Get Me Married

Chapter 28
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 28

Chapter 28: The promise

“Is she going to be fine?” I asked the doctor while my eyes remained on her like a glue. Her body wasbruised all over, she had lots of cuts and her hands and legs had red deep markings. She looked paleand she lost all the colours and vibrant sparks that always made me stare at her.

“She is going to be fine. Nothing serious happened? She just needs rest, lots of food and water” hesaid to me and I sighed in relief.

“Thank you doctor” I said and shook his hands.

“It’s fine, do take care of her, she is your wife now” he joked and I gave him a nod of my head. I turnedaround to walk the doctor out of the room only to be faced with maids that scurried away the momentthey saw me. I saw the worried looks on their faces that remained and I couldn’t help but wonder howshe had such an effect on everyone in such a little time.

“You can go see her, but five minutes and you are out of that room” I ordered and walked past themwhile they smiled widely before hurrying to her room.

I walked the doctor and bid him goodbye before going back upstairs. I decided to freshen up andheaded to the master’s bedroom.

My thoughts went back to when I saw her at that coffee shop. I never thought I would be so happy tosee her ever, I was so relieved and excited when I saw her. My legs were literally running to where shestood, but she suddenly fainted and luckily fell in my arms. But so far, the doctor said she was goodand I was happy and relieved. I walked back to my room and found Sam sitting down on the bed with adeep frown on her face.

I ignored her, we have been fighting so much the past few days, I needed to ignore her. I took off myclothes and went into the bathroom. I had a quick, hot shower and came out with a towel wrappedaround my waist. Sam was still looking like she could kill someone and not saying a word to me.

“I guess you must be happy that your precious wife is back” she said with sarcasm while I put onsomething

“The precious wife of Jordan Chase, highly treasured by all” she added and I knew she wasn’t going tostop till I said something. But her attitude of recent were really getting me upset.

“you make it seem like you would have preferred that she died or never returned” I said and she wentmute. I stole a glance at her, she was perplexed and completely shaken by what I said.

“How can I be happy when she is here to take you away from me” she said between gritted teeth.

“I want her far away, so we can get married” she added

“I want that too, but not in such a violent or illegal way” I simply put it.

“Whatever Jordan. Do what you wish” she muttered and I grunted

“You are really making it look like you are the one that kidnapped her, stop with the attitude” I barkedand she flinched and stared at me wide eyed. Then she started crying and I couldn’t help but feelterrible.

“How can you accuse me of that?” She said amidst tears. I walked over to her and just couldn’t watchher cry anymore. I tried pulling her to myself but she spanked my hands and moved away from me.

“You know anyone can walk in here and tell you I had her kidnapped and you would believe” sheadded. I cursed inwardly and went to where she stood.

My hands wrapped around her waist and I stared at her straight in the face.

“I just said you were acting up, I know you didn’t do it. You can’t hurt a fly” I told her and a faint smileappeared on her lips.

I leaned closer and took her lips in mine, I missed it so much. Because of all the drama, I had really nothad time for her. But someone knocked on the door and interrupted us.

“Sir…the inspector is here” whoever it was said and I groaned and pulled away from the kiss. Withoutsaying a word, I walked over to my wardrobe and quickly found something simple to put on beforewalking over to the door and leaving her in the room alone.

“Good day sir” the inspector said the moment I stood in front of him and stretched his hands towardsmine for a handshake. I gave him a nod and gestured my hands towards the couch, asking him and theother guys he came with to sit.

“We were informed that you found your wife” he said and I gave him another nod of my head.

“Is she alright?” He askednovelbin

“Yes, she is” I spoke up.

“That’s great news sir. Though it was disappointing that you went alone without informing us” he addedand I almost scoffed but I held it in.

“At that time, I had no time to make any call, I just needed to get to her” I replied and he nodded hishead like he understood.

“That’s alright, if we went with you, we would probably have traced down the kidnappers by now butsince it didn’t work that way. We are here to ask your wife some questions” he said and I stared at him,hard.

“That won’t be possible, she is asleep and needs rest, she can’t talk right now” I simply put it.

“The more we delay sir, the more the culprit have the time to get away. We really need to speak to her”he added.

“Yes sir. You can wake her up, let us just get some information from her” another added.

“No” I simply said thinking about her alone.

“Do you want them to get away? Do you really want to get the culprit because it seems you don’t,we…….”

“You did nothing while she was missing. You were totally useless and couldn’t even find her” Iinterrupted as I shot daggers at him.

“We tried our best”

“Your best wasn’t enough” I growled

“You were completely useless then and I am not sure you can be of any use now. But never the less, Iam not letting you question my wife till she perfectly fine” I said and stood up from where I satdismissing them. They stood up too and turned to the door.

“As you wish” the inspector added and walked away.

I didn’t have the time to linger on what just transpired between I and the cops because my phonevibrated and I had to pick up.

“Mom…” I called out

“Fifty two missed calls Jordan. You really want to give me a heart attack” she started her drama

“I have been busy, I wasn’t even close to my phone” I explained and she sighed.

“How is she?” She asked and I went quiet.

“Jordan …Jordan, is she okay?” She panicked.

“She is fine, she just looks different” I replied her quickly before she would die of panic.

“What do you mean?” She asked in a calmer tone. I sighed again and images of her filled my mind

“She lost all her colours, her eyes isn’t as bright and beautiful anymore. Bruises and cuts and red linesare all over her perfect and flawless skin, her lips has cuts and…..” I paused at the last part. I shouldn’thave been aware of her flawless skin or lips, I wasn’t supposed to know she had an amazing skinbefore now. Saying it out loud took me off guard and the other end of the line remained quiet.

