Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 143 He’s neither dad material nor husband material
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Chapter 143 He's neither dad material nor husband material

At six o'clock in the evening, Martha left work on time. After she got out of the Doyle Group, she drove

to Jane's to pick up Jimmy.

She was thinking that since she and Stefan were getting divorced in three days, it might be time for

Jimmy to meet Maxwell and Bianca.

She laughed, and her eyes were filled with softness as she dialed the number.

The phone was quickly picked up. Her son's sweet voice came from the other end, "Mom, are you

going to meet me at Jane's house?"

"Yes. I am on my way now. How about Jimmy go and have your clothes changed?"

It seemed that Jimmy had a gift for telepathy. He asked quickly, "Mommy, are you going to introduce

me to someone?"

"Yes. To see your grandpa."

The minute Martha's soft voice went down, Jimmy answered excitedly, "Is that true? I'm going to see

my grandpa?"

"Sure. Go and change your clothes. I'll be there in a minute."

Half an hour later, the minute she walked into the apartment, she was hugged by Jimmy.

"Mommy, are we going to leave now?"

Before Martha could answer him, Jane interrupted them, "Jimmy. Your mother and I need to talk about

something. Can you give us a minute?"

Jimmy seemed a little bit disappointed, but he still nodded.

"Okay. I'm going to finish the dessert on the table."

Then he headed to the dining table.

When he left, Jane looked at Martha seriously.

"Ms. Doyle. I ran into Mr. Harrison today when I went to the Doyle Group to sign a document for you."

Hearing that, Martha frowned immediately. She seemed to think about something and grasped Jane's

arm tightly.

"Did he see Jimmy? Did he recognize that Jimmy was ..."

"No, he didn't. It was just... a bit complicated. It turned out that the person who escorted Jimmy to the

police station was Mr. Harrison. So, Jimmy always wanted to thank him."

Jane's explanation largely soothed Martha. But as she was feeling a bit relieved, she could not help


When she had worked it out, she and Jane looked at each other.

So, Jimmy and Stefan had already met each other.

It was just that Jimmy had no idea who his real father was and Stefan thought she had lost her child

after the operation.

Martha looked down and started pondering.

When Jimmy met Stefan this afternoon, Stefan could not have figured out who Jimmy was, or he would

not have agreed to divorce her.

Now that Jimmy was in the same country as Stefan, if Stefan found out the relationship between her

and Jimmy...

Given the current situation, she would not allow a single thing to go wrong.

He said they were going to get divorced in three days. So, Jimmy could not show up before him in

these three days.

It meant that she could not bring Jimmy to see her father for now.

Thinking of that, she looked at Jane and said quietly, "I see. Maybe it's better for Jimmy to stay at home


"That's what's on my mind."

Jane nodded and realized how serious it was.

After saying that, she left and went to her room, leaving enough private space for Martha and Jimmy.

When Martha calmed down, she walked towards the dining table with a smile.

Jimmy was still working on that dessert. When he saw his mother coming, his hand that was holding a

fork stopped. He smiled, "Mommy, shall we take off now?"

"Not today, sweetie."

She rubbed his head and answered softly.

Jimmy's disappointment was obvious. He looked at his mother, "Why not?"

"Because it's too late today. Grandpa needs to rest."

Hearing that, Jimmy suspected nothing. He believed his mom never lied to him, so he nodded.

Martha felt even more distressed. Jimmy was only four years old, but he always acted like an adult.

His consideration gave her a bittersweet feeling.

"Mom, will you sleep with me tonight?"


Jimmy followed her lead to the bedroom.

When Martha tucked him up, Jimmy seemed to think about something and said suddenly, "Mom, this

afternoon, Jane and I ran into the mister who took me to the police station from the airport. I wanted to

express my gratitude to him, but Jane said that was what he should do. Do you know why?"

Martha was stunned. There was a strange look on her face.


'Because he is your father. He was supposed to be there when you were growing up and shoulder the

responsibility that every father should.' Martha's inner voice was talking.

She opened her mouth, but eventually only said, "I have no idea."

Jimmy pressed his lips together. He knew it. Jane was only fooling him.

Seeing that Jimmy was a bit disappointed, she fondled his face and said softly, "Jimmy was lucky to

have met that kind man. If possible, Jimmy will meet him again."

"Will I?"

Jimmy asked again, his eyes full of expectation.

His look upset Martha.

Was it the bond between father and son? The inseparable bond?

Jimmy had only met Stefan twice, but he liked Stefan so much.

Maybe it was because of the bond between father and son.

She tried to hide the mixed feelings in her eyes and asked softly, "Jimmy, do you like that mister very


Jimmy smiled and nodded slightly, "I like him. He's nice and warm-hearted. But he has a short temper,

he's not a father material."

Martha was rather shocked at this. She wanted to correct him but found nothing to say.

Jimmy's mention of the word "father" had frightened her.

Perhaps it was because he had always wanted a father.

When she collected her thoughts, she followed Jimmy's words and asked, "Why?"

"Because he seemed cold and was not so nice to me. He left me alone in the police station. I mean, henovelbin

was much too indifferent to an adorable kid like me."

"When I asked him questions in the car, he would not answer me either."

"Mom, that man is neither dad material nor husband material. He doesn't know how to take care of


Jimmy was acting like an adult again, deducing from his impression on Stefan that Stefan was neither a

good father nor a good husband.

Amused by him, Martha felt quite relaxed.

She patted his arm and smiled, "I think you are right."

"Jimmy is exhausted today, right? Have a nice dream."

He nodded, "Alright, Mommy. You, too."

Martha bent over and kissed his forehead.

She knew that Jimmy had always wanted to see his father. Despite that, his illness couldn't be healed

without Stefan.

It wouldn't be long for them to meet each other.

What was to come would come in the end...

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