Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 222 Let The Scumbag Regret It For The Rest Of His Life
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Chapter 222 Let The Scumbag Regret It For The Rest Of His Life

Chapter 222 Let the Scumbag Regret It for the Rest of His Life

"You can have a good rest. I will make arrangements for the surgery." Stefan said with hesitation.

Although he expressed nothing on his face, he reflected his care towards Martha in his eyes.

He looked down at Martha in the hospital bed for a moment, trying to convey his emotions to her.

But unfortunately, she didn't even raise her head. Instead, Martha slightly lowered her head to look at

the clean white quilt, just staring straightforwardly without saying anything. She just slightly nodded with


Melissa saw what had happened. Stefan was hurt as his concern and pity for Martha received no

response, and Martha showed her indifference and hardness.

Melissa felt tightness in her chest because of the tense atmosphere. She felt sorry for both of them.

She witnessed what they had been through from beginning to end. But even so, she couldn't feelnovelbin

exactly how they felt now.

It was not hard to see how distressed they could be. Melissa remained silent.

Stefan was upset. His eyes were dulled and his thin lips were pursed. Unable to receive a positive

response from Martha or even a glance from her, he felt extremely frustrated.

Having said what he wanted, Stefan was going to leave with reluctance.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded from behind. "Stefan, even if you trade your life for Jimmy's, I

won't be grateful for that, let alone forgive you."

Martha said those words coolly and emotionlessly as if she were saying the cruelest words to a


Stefan's eyes glinted, and his heart got hurt instantly. He tightly pursed his thin lips to cover the shock

within himself and to look calm.

He didn't expect Martha to be so heartless, though he did not mean to seek her gratitude and

forgiveness by trading his life for Jimmy's.

However, when Martha uttered those indifferent remarks, he was hurt and overwhelmed with a huge

sense of loss. The deep powerlessness made him feel at a loss.

Martha ruined his hope with one sentence.

He just made a fool of himself.

Stefan stopped and looked at her.

Martha no longer evaded his eyes this time. She stared at him fearlessly.

"Don't do anything that will hurt you. It's meaningless," Martha said word by word, staring at Stefan.

"You still care about me, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't worry if I got killed."

Martha still looked emotionless. She refuted him without hesitation.

"You are Jimmy's father, and I don't want my son to lose his father when he is a child. He just met you.

He's still so young. He can't afford to lose you again."

Stefan knew what she implied. She blamed him for not fulfilling a father's responsibilities since he had

been ignorant of Jimmy.

She also implied that he was merely Jimmy's father and had nothing to do with her. There was only a

vulnerable link between them--the child.

Someday, Jimmy would not need his father anymore, and then he would vanish from her life. That was

all he meant to her now.

Martha didn't care about Stefan at all. She worried about Stefan's safety just for Jimmy's sake.

Stefan smiled bitterly, and his joy just now was like a huge joke. He didn't know why he was still waiting

for something with a hint of fantasy and expectation when everything had already been settled.

He was the only one who was still stuck in the past. He didn't know why he was still expecting.

Stefan left without saying anything.

Martha stared at the door for a long time, pondering something. But her eyes never shifted away from

the direction in which Stefan had left.

His eyes were wandering. She seemed to think of something. It was difficult to guess what she was

thinking through her profound eyes. She pursed her lips without the resolute gesture she had just


Melissa looked at Stefan's back as he left. She sighed softly, not knowing who she felt sorry for.

"He didn't feel regretful until now. It's too late. If he had made it up earlier, it might not turn out like this


Martha listened to her words and smiled faintly. Finally, she just shook her head and said nothing more.

Melissa couldn't tell how Martha felt at that moment. She was worried and said, "Stefan does keep a

low profile now, and he is kind to you and Jimmy."

"But it cannot eliminate what he did to you before and the harm caused by him. You can't forgive him or

be soft-hearted." Melissa's eyes were filled with worry.

"I have written so many novels, and I understand what a man like Stefan is thinking the best. Men are

all the same. They will forget their sufferings once they get forgiveness. You should let the scumbag

regret it for the rest of his life! He should not be forgiven."

Melissa's first principle in writing novels was that bad men couldn't be forgiven.

Her sympathy for Stefan was far less than her hatred for him. She didn't want Martha to suffer again.

Martha could tell that Melissa was really worried about her. That was why Melissa tried to dissuade her

from being soft-hearted or forgiving Stefan.

Certainly, she would not forget the pain she had suffered since it was so unforgettable.

Martha chuckled and said, "Don't say anything about lifelong love. No matter how deep it is, it will

slowly fade away. Don't worry, Melissa. I won't reconcile with Stefan."

Martha once loved Stefan so madly that she didn't even care about how much suffering she was


But now, Martha already felt nothing for Stefan. Her heart was like a pool of stagnant water, and no one

could cause the smallest ripple.

The glass lamps in the hotel presidential suite were resplendent and magnificent, reflecting two figures

in the room.

Jane called Martha with worry.

"Jimmy will undergo surgery three days later. And the one with the right bone marrow has agreed to

donate his. I will be with Jimmy at the hospital for the next few days. The company's business will be

left to you first, Jane. Thank you for your help." Martha said in a low voice.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it." Jane agreed and hung up. She was so excited and happy.

She almost burst into tears. The child finally could be saved. She felt deeply moved.

She just hoped the surgery went on smoothly, and Jimmy could be fine.

Jane hung up the phone. When she turned around, the bathroom door was just opened behind her. A

man walked out of the bathroom. Only a white bath towel was loosely wrapped around his crotch. And

drops of water flowed down from his hair.

Water flowed all the way through his straight nose and smooth jawline. He seemed to feel the water

droplets sliding down, and his sexy Adam's apple was rolling, highlighting the unique charm of the man.

The contours of the abdominal muscles were also visible. And his six-pack stomach was like being

carefully carved for viewing.

Jane dared not look down anymore. She looked away in haste. As she turned around, she felt her

heart beat faster. Her breathing was rapid, and the temperature on her face was slowly rising.

This man's figure was like a carefully made handicraft by heaven, and each proportion was

appropriate. It was not the first time Jane had seen it.

She was impressed with the sexy man.

Jane managed to calm down and took deep breaths to make her voice sound peaceful. She told the

man about Jimmy's surgery.

The man had already sat on the sofa, and he faintly replied to her.

Jane finished her report. But what she had just seen still lingered in her mind, so she politely greeted

him and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, the man who had been silent suddenly spoke up.

"Come here."

Jane was stunned for a while, feeling a bit embarrassed. When the man saw that Jane stayed put

there, he looked at her with impatience and curiosity.

Jane was shocked by the look in his eyes. She turned back instantly and walked towards the man.

He heard the footsteps and threw the towel at hand to Jane. Without saying anything, he closed his

eyes to take a rest.

Jane took the towel, looking at the man's dripping hair. She understood and walked over, standing

behind him.

She carefully wiped the man's hair. Her movements were gentle and meticulous for fear of disturbing

him. She massaged the man's head to promote blood circulation.

As Jane moved her hand, she looked toward the man in front of her. Looking down from above, she

could see that the man's eyelashes were soft and thick, casting a small shadow on his delicate face.

The room was air-conditioned, and the man didn't put on his shirt. He was indolent and relaxed, which

created an unspeakable temptation.

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