Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 144 Help Me Do One Last Thing
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Chapter 144 Help Me Do One Last Thing

The next day, at the Harrison Group.

Stefan was sitting all alone in the office, staring at the documents on the table.

He did not want to divorce her, but that was all she wanted.

There were still two days left. After that, there would be no connection between them.

His reason told him to let her have her own way, but he did not want to let her go.

He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

Then a knock at the door interrupted his meditations.

He opened his dark, unfathomable eyes and looked toward the door.

"Come in."

The minute he spoke, Eden walked in.

He went straight to the desk in his office and placed the document on it.

"This is the divorce agreement you wanted."

Stefan was dumbfounded at the words.

"Put it there."

His voice was hoarse, and not pleasant to Eden's ears.

Since he knew Stefan ten years ago, it was the first time that he had seen the latter like this.

Several days ago, he went abroad to negotiate on two important projects, which should have been

negotiated by Stefan himself, but since Martha came back, Eden went there instead.

It had never occurred to him that it would turn out like this when he got back.

Now, Stefan was staring at the divorce agreement with a sullen face.

After signing the agreement, he would have no contact with her.

Seeing that, Eden sighed and said, "I never thought you would end up like this."

He was close to Stefan. Of course, he did not want his pal to live with remorse and guilt for the rest of

his life.

But he was also aware of what Stefan had done to Martha.

He knew deep down that Stefan was only reaping what he had sowed.

Stefan, meanwhile, understood what Eden was talking about. He smiled ironically and said, "I deserve


"Don't be too hard on yourself. You had no idea what was going on before. It's impossible for you to

know all the truth."

Speaking of that, Eden continued, "Though you did the wrong thing, you love her right now, don't you?

Have you really made up your mind to let her go? Even it means you have no right to interfere with who

she's going to marry?"

Right, she could marry anyone she wanted after divorcing him.

Rupert Turner, or Rhys Williams, both of them were better than him, the ex-husband in her heart.

He pressed his lips together and said nothing.

Certainly, he didn't want her to leave, or see her marry other people...

But what could he do to make it up to her now that everything had happened?

Hearing no answer, Eden understood that there was no other option except divorce.

As an outsider, he had better keep quiet.

Before he left, Stefan asked in a lowered voice, "Have you found her?"

Eden stopped, knowing that he was asking about Libby.

He lifted his brow and answered calmly, "She couldn't run away. She's still here, not in another


Since Libby ran away that day at the Doyle Manor, the police had been trying to arrest her but they had

no clue where she was now.

She was still in the city, considering the circumstances.

Stefan asked Eden to deal with her. Now that Hollie was in jail, they couldn't let Libby get away with the

punishment of law, either.

The hours soon slipped away, and night came in a twinkling.

The city was crowded, while the ghetto was fairly quiet.

A woman appeared in an empty street. She was wearing a hat, scarf and mask.

Covering herself from head to toe, she walked carefully in the darkness, checking her back from time to

time in case anyone might recognize her.

Libby was dressed in rags, a far cry from the old glamorous her.

She approached an old telephone booth and sneaked into it when no one was around.

She picked up the phone and pressed a string of numbers that she remembered quite well.

Her eyes were fixed on her surroundings, and her hand, which held the phone, was involuntarily wetnovelbin

with sweat.

When the call was answered, the look of anxiety faded from her face.

She asked in a nervous tone, "Finally, what am I supposed to do now?"

The person on the other end of the line was rather mysterious. Its number changed every time after

they made a phone call.

She had no idea who that person was, but her instinct told her that he or she was the only one she

could depend on now.

For all those years she had been doing things for this mysterious person. Now that Hollie was over, she

just wanted to keep herself safe.

That person answered in a cold voice, without any intention of saving her.

"You can't run away."

Hearing that, Libby couldn't help grasping the phone and raising her voice, "That can't happen. No one

has found out where I am."

The minute she answered, a weird laughter came from the other end of the phone.

When the laughter died away, the cold voice started again, "Stefan's men are looking for you. You can't

even go abroad."

"Then what should I do?" Libby asked, growing anxious again.

It took her a lot of effort to escape the police. Was all that wasted?

She could not spend the rest of her life in jail.

"Don't worry. You won't get a heavy penalty. After all, Hollie was the main culprit. You are merely an

accessory criminal."

Libby, feeling more nervous, leaned against the glass wall.

It meant that guy was not going to help her.

It made sense. After all, there was little she could do. Considering the mysterious way that guy had

been acting, there was little chance that he or she was going to help her.

She was reluctant to accept the result, but deep down she knew that guy was right.

She was only an accomplice. She could be released in a couple of years.

After figuring that out, she inhaled deeply and said, "Okay, I will surrender to the police."

"Not the police."

"What do you mean?"

Libby was confused. The guy answered in a commanding tone, "Make Stefan's men find you and do

one last thing for me. If you can do that, I will have my men take care of you when you are in jail."

"What is it?"

Libby frowned, her eyes were full of confusion.

She was like an underdog now. What more could she do?

What the hell did that guy want her to do?

"I want you to tell Stefan the existence of the child. Make sure he knows that he has a son."

Not too late and not too early. Make Stefan know everything in these two days...

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