Get Me Married

Chapter 4
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Anonymous

LEONA CHASE I had a restless night, how could I sleep when my son’s future was at stake, how couldI blink when I knew that if I didn’t act everything was going to fall apart for him and his birth right wouldbe snatched away from him. He might not have actually cared about it the way I did, but I still cared, hisfuture was my priority and I wanted to do anything to make sure he had everything that would securehis future. Sleep ran away from me as I thought of how to go about getting him a wife, which I knewwasn’t going to be a problem. My problem was actually going to be Jordan. He wasn’t like the otheryoung men around but I couldn’t tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing for him to be so different. Hewanted Samantha Brandon and it was clear the young lady didn’t want him, I couldn’t let him loosethose properties because he was adamant about a childhood crush. But how was I supposed to goabout it? If I try convincing him to get married to another, it might take more than a week before hewould agree to what I had planned which might not have given us enough time to get him marriedbefore his two weeks runs out. “Leona…” Liam, my husband called out grumpily from the side of thebed he laid, interrupting my thoughts. “Sleep, your restlessness is killing my sleep” he ordered. “Howcan I sleep when I am in such a dilemma?” I asked with a tone that was clearly venting out myexhaustion. My husband went quiet, I knew him too well and I knew he was just like my son Jordan,none of them cared about me, he just remained quiet like I was talking to the air itself. “Liam….” I calledout turning to him “I just said I am in a dilemma” I whined, but he remained unresponsive to me and justremained quiet. “I can’t believe how my husband would not for once care about how I am feeling. Myson doesn’t care, my husband doesn’t care. They treat me worse than a statue and I do everything tomake sure my duties as a wife and mother is fulfilled….where have I gone wrong?” my voice wentcompletely emotional, I even faked a tear and used the only language he understood. Emotionalblackmail. He groaned and sat up at the bed immediately. “What is it Leona?” he asked and I grinned atmyself, I got his attention after all, that was the secret power of a woman who knew her home and thepeople in it. “Jordan” I said and he groaned loudly. He didn’t like putting up with his son, they werealways far from each other, they never breathed the same air or share each other’s space. They were

always fighting, always on each other’s throat. They were both like two alphas in one pack, captains inone ship and they both were good at tearing down the house if they stayed in the same room. “He isyour son, you can’t keep shying away from your responsibilities” I queried him. “He is a grown manLeona, there is no responsibility I can have towards him” he replied sternly and I rolled my eyes at him.“He needs to get married in the next two weeks” I said and waited for a reply from him. He wasn’t asJordan, I knew he would reply me. “He should get married then” he said unconcerned. He didn’t reallycare or show concern about what Jordan did with his life. Most times the thoughts of how he reactedwhen it came to Jordan shook me to the bone, but I had seen too much, I had understood too muchand knew perfectly well how weird my family was, it no longer affected me. “He will” I replied him,ignoring his statement. “Just that he wants Samantha and only Samantha” I mumbled. “Give himSamantha then” he said with that tone that insinuated I was wasting his time. I openly glared at him forhis nonchalant behavior. When he saw my reaction to his statement, he cleared his throat and adjustedhimself on the bed. “What seems to be the problem?” he asked with a more concerned voice.“Samantha doesn’t want him” I said and sighed in frustration. “Why does he have to get married, just lethim be” he said. “Are you even paying attention. He needs to own the properties left by your father andhe has to get married in order to get them or they will roll over to the government” I explainedimpatiently. “Ohh” he said with realization. “What are you going to do then?” he asked more concernedabout the entire situation. “He won’t marry any other person except for that Samantha or I would gethim another lady immediately” I said and a smile spread across my face at the thought of the girl I sawat the hospital. “Your son is as stubborn as a rock. He would choose to loose the properties rather thanmarry any other girl” he said and placed his hands on his chin. He always did that when he wasthinking, So I remained quiet and waited for him to come up with a solution. I had a solution on my own,but I didn’t know how to go about it which was the reason I talked to my husband in the first place. “Tellme his reaction when he asked you to get Samantha for him?” he asked me. “He became excitedabout getting married, though he didn’t smile but his eyes said it all” I explained briefly. “You can gethim married then, give him Samantha, that’s who he wants” he said and grinned at me. “Are you deafLiam, Samantha doesn’t want Jordan, they can’t get married, I can’t give him Samantha because there

