"Your Majesty."

Daisy's cheeks were slightly red, she shouted shyly, then lowered her head.

When King Ducasse heard the voice, he looked at Daisy who was standing not far away with cold

eyes, and frowned indiscernibly.

"I'm here to see Miss Lucas."

When Daisy heard this, the arc of the corners of Daisy's mouth widened unconsciously.

She lowered her head shyly, and said softly, "Your Majesty, you're being polite, just call me Daisy."

Hearing this, King Ducasse finally understood why the woman in front of him looked like this.

It turned out that she thought he was looking for her.

He frowned, the disgust in his eyes flashed, his voice was still cold: "You misunderstood, I'm here to

find Martha."

Daisy's face turned pale when she heard the sound, and the smile froze on her face.

King Ducasse didn't come to look for her, he came to look for that bitch Martha!

She clenched her hands tightly and bit her lower lip, wishing she could kick Martha out of the Lucas

family right now!

After the atmosphere froze for a while, the servant standing on the side stepped forward and said

flatteringly, "It turns out that King Ducasse didn't come to find Lady Daisy, but to find Lady Martha, so I'll

go and invite Lady Martha over now."

King Ducasse nodded slightly, his golden eyes were still cold.

He came here today just to meet that different woman again.

If possible, he was looking forward to the days after Martha became the queen.

Martha was walking to a relatively hidden place of the Lucas family, but was found by one of the Lucas

family's servants.

After the servant found Martha, he smiled at her flatteringly, and his tone was much gentler than before.

"Lady Martha, King Ducasse is in the lobby, he's here to see you."

Martha frowned, her eyes darkened...

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