Get Me Married

Chapter 3
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Genesis Connor

ABIGAIL CONNOR The moment the car arrived at the hospital, Connor ran out with Ava in his arms. Iran in front of him and called the attention of nurses and doctors but most of them seemed busy andstared at me like I was a mad woman. “Help, she is dying, she is….” My voice was hoarse from cryingso much, I could barely hear myself. I ran to the receptionist and and banged on the canter. “Please,why isn’t anyone helping” I cried. The nurse at the desk raised her head up from her computer andgave me a split second look before she returned to what she was doing with her computer. “Have youbeen registered in this hospital before ma’am” the nurse at the reception asked without looking at meonce and I stared at her in horror. How could she be asking that when someone was dying? “No. no….” I replied her quickly. “Ma’am you need to get registered” she said unconcerned. “Come-onplease, someone should attend to her first, please” my husband pleaded and she went mute. “Cansomeone help, while I register her?” I asked and she remained mute. “can’t you see that she is dying?”I yelled. “you need to register your name ma’am” she said indifferently. “Someone should just take herin please” Connor pleaded still. “You have been delaying, if she dies, it’s on you” the nurse said rudelyand more tears flowed from my eyes. “Is that the way you speak to people around here?” a voice yelledcoldly from behind us and we turned around. It was the wife of the formal head of state, the lady thathad helped us. “Ma’am….I….do you…..” the nurse behind the desk stuttered. “Get them immediateattention now” she barked at the nurse who looked frightened and immediately walked out from thecanter and urged us to follow which we did without delay. We followed the nurse who pointed us to adifferent nurse who took us to a different room and there we laid Ava. “Leave the room please” adoctor walked in immediately followed by various nurses. “Please save her” I was able to mutter at thesight of how pale Ava became before Connor pulled me out of the room. “Oh my…what are we going todo, I can’t loose her” I cried and Connor gathered me in his arms. I couldn’t afford to loose my baby,she was my child, I bore her in my womb and she had been suffering for so long I couldn’t bare itanymore. “Take me in place of her please, I can’t loose her…..” “Shhh, we ain’t loosing anyone. No oneis going in place of any person. We are all going to be fine, now you have to be strong” Connor held me

tighter, like my life depended on it. “You have to be strong for Genesis, for Ava, for me” he soundedscared but I could tell he was trying all he could to remain strong for me. LEONA CHASE For somereason, I didn’t leave the hospital, I felt terrible for the child. I could see the helplessness in the eyes ofher parents. I understood what they were going through, I understood the fear and tension, Iunderstood the panic and the pain they were going through. I had been there several times, it wasn’t analien feeling to me. I felt strangely connected to them, so I stayed behind and watched from behind thescene as they both shed tears like children even without knowing the condition of their daughter yet. Iwatched them for a while till my phone rang and I had to walk away from where I stood and picked it upimmediately. It was my p.a, she was a pain in my ass but she was always efficient and effective when itcame to her work and I knew in my stone coded heart that I would not get a p.a like her in years time ifshe was to leave….. ever. “Go on..” I said in my normal tone of language and waited for her to report tome. “Samantha Brandon is in Netherland right now and I was able to get through to her but she isn’twilling to reschedule so you both can have an official meeting” she reported and I immediately startedfeeling a migraine coming up. I remained quiet while thoughts ran through my head. If she didn’t wantto fix a meeting with me, how else was I supposed to explain to her that she had to marry Jordan? “Canyou get me in line with her?” that was the only way I could think of. “Yes, give me a few minutes” shesaid and I hung up. I sighed in clear frustration, when I remembered I still needed to get Jordan a wifein two weeks. Just as my thoughts ran to and fro, I decided to get some painkillers for my migrainebefore I left for home. So I headed to the pharmaceutical department but not without looking around,though all I could see were my security men but I still looked around. When something caught myattention. Or someone rather. She was lying down on a sick bed in one of the hospital rooms and Icouldn’t help but stop and stare at her. Though she was sick and a little bit pale, her beauty wasbeyond this world and the more I stared at her, I couldn’t help but think about her as a daughter in-law.She was beautiful and could meet up to the family standard with her looks alone. “ I can’t believe youfell sick after graduation. Your mom would be so worried” a girl her age said to her. “I mean they haveyour sister to take care of and now you” the other girl sitting by her side said. “Guys….they don’t know Iam here, and you can’t tell them I am sick” the girl I admired so much said. “They didn’t meet up for my