won’t be a Samantha” I said raising my voice in clear annoyance, it felt like he wasn’t listening to athing I was saying, it made me feel annoyed and little. Liam looked at me with a sly smile on his lips, hewas clearly unaffected by my outburst “But there can be a Samantha, any one you pick can be aSamantha Brandon” he said and I raised my brows up at him in vivid confusion. “You just have to pick agirl my dear and she will be his Samantha Brandon till their wedding ceremony is over with” he addedand my mouth opened in pure understanding. Excitement washed into my veins and relief came intomy troubled heart with ease, I stared at Liam and couldn’t help but give him a light kiss on his lips. I hadforgotten what got him to being the head of state in the first place, manipulation. “Goodnight Leona” heyawned and lied down on the bed. “Goodnight love” I said sweetly and also lied down on the bed. *****I didn’t wait for the day to break before I got up for my day’s arrangements, my excitement and nervesdidn’t let me sleep infact, so lying down was a complete waste of time for me. I got ready while Liamwas still asleep and came out of the room. I headed straight to the dinning to have my breakfast first. Itwas a whole wheat toast with peanut butter and half of a grapevine. A quick combo, it was exactly whatI needed. The staffs were surprised to see me up and ready so early and I didn’t blame them, I wasn’tan early riser, I loved my bed and my sleep but this time around I had something more important totake care of myself. “Good morning ma’am” the head of security guard bowed his head slightly and said to me the moment I finished having my breakfast. I inclined my head towards him and waited forhim to continue. “We are ready for the day ma’am” he added and gave me the go ahead order to leavethe house. Without saying a single word to him, I gave him my hand bag and stood up from my seatthen I headed straight to the entrance while he followed behind me. My convoy was ready and so weremy guards. They bowed their head slightly in greeting as I walked past them and into the car which wasbeing held out for me. I got in and the guard I had given my bag kept it beside me in the car before thedoor was closed. I picked up my phone and dialed my p.a’s number. This time, she didn’t hesitate topick. “Good…. Good morning ma’am” her voice came sleepily and I could guess my call woke her up.“What do you have on Genesis Connor?” I asked immediately, going straight to the point. “Ohh…uhmmm” I could hear her stumbling and crashing on things while I rolled my eyes at her attitude towork. “Okay. She just graduated from U.S.F with one of the best results in business education and arts.

She is 25 years old and comes from a low class family. Her father’s name is Conor Connor and hermom goes by Abigail Connor, her little sister is Ava Connor who seems to have been suffering fromkidney failure and is in the last phase of completely dying if she doesn’t get a new kidney soon” shepaused. I smiled broadly at myself especially. I knew from the hospital that there was a connectionbetween the family I had brought and the beautiful girl I had seen. Now that I was sure, I had to moveover to phase two. “Confirm the amount that is to be paid for a kidney transplant and make thepayment for Ava, also pay the hospital bills for Genesis and get me the best wedding planner that befitsthe wedding of a Chase” I said to her and ended the call. “Take me to my son’s house” I said to thedriver and we started moving. My face was kept in this priceless glow and smile till I arrived at hishouse, but he was driving out when we got there. His car drove up to mine and the window was rolleddown, so was mine. “It’s early in the morning mom, work is important” he said in his usual tone. I wouldhave berethed him for his manner of speech but I was too happy to pay attention and allow him spoilmy mood. “You are getting married son, get ready” I simply said and his eyes widened at me but wentback to normal again in a split second. “She agreed… Samantha Brandon agreed” he said more tohimself than to me. I knew my plan was going to get me in trouble with him but I didn’t want to betamed a liar in the nearest future so I didn’t give a reply, I just kept smiling at him. “Just prepare yourself” I said and rolled up my window. “The hospital” I said to my driver and again I changed the cause ofour destination. On my way to the hospital, my p.a called and I picked up immediately, there was notime to waste on my part. “Speak” I said to the phone. “I got the wedding planner on stand by and hernumber is being forwarded to you right now. The bills for Genesis Connor and Ava Connor has beenpaid and made anonymous, is there anything you would want me to do for you?” she summarized.“Send tips to as many press agency as you can. Let them know that Jordan Chase is getting married” Isaid to her. “Uhmmm…yes…yes… ma’am” she stuttered and I grinned. She must have been one of themany girls crushing on Jordan. “Ohh, and have some sleep, you might be doing a lot in the comingdays” I gave her a warning before I hung up. The day was going well, the plan was going well, theevent to come had to go well and my son was going to get what he wanted and his birthright all atones. I couldn’t be happier. We arrived at the hospital and my guards escorted me in, I ignored the rude

