Get Me Married

Chapter 50
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Going into details

Her eyes widened at my pronouncement and she opened her mouth to speak, but no words came outof her mouth. I turned back to the house angrily and made my way back to my studies.

Samantha was slowly getting on my nerves and what was worse was the feeling of not knowing thewoman I fell in love with before now.

As a kid, she was always around me, always so close, and we attended the same school together. Thatwas till I started crushing on her, she was beautiful and any guy would have understood why I crushedon her back then. But she wasn’t only beautiful, she was kind, sweet, and caring. Always involved inhumanitarian activities in school and always goes out of her way to save others.

I remembered that one time, I was coming out of the cafeteria when I noticed how the crowds weregathered in a place and went closer to them. A bully had shredded a girl’s cloth till she was almostnaked and pictures were being taken of her. They laughed at her and called her so many names, itpissed me off to see how they could treat someone else and I had taken off my jacket to cover her. Butbefore I could get to the girl, Sam had gotten to her and had covered her with a white sheet.

“You will be fine…” She had said to the girl who was shaking in fright. Then she turned to the peopletaking pictures and glared at all of them.

“The first person who would post a picture of her would have to pay tuition thrice, don’t dare me” shewarned them and they all knew how much her words had volume. They knew she was speaking thetruth, she had the power, her father had money and influence.

I remembered how she always went to social services, and always visited the orphanage. She wouldalways give and was always kind to people, she could never hurt a fly yet his Samantha had changed

so much. Samantha he knew would never think of kidnapping someone and covering up and would notsay those things she said outside.

Her new behavior wasn’t only different but it hurt me, it hurt me so much that my Samantha was like astranger to me.

I walked into my studies and the thoughts of Samantha immediately washed away from my mind.

“Ava… no” I warned immediately my eyes set on Ava who was playing with my computer.

“Don’t touch that, I work with this” I added and walked deeper into his studies. Ava smiled sheepishly atme and stood up from where she had sat behind my desk.

“What were you even doing?” I asked and check in the monitor, I couldn’t be so sure she hadn’ttampered with what I was doing.

“Playing boss” she replied and I turned back to her. I chuckled at her statement and shook my headbefore I turned back to the monitor.

“I didn’t change anything really” she ended and I quickly confirmed that she didn’t change

anything before I sat down. I turned back to my work and Ava sat at one of the seats opposite mines.She was still looking at me with a mischievous smile on her face. And I couldn’t help but

stare at her suspiciously, unsure of why she looked so mischievous. Something told me not to trust herat all. I turned back to my work and continued with what I was doing before I left to check on Genesis.Al first, it was so peaceful, you wouldn’t know that Ava was sitting just right next to me. I never knewthat she could be so quiet but she was and I was really happy that she allowed me to work peacefully.

My happiness was cut short after a short time and Ava suddenly leaned closer to the table and startedtapping her fingers on top of her desk. I groaned and raised my head slowly from what I was doing and

turned to her. She was waiting for me with her eyes strongly staring at me. The moment my eyes methers, she smiled again with that mischievousness in her eyes.

“Who is that lady I met outside?” She suddenly asked and I frowned.

“Why are you so interested in knowing who she is?” I replied and went back to what I was doing.

“Because I am family now, and family should know each other, right?”

“Right” I replied begrudgingly and hoped she would stop asking me questions that pertained toSamantha.

“So she is family?” She asked again and I raised my head to meet her eyes.

“Sort of,” I said, trying my best to remain neutral. I didn’t want to lie to her neither did I want to tell herthe complete truth.

“Sort of is not an answer you know” she rolled her eyes. I sighed heavily at how inquisitive shesuddenly became and wished Genesis could wake up already. If she continued with her inquisitivequestions then I wouldn’t be able to work.

“Why are you so interested anyway?” I said dryly.

“Because she acted exactly like your mom” she replied and I raised my brows at her.

“And how does my mom act?”

“Like she owns the world,” she said and made a face that made me chuckle loudly.

If that was the case, then she knew my mother very well, that I was sure of.

“But your mom is nice, that’s when she wants to be but the lady outside isn’t” she added with a frown.She wasn’t going to change the topic, she wanted to know about Samantha and I was left with theoption to change the direction of the discussion.

