Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 267 Pseudo Drug To Fake Death
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Chapter 267 Pseudo Drug To Fake Death

Chapter 267 Pseudo Drug to Fake Death

The prison.

Libby gazed at the quiet, empty corridor expectantly. The mysterious man said she would be taken out

after accomplishing the task.

She guessed Hollie should have killed Martha successfully by then. Therefore, Libby believed she

would leave the jail soon.novelbin

In her expectation, heavy footsteps sounded in the corridor, the click-clacks hammering her heart.

Shortly after, Libby saw a prison guard. She jumped to her feet and trotted to the door.

"Did he send you here?" she asked eagerly.

The prison guard nodded and took off his cap. Libby recognized it was the one who had passed on the

message to her the last time, her heart thumping.

"Did the mysterious man send you here to take me away?" she asked uneasily.

The prison guard chuckled, "Who else could it be?"

Libby breathed a sigh of relief, a smile touching her eyes. She turned around to scan her cell, thinking

she would finally leave this horrible place and be set free.

Suddenly, she recalled Hollie and asked, "How's Hollie doing?"

"According to her latest trial, she would be executed in three days."

The prison guard slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a copper key.

Hollie's news shocked Libby. Seeing the prison guard open the door, she was overjoyed and couldn't

wait to be set free.

With a bright smile, Libby started to imagine her life after going out. Meanwhile, she failed to repress

her curiosity and asked, "Have Martha and her bastard died?"

The prison guard paused and answered icily, "No. They are still alive and leading a happy life."

Libby was disappointed.

If it weren't for Martha, she wouldn't have been sent to jail. She didn't expect Hollie to be too useless to

end Martha's life.

"Hollie is really worthless," she grumbled.

The prison guard glanced at her and snorted, "She hit Stefan. That guy is dying soon."

"What? What happened exactly?" Libby exclaimed in shock, looking at the prison guard in confusion.

They planned to kill Martha and her son, but Stefan was hit by the car instead.

The prison guard didn't hide it from her. "Stefan protected Martha and their son." He broke off and

mocked, "He seemed to love Martha deeply. Or he wouldn't have risked his life to save her."

Upon hearing his words, Libby frowned. She hadn't expected Stefan to be so protective of Martha.

However, he had hurt Martha deeply before, so Libby didn't think Martha would forgive him.

Lifting an eyebrow, she said ironically, "If he really loved her that much, he wouldn't have risked her life

to save Hollie before."

"Whether Martha is dead, it's none of your business. Your mission is accomplished," said the prison

guard. Then he tossed something to Libby.

Libby was puzzled and asked tensely, "What is it?"

"It's a drug to fake death. Even the legal medical expert can't find the cause of death." His voice

sounded as icy as a ghost from Hell, bringing goosebumps to Libby.

Libby flinched subconsciously and asked in a panic, "Why do I need to take it?"

She was afraid it might be poison instead. In that case, she would be dead.

The prison guard gazed at her while smiling in mockery. "If you don't take it, how will you leave here?"

"I can walk out freely. Didn't Hollie walk out?" Libby flinched until her back hit the wall. Its chill made her


The prison guard explained, "We've used all our connections to help Hollie escape from jail. The

consequence is the current security system of the jail has become more advanced. The prison guards

are also doubled. If you want to leave, you can only take the pseudo drug to fake death."

Libby stared at the drug. Her hunch told her she would lose her life if she took it.

She tried to calm down, but she shook more violently. "I've accomplished the mission. Why does he still

want me to die?" she asked in a trembling voice.

"It's a drug to fake your death. Not harmful to your health. In 12 hours, you'll recover and wake up."

The prison guard's words sounded reasonable. Libby wondered if she had thought too much. A while

later, she walked to the prison guard and picked up the drug with lingering fear.

"Is this the pseudo drug to fake death for real?"

A weird light flashed through the prison guard's eyes. He nodded and said in a cold tone, "You've

worked for our boss for years, so you should know him well. He will keep his word as long as you've

accomplished the mission."

Frowning, Libby considered his words.

Earlier, the mysterious man had asked her to make Stefan know Jimmy was his son.

After she had done it, she had a better life in jail. The mysterious man did keep his word.

However, Libby hesitated, wondering if she should trust him again.

The prison guard studied her expression and read her mind. Then he added, "You can do nothing but

trust me."

After a moment of silence, Libby nodded hesitantly. Under the current circumstance, she had no other

option but to take the drug to fake death.

Libby closed her eyes for a while. When she opened them again, she made up her mind and looked

determined. "OK."

She opened the bottle and gazed at the pills inside hesitantly as she smelt the pungent smell,

wondering if it was really the drug to fake death.

Seeing her hesitate again, frowning, the prison guard ran out of patience. He checked his wristwatch

and prompted, "I don't have much time. If you want to leave the jail, hurry and take it."

Libby closed her eyes and swallowed the pills. As the bitterness spread in her mouth, she regretted her


Soon, a sharp pang surged in her belly. Bending over, Libby gritted her teeth to tolerate the pain.

Gripping the prison guard's sleeve, she asked with difficulty, "How... How come my belly hurts so


The prison guard smiled ironically at her and angrily pushed her hand away. Then he dusted his sleeve

where Libby had touched just now.

His push made Libby collapse to the ground while glaring at him.

The prison guard chuckled, "You are indeed stupid. How could there be the pseudo drug to fake


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