graduation ceremony because of Ava, I don’t want them worrying about me” she added. The girlsbeside her went quiet and stared at her. “Nate, Tiana and I gathered some money, but they won’t beenough for your hospital bill” one of the girls said and they all went quiet again. “Excuse me ma’am”someone stood in front of me with a tray of food in his hands “Can I help you?” he asked and I stared athim, unsure of what I wanted help for, I stared down at his hands and then back at the girl. “You knowher right?” I asked and he looked at me unsure for a moment. “Yes ma’am..” he replied. “What’s hername?” I asked and again he looked at me unsure of himself. “Genesis Connor” he replied and a faintsmile spread across my face before I left. My phone rang again and my p.a once again was stillefficient. I picked the call and waited for her to speak. “I will be putting you through to her ma’am” shesaid and the phone beeped. “Yes, Samantha Brandon here” her voice came through the other end ofthe line and I exhaled in relief. “It’s Leona Chase” I simply said and waited for her reaction. “Good dayma’am” she replied with a voice that insinuated that she didn’t want to speak to me. “I have been toldthat you are too busy to schedule a meeting between us” I said. “Yes ma’am” She simply said and Icouldn’t help but roll my eyes at Jordan’s choice of a wife. I just didn’t like that girl. “Well, let me gostraight to the point then” I started. “You and Jordan were a thing for a long time I guess, before youbroke his heart and left the city” I said the obvious. “The universe has given you a second chance so tospeak” I said in the nicest way possible. “A chance at what?” she asked. “A chance to be Jordan’sbride. Before he comes forward with his request, I want to be sure of what you want. Will you be hiswife?” I asked and the phone went silent while I hoped she would be the one to end my dilemma. “No”her voice came strong and firm. I knew immediately that she didn’t need more time to think about therequest, she knew what she was doing and she sounded sure of it. “Okay” my voice remained in thetone it was like I wasn’t affected by her actions but weakness was never a strong point for me. “Hope Iget to see you soon though” I added. “I will try my best ma’am” she said and we ended theconversation. The pain in my head increase immensely and I hastened my footstep to the pharmacy. Igot the drugs and decided it was time to leave the hospital. I had to pick a bride soon, I had to getJordan married and so far Samantha was out of the picture. So I had more work caught out for me,finding a bride wasn’t the problem. Jordan, my son was. As I walked towards the entrance, I saw the

couples I had brought earlier to the hospital and went closer to them. “What are we going to do?” thewife cried. “We don’t have such amount of money. How is she supposed to get a kidney transplant,even if we sell everything we own, we still can’t raise such an amount” she cried bitterly and my heartwent out to them. “Should we call Genesis?” the wife suddenly asked and my ears perked up in astrange way, it was the third time I was hearing that name in that hospital. It was the same name as thename of that pretty girl I had seen and I couldn’t help but smile a little at the thought that came to myhead. “We missed her graduation Abigail, because we were busy taking care of Ava. She had beenthrough a lot also and deserves a little bit of peace before she comes back home. Let her be for now”the husband replied and I moved closer to them. “But…..” “Her presence here won’t fetch us the moneywe want would it?” he interrupted her. “Connor …” the wife whimpered. At the thought of theirconversation and the conversation I just heard from the pretty young lady I saw earlier. I couldn’t helpbut find a connection between them. I turned towards the entrance of the building immediately with asmile on my face. I didn’t need the painkillers to ease my pain, that day was a lucky day for me. I mademy way to the car while dialing my p.a “Yes ma’am…” she stated immediately. “Get me all you can findon a Genesis Connor by morning” I said and entered my car. “And I won’t be leaving the countryanymore, let the plane have a rest, I found my treasure right here” I said and dropped the phone. Asmile plastered on my face as the convoy started moving. If things were the way I thought they were.Then I had seen my bride after all. Genesis Connor You have to say something about Leona Chase?novelbin

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