Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 221 Loveless Marriage
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Chapter 221 Loveless Marriage

Chapter 221 Loveless Marriage

Staring down at the woman in his arms, Stefan felt sorry.

He held her tightly and didn't want to let go. He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

At last, he took her to the ward, took off her shoes and coat for her carefully. After staying for a while

and hearing the doctor say that she would be fine after some rest, he left.

It was morning now and quiet in the hospital.

Stefan guarded outside the ICU alone.

Although Jimmy was temporarily out of danger now, he needed to stay in the ICU for observation. If

there was not any adverse reaction, it would mean he had pulled through.

Stefan stood by the window glass and fixed his eyes on Jimmy.

His little body lying in bed, and the screen of machine was lit, on which showed his vital signs.

He was so fragile with tubes all over him. His chest weaved up and down slightly and regularly, the

mask covering most of his face. The respirator was working nonstop.

The patient's gown was on him, covering the tubes, but one could imagine how it was under the gown.

Jimmy was so emaciated that even the smallest sized gown looked loose on him.

Stefan didn't leave all night, nor did he get any sleep. The sky turned bright gradually.

He watched as sun shed into the hall, as if it was a ray of hope sent to Jimmy.

When Martha woke up, it was noon.

She woke up and saw Melissa, who looked anxious and worried.novelbin

Melissa got Rupert's call this morning. He told her about Jimmy's condition and that Martha was in a


Without thinking much, Melissa put aside her work and rushed over.

Martha slept for hours.

"Martha, you're up! How do you feel?"

"I'm fine. How's Jimmy?"

It was the first thing that came to her mind as she woke up. She didn't even know how she fell asleep

last night.

She vaguely remembered she fell into a man's warm arms and her dream was full of it.

Was it Rupert?

"Jimmy's fine. He has awoken but just fell sleep again."

Melissa told Martha to make her feel at ease.

"I want to go see him."

Martha said and was about to get out of the bed. However, just as her feet touched the ground, she felt

dizzy, couldn't stand still, and fell back.

Melissa immediately helped her back in bed and said worriedly, "You've been exhausted. You didn't

sleep or eat well. You don't want to fall ill before Jimmy gets well, do you?"

She then explained patiently, "Just have some food first. Jimmy is asleep. Stefan and Rupert are

keeping an eye on him. He will be fine."

Hearing this, Martha nodded. She was relieved but her face was still pale.

Melissa thought of the surgery and asked.

"Why did Rhys suddenly agree to save Jimmy? Walk me through it."

Martha pursued her lips and didn't intend to hide it from her. She told her the relationship between

Stefan and Rhys before she told her what had happened yesterday.

Melissa found the whole story complicated and got lingering fear.

"I didn't expect Rhys would be Stefan's half brother. According to my understanding of his personality, I

am surprised he would agree to donate his bone marrow in the end."

Melissa said and suddenly became interested in him. But more accurately, she started to change her

understanding of him.

She was thankful to whoever that could save Jimmy.

Martha said lightly, "I was surprised too. But I know he's not a bad person in nature."

When Stefan came, he was about to open the door when he heard Martha.

Hearing that she said Rhys wasn't a bad person, he suddenly stopped and withdrew his hands that

were about to push the door. He stood at the door.

He got complicated feelings.

Martha didn't know Stefan was at the door.

Now that she had calmed down, she started to think about the past.

Although Rhys did want to use her to take revenge on Stefan and that he came to her with ulterior


Undoubtedly, he did help her a lot.

Martha remembered every favor from him.

And now, he was doing the biggest favor by donating his bone marrow.

She really appreciated him.

So, she firmly believed that Rhys was not a bad person.

If not for this, she wouldn't have wanted to help solve the issues between Stefan and Rhys. She didn't

want to see them keep going astray because of misunderstanding and hatred.

Seeing her serious expression, Melissa couldn't help teasing, "I think Rhys is a nice guy. Why don't you

marry him?"

Stefan finally couldn't help walking in when he heard this.

His appearance interrupted the conversation, but he pretended not to have heard anything.

But both Martha and Melissa noticed his gloomy expression. Although he didn't look angry, he was


They didn't know how much he had heard.

Melissa immediately shut her mouth.

Martha ignored him habitually. She looked down and answered Melissa's question.

"No, a loveless marriage is a torture and I don't want to go through it again."

Martha could feel that Stefan was upset and he was becoming depressed.

She said this also for him to hear.

She didn't like Rhys, nor did she want to get entangled with Stefan.

Stefan knew what she meant by "a loveless marriage".

As Bianca had said, he was now in regret and pain.


So what? To Martha, what he was going through now was nothing compared to what she had gone


She said then, "I'm tired of it."

Her words made Stefan in despair.

Martha was indeed tired of it now. She had no intention or courage to fall in love with anyone again.

For the harm and despair he had imposed on her, she was paying him back.

She had been suffering back then like he was now.

Being trapped in a loveless marriage and unable to get out of it felt like a vicious curse and a torment.

She was unloved, pained, misunderstood, and hurt...

He was going through all of it now.

It was indeed retribution.

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