Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 266 Visit Someone In Jail
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Chapter 266 Visit Someone In Jail

Chapter 266 Visit Someone in Jail

Hollie smiled and laughed as she stared at Martha.

"You really want to know? But I'm not going to tell you."

Because not even she knew who helped her.

It was Libby who told her the plan but she knew that Libby didn't have that much power to get her out.

So there must be someone even more horrible than Libby.

And that person had the same goal as her, which was to kill Martha.

Thinking of this, Hollie arched her eyebrow and her voice sounded.

"Do you really think I could come up with such a well-thought plan to kill your mother at such a young


Martha clenched her fists and hurriedly asked, "What do you mean?"

Didn't Hollie kill her mother?

Was there something more to it?

Hollie lay in bed and laughed, "I was just a pawn."

Martha widened her eyes and clenched her fists.

"Someone else wanted to kill her?"

Hollie smiled and nodded. Martha wasn't as stupid as she thought

"You are smart. It was someone else who really wanted you and your mother's lives."

The reason that she chose to tell it now was that she didn't think there was any point in hiding it.

Martha frowned and her mind was in a mess. She couldn't help trembling slightly.

So, someone had been trying to kill her and her mother when she was a child but she never knew it.

Who was it that had been trying so hard to kill them?

As she thought, she asked, "Who is it?"

Hollie arched her eyebrow and asked sarcastically, "Why should I tell you?"

Standing there, Martha pursed her lips and didn't know what to say.

She tried to calm down and inquire more information about who it might be but didn't know what to ask


After a long time, Hollie said scornfully, breaking the silence.

"It's not that simple. I am just a pawn in the whole jail escaping thing."

Martha looked at her in confusion and asked.

"Since you knew it, why were you willing to become someone's pawn?"

"Either way, I'm dying. It's worth it if I could bring you all down with me."

Hollie looked at her indifferently as if she was saying nothing important.

Martha couldn't help feeling hopeless seeing her like this.

Martha wanted to get more information but she knew Hollie wouldn't say anything.

At last, she walked out with questions in her mind as Hollie laughed crazily.

After she walked out, a police officer at the door immediately closed the door.

Soon, a police officer walked up to her and said seriously, "We will thoroughly investigate the whole

thing and we will call you if we find anything."

Martha nodded but didn't say anything.

The police officer said, "For the incident, Hollie will be executed in three days."

Martha was stunned, nodded her head and didn't say a word.

She didn't know why Hollie asked to see her but her intuition told her that Hollie didn't know much.

She needed to see someone else if she wanted more information.

Thinking of this, she made up her mind to go see that person later.

Martha took a deep breath and walked towards the ICU.

When she arrived, Bianca and Jane happened to be there.

Bianca looked at Martha, who looked exhausted, and felt sorry. She looked at Martha up and down andnovelbin

asked with worries even after making sure she was fine, "How are you? Did you get hurt?"

"I'm fine."

Martha shook her head and answered lightly.

After she said that, Jane asked, "I heard it was Hollie, but hadn't she been in jail? Why was she out?"

"Someone helped her escape."

Martha took a look at Jane and said lightly.

Jane was shocked and asked, "Who is it?"

Martha shook her head.

At this moment, Bianca was holding Jimmy in her arms and asked, "Jimmy, did you get hurt?"

The little guy shook his head, his eyes still red. He put his hand on Bianca's shoulder and replied


"I'm fine, but Daddy is in a coma now in order to save us."

Bianca patted him in the back and comforted him, "Don't worry, Jimmy. Your daddy is a tough man and

he will be fine."

Jimmy nodded his head, still staring at the ICU.

How he wished Stefan could wake up now and tell him he was fine.

Martha looked at him, feeling sorry and there was self-blame in her eyes.

He was only five and he had gone through so much. She failed as a mother.

After coming to herself, she turned to look at Bianca and said gently, "Bianca, will you take Jimmy


"I'm not leaving."

Jimmy asked Bianca to put him down.

Bianca resignedly put him down and comforted him patiently, "Maybe your daddy will wake up after you

take a sleep?"

The little guy shook his head with red eyes

Daddy got hurt because of him and Mommy, he wanted to be here and wait until Daddy woke up.

Seeing this, Martha knew that he wasn't going home.

She crouched down and rubbed his hair.

"Jimmy, go home, okay? I will call you immediately when your daddy wakes up."

Jimmy shook his head stubbornly and said, "I want to be here for Daddy."

Martha hugged him and said gently, "Jimmy, don't worry. Your daddy will be fine."

"Can you promise?"

Martha's eyes were red and she nodded her head firmly.

"I promise your daddy will be fine."

Hearing this, Jimmy nodded, walked to Bianca and grabbed her hand.

Martha stood up and looked at Bianca, "Bianca, you should go home."

Bianca knew Martha wasn't in a good mood now, nodded her head and took Jimmy out of the hospital.

After they left, Martha turned to look at Jane.

"I'm going to jail. You should wait here."

Jane looked at her in disbelief and asked in confusion, "Jail?"

Martha nodded her head and told her why she was going there.

"There's more to Hollie's escaping from jail. I'm going to talk to Libby; she may know more than Hollie."

She had thought Hollie killed her mother, and yet it seemed it wasn't the case. She just wanted to know

who it was that wanted her and her mother dead so badly.

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