Get Me Married

Chapter 51
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Knowing the truth

Looking away from Ava, I got up from where I had sat beside her and turned back to the chair behindmy desk. The only problem here was that I couldn’t sit down, instead, I relaxed my hands on top of thedesk. I was a little confused, a little perplexed, and uneasy. Yet I smiled for a little While then I turnedback to Ava. She had this confused feeling on her face and her brows were knitted into a frown.

How could I have been so stupid? I thought Genesis was at fault, I called her a deceiver, I called her aliar, I called her a deceitful person and I made her pay for lying to me. I put all my anger and annoyanceand frustration out on her whenever I could. I could count how many times I mistreated her with myown hands yet it turned out she was just a victim as much as I was.

But how could it be possible? This could have been another lie of hers or a formulated story my motherhas, my mom could be very manipulative and this could have been one of those things

she does.

“Are you sure about all that you have said? I blurted out stupidly to Ava and her frown deepened.

“I was there myself, how can I not be sure of what I am saying?” She snarled at me.

Just then, the door to my studies was pushed open and I turned to it. Genesis came walking in, in sucha hurry, I thought she was running from something.

“Blue eyes” Ava shrieked and got up from where she sat. She instantly ran to her sister and pushedherself into her in a hug that threatened to push her down. But Genesis held her ground and wrappedher hands around her sister with a smile on her face. A smile that made me forget the disturbingrevelation that I had heard and made me smile in satisfaction.

They both wrapped themselves in a hug for a while and forgot that I was also there in their midst, thatwas before Genesis met my eyes and the smile she had disappeared. She pulled away from Ava andheld her arm.

“What are you doing here? This is right-wing and…..”

“Jordan asked me to stay with him till you wake up,” Ava replied and turned to me with a smile on herface.

“Ohh” Her sister simply replied and she also turned to me.

“You truly brought her here?” She asked me.

“Yes, he did. He said you missed us and wanted to give you a surprise” Ava replied instantly. Genesiswidened her eyes at me and turned back to Ava, who gave her a nod before she turned back to me.

“Surprise….” I said sheepishly and a sudden smile appeared on her lips.

“Thank you,” she said lowly. And that was all I wanted. That smile was enough for me and though sheheld herself more, I saw the life and excitement in her eyes. She turned to Ava and they

walked out of my studies immediately. I smiled warmly at myself for a job well down before my mindtraveled back to what Ava told me.

At that instance, my mom called me and I sighed in relief.

“Mom… I was just about to call you” I said the instant I picked up the call.

“Is everything alright? You always seem to call when something has gone wrong?” She queried and Iscoffed.

“Everything is perfectly fine, I just…” I paused.

“Jordan…if you are not going to speak well I have to inform you that you need to start representing usat events, the chase family has missed one too many” she started and I groaned.

“This is more important…” I groaned. Then her line went quiet and I could sense the worry from thesilence. I thought for a while and thought of the best way to present the issue to her without accusingher of trying to manipulate me again. In a long run, I came up with nothing and just decided to ask her. Ineeded to find out if Ava was saying the truth or if it was another joke for my mother and I truly believethat the latter was the case.novelbin

“Mom….you have done enough damage as it is already and I wish you would stop” I started, clearlypicking my words wrongly.


“You manipulated me into marrying Genesis, why manipulate Ava into telling me lies?” I interrupted her.

“What are you talking about?” She sounded completely ignorant, I almost bought it, but again, I knewmy mom too well

“Mom…the operation and tale behind why Genesis married me .. isn’t this a lame way to prove that sheis a good person. Telling Ava to tell me such stories…” I added and the line went quiet again. I heardher breath out heavily and waited for her response. Whatever’s it was, I knew she was wrong and I wasangry that she was trying to manipulate me again or maybe it was just me who wanted her to be wrong.For my conscience’s sake, I wished my mom had truly told Ava to tell me those tales, I wished it wastrue that Genesis manipulated me from the beginning. That would only justify me and all the times Ihurt her. It would make me feel relieved that she deserved the things I did to her at least.

“I never knew I trained up a stupid child” came the words of my mother.

“How can you be so ignorant and stupid? Yes, I did manipulate you before but that was for your good, itwas only for your benefit and no one else. And alongside you, guess who I also manipulated?”

“Genesis, your wife” she snapped at me.

“She was just a graduate from college and was very ill at the same that her sister needed a new kidney.She is a beautiful woman as you can tell and your Samantha had told me no and declined yourproposal Jordan…..”

“You needed a wife and you needed one soon and Genesis at that point was just the next best option. Ipaid heavily for Ava’s kidney transplant, and in exchange for my payment, I asked Genesis to marryyou” she confirmed Ava’s story.

“But that still doesn’t change the fact that she had pretended to be Samantha for so long, just to bemarried to me” I also growled.

“You poor child. She didn’t even know of any Samantha till you foolishly brought her into yourmatrimonial home”

“I bugged your phones and was able to listen to both your conversation. There were times one of youwould want to talk about your past or mention names and your phones would suddenly trip off……right?” She asked and at that point, I became scared.


“Well, that was me. I made sure you never mentioned the name Sam to her while she never mentionedher name or any other name that would make everythingng seem suspicious”

“Remember at the hotel…you went to her door, you almost saw her till I came in and stopped that fromhappening” she paused and I took a deep breath, finally understanding.

“Everything was all me. The poor girl never knew about Samantha and thought you knew about her.Everything I did was to marry you off to someone without you declining because it wasn’t Samantha.So I was the one who lied to you, I did all the manipulation, Genesis can never be capable of that. I didall the lying and you both were my victims” she said lastly. Dread, guilt, and anger immediately filled mysystem like never before. I rose from where I sat in frustration.

“How could you do that?” I yelled into the phone and ran my hands through my hair.

“You lied and cheated us both, you used us like puppets just go achieve your aim and Genesis had topay for it”

“Do you realize all I have done to her, all the pain and hurt I have caused, do you understand what Ihave done just to exact my anger and seek revenge? All this while, I hurt her because I thought shestole something from me, I thought it was her fault…..”

“And you never said a thing” I growled.

“You never gave me a chance to do anything. You have been so angry about it that…”

“You should have tried harder” I yelled. The line went quiet again and I took the phone away from myears in rage and a panting heart.

She was innocent after all, she was never the cause of my predicament and she had tried to tell me somany times, yet I named her a liar.

Standing in my studies with mixed emotions oozing out of me, one thing stood out, one questionbugged me and questioned the kind of man I was.

“What have you done?”

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