receptionist I had seen a day before and made my way to the room I suspected the couple I hadbrought would be in. When I got there, to my surprise, the room was empty and the couple were nowhere to be seen. . “Excuse me” I called on a nurse who was strolling by at that exact moment. “Whereare the Connor’s, the one whose daughter needed a kidney transplant?” I asked him. “The child is inthe operating room as we speak and her parents are at the waiting room” he replied and a smileenveloped my face. Things were going fast and well and if it continued at that rate, Jordan would havebeen married in a week. “Give him something” I said to my security, I was in a great mood and that wasmy way of saying thank you. I took a turn to the room I had seen my future daughter in law first beforegoing to the waiting room. When I got there, I stood by the door as I had done the previous day andwow, she looked beautiful and better. “who do you think paid the bills?” she asked a guy sitting close toher, it was the same guy that had given me her name. “Babe, I don’t know. Whoever it was decided tobe kept anonymous” he replied and held her hands. “The doctor said we can leave soon, they just wantto watch over you a little” he added and kissed the back of her hands. I couldn’t help but pout, I didn’tneed a seer to tell me they were in a relationship, which was going to end even before they wouldrealize. I stared at Genesis for a longer time, her beauty was something the press would rant about forweeks. I left her after my weird stalking before I went over to her parents who I guess had no idea thattheir other daughter was in the same hospital as they were. I demanded my security stayed behindwhile I walked into the waiting room so they won’t make the room crowdy, the couples were alone inthere and they were holding each other for support and comfort. I cleared my throat so they couldacknowledge someone else was there with them, which they did. There eyes widened as they saw meand they both stood up to there feet. “Good… day ma’am” the wife stuttered while I took my seat andgestured for the both of them to do same. They took their seat, holding each other’s hands tightly. “Howare you both doing?” I asked. “We are doing okay, thank you for asking” the husband replied. “And yourdaughter, what’s her condition?” I asked like I had no clue. “Kidney failure…but she is at the operatingroom as we speak” the husband replied again. “Well, that must have cost a lot” I said. “It did ma’am…someone had paid the bills for us and we are trying our best to figure out who…who would have donesuch for us” the wife said in a frightened tone. “Why, he was kept anonymous for a reason or would you

like to pay back?” I asked and smiled at them. Their eyes widened at my statement, they knew asmuch as I did that they couldn’t pay back that sum in a million years. “No…no, we wouldn’t be able topay back that amount in thousands of years…but at least we can say thank you and show our genuineappreciation” the wife explained. “Well I paid her bills” I said and their jaws dropped. Their knees foundthe ground immediately. “Thank you so much ma’am..thank you, we…” they started thanking me and Ismirked at them. I didn’t do anything for them, it was a means to an end. “Oh, don’t thank me. You willpay back the money or rather, you will show your appreciation in a different way” I said and they staredat me in horror. Fear and panic took over their grateful faces while I watched. “It’s nothing inhuman,don’t stress. But I will let you both be for now, till your daughter recovers with a successful operation,then we can talk” I said and got up to take my leave. is it only me or this manipulation is just too much?Leona Chase is something else. And Nate seems to be a nice guy.novelbin

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