“Does my mom act nice?” I asked and she smiled.

“Ma’am Leona acts nice, she can be scary sometimes but she’s nice” she replied and I wondered howshe knew that. My mother was a pain in my butt but I knew that she was also a nice woman, she wasmy mom after all. But to the others, she was a woman who acted like she owned the world, becauseshe owned everything. But not everyone knew how nice she was, like the staff, reporters, and a lotmore. She was always very strict, disciplined and scary all the time. Yet little

Ava knew that my mother, Leona Chase is actually a nice woman.

“How did you get to know that she was nice?”

“At the hospital,” she said and relaxed into her chair.

“What hospital?” I asked really confused.

“The hospital where my operation took place” she said and sighed. I stared at her feeling confused. Itfelt like I missed a part of my life so suddenly.

“What operation?” I asked and she frowned.

“You should know about this, Genesis is your wife and…” She paused and stared at me suspiciously.

“Yes, she is my wife but…”

“You have no idea about what happened, do you?” She suddenly yelled and I sighed.

“I don’t know everything…”novelbin

“But you should, my sister is your wife…” she snapped outrageously, her sweet voice disappearing intothat of an angry teenager.

“Yes, she is my wife …..”

“You should know the details that led to your marriage to her” she added and it was my turn to getangry.

Of course, I know the details that led to my marriage to your sister. They had all connived to trick meinto marrying their daughter while she pretended to be Samantha who I was supposed to get marriedto.

Ava stared at me angrily and I tried my best not to lose my temper in front of her.

“Are you good to my sister?” She suddenly asked and my heart suddenly dropped in disappointmentand guilt.

“Answer me”.

“You are not saying anything” she added and I sighed. I knew that I was not good to her sister, I hadnever been good to her from the beginning, in my heart I knew it and I had a reason behind my hatetowards her. But I was trying to be good to her, just to make up for what Samantha did.

“I can’t believe you are not good to her” she suddenly started crying and I turned back to her.


“How can you not be good to her. She sacrificed her life and everything for this marriage” she bangedher hands against the desk and kept crying even more. I sighed in frustration and thought about callingMargaret to take her away before I regret why I had to bring her to see Genesis…

“Ava.*e on, don’t cry,” I said and got up from where I sat down and made my way towards her. Then Irelaxed against my desk and stared at the little girl who was seriously crying.

“Did you hurt her?” She asked while wiping away her tears.

“If you did, then tell me. I will tell her to leave, we can leave together”


“I will tell her, we will leave and will both find some other medium to pay back the money we owe yourmother” she cried even more and I stood there frozen while staring at her.

I got down from where I had sat and made my way to the chair next to her and sat down…

“What money?” I asked with all seriousness and she glared at me. She said nothing and looked awayfrom me while she folded her arms across her chest. I sighed heavily and moved even closer to her.


“I am trying my possible best to be a good husband to your sister, that’s why I brought you here”

“So please, tell me all the things I don’t know” I pleaded and her face softened. Then she turned to meand dropped her hands from her chest.

“I needed a kidney transplant some couple of months ago. My kidney had been failing for such a longtime, but Genesis had told me that she would get me a new kidney once she graduates and get a job”she started and my heart dropped at the thought of such an energic person being in such a state.

“Your mother had picked me up and paid for a new kidney and a transplant because we didn’t have anymoney for that yet. And Genesis had just graduated, she was actually in the same hospital as mebecause she had fallen ill after graduation and none of us knew about that”

“Ma’am Leona found out about Genesis, she paid her hospital bills and mine, also got me a kidney…

But in exchange for what she did for us, my sister had to marry her son” she paused and everythingsuddenly started kicking in.

“My sister refused at first, she was so angry that she declined at the instance but your mom was verypersuasive. We knew how big my hospital bills were, we couldn’t even afford to feed properly not to talkabout paying such amount”

“But She agreed to marry me to pay the debts” I concluded for her with my heart in my throat.

“Yes she hated the idea but slowly started buying the idea when she started speaking with you”

“That’s what I have been thanking you for all day. My sister sacrificed her dreams to save us all, butyour mother saved my life”

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