“She is safe, that’s all that matters. I need to speak with her the first minute she wakes” she finally saidand hung up.

I hung up and smiled widely at myself. My Jordan was slowly feeling once more, he was slowly thinkingoutside that his dark mind and Genesis had not even started working yet. I remembered how manytimes I had to tell myself that I made the right decision when I tricked Jordan and Genesis into gettingmarried, there reaction when they realized that I had manipulated them was devastating, I almost gaveup and wanted to end everything at that time, but so far Genesis was making progress, she was thebest for him and soon they were going to realize it.

I walked to the room and lied down on the bed close to my husband. I thought about everything thathappened and got angry all over again but at the same time I was happy she was safe, I felt relievedfor she was like a daughter to me.

“What is happening?” Liam asked the moment I climbed on the bed.

“She is safe, she is fine?” I said happily.

“That’s good, I have been thinking of how I would face the press” Liam said and I glared at him

“That’s the only thing you can say” I snapped at him. He had been so unconcerned about the matter athand and it slowly pissed me off but I ignored him because I was too scared for Genesis.

He remained quiet and that even got me angry.

“I am talking to you Liam” I yelled and he groaned.

“Your daughter in-law was kidnapped by unknown men and all you were thinking about is the press,are you that callous” I couldn’t control my anger. But he still remained quiet, he neither reacted nor saidanything to me.

I glared at him and just couldn’t stand the sight of him, most times I wondered how I ended up gettingmarried to someone like him.

“Why are you glaring at me?” He said something.

“Do you really care about your son. He almost lost his wife and you feel so comfortable” I said morecalmly.

“He didn’t loose her did he? Moreover, there are lots of women everywhere” he added and I scoffed.

I got up from the bed, it was time for me to leave because I knew too well that if I continued staying withhim, I would probably kill him and bare the consequences.

I walked to the door and paused.

“How about something happens to me?” I turned to him and asked. His eyes snapped at meimmediately.

“I guess you wouldn’t care would you? Lots of women everywhere” I said and his eyes darkened.

“Leona that is not what I meant” he groaned but I wasn’t ready to listen to him anymore. I was alreadyout the door before he could continue with his statement, whatever they were.

“Margaret it’s been a day already, she is supposed to be up by now isn’t she?” I asked as I sat down forlunch while Sam sat beside me.

“The doctor gave her something to make her relax, she will be up soon. You don’t have to worry” shereplied.

“I am not worried” I simply put and started eating my food. Sam stared at me with the corners of hereyes but didn’t say anything, basically we have not said a thing to each other for sometime but I knew itwould pass.

I was almost done with my food when Anna came running downstairs.

“Margaret…” She yelled and we all turned to her.

“What is it Anna? You are scaring the whole house” Margaret said to her the moment she stopped infront of her.

“The madame woke up, she is up” she shrieked and jumped. My legs voluntarily stood up and I didn’tknow when I started moving upstairs with so much haste, it scared me. A lot of staffs waiting for her towake up followed behind me and we all matched down to her room like soldiers.

Her door was open, so I just walked in and stopped at the edge of her bed, I wasn’t the type to knockanyway. She blinked and turned her head towards me, then she gave me a smile. It was so contagious,I found my lips stretching into one to reciprocate the smile she gave.

“Madam, are you alright?” Margaret asked and sat beside her, using the back of her hands to feel hertemperature. She gave her a nod and turned her eyes to the staffs hoarding at the door, then shesmiled at them and turned back to me.

I couldn’t say anything, I was just staring at her, I wanted so much to say something but my lipsremained jammed.

“Can you tell who would have actually done this to you?” Margaret asked and my chest tightened, Ialso wanted to know who would have planned some thing so terrible. But her blue coloured eyesdarkened and her shoulder’s tensed up. She stared at me and suddenly forced herself to get up fromthe bed.

“You can’t do that” I said for the first time but she ignored me and got up anyway. It took a while for herto stable herself but you could tell she was still very weak.

She turned towards the door and walked past me, the maids moved aside and gave her way to passwhile we all watched. She didn’t stop, she kept walking and I had no option than to follow behind her.We walked out of the left wing and stopped at the top of the stairs. Her eyes turned to Samantha whowas still downstairs having lunch.

I felt so uneasy, I had been feeling that way since her return and it was so uncomfortable. I tried callingthe men I hired but none of them picked up my calls. I was literally at the edge all day because I wasscared she already knew I planned everything and I couldn’t tell what would

happen next. I wanted to run ofcourse to be on the safer side but I didn’t. I needed to be sure she knewbefore I made my move.

I remained down stairs when I heard she was awake already, it wasn’t like I was happy to see her. Iheard footstep at the stairs and turned my eyes towards it. My heart skipped and fear gripped me.

She knew alright.

The way she stared at me proved that she knew everything.

She started walking down the step with so much haste and anger accompanied by it, I thought ofrunning, she was literally scary at that point but I didn’t. I felt she could do nothing but talk and I alreadyplanned on denying everything and even play the victim. I pushed my plate away, but remained seatedand turned to her.

“You wretched slut” she yelled and slapped me the moment she got close to me. I stared at her wideeyed and wanted to react but she slapped me again and held my hair, pulling it so hard, my scalp wasliterally burning.

“How could you? I am a human as you too and you did that without remorse” she yelled pulling my hairso tight while I tried taking her hands off my hair.

“What are you talking about?” I feigned innocent but that only got her angrier. She pulled my hairharder and I could literally feel my scalp coming off. I cried out loudly and tears burned the back of myeyes.

“Those guys almost raped me” she yelled and banged my head on the table so hard. Pain, dizzinessand more pain overwhelmed me. She pulled my head up again and hit it against the table one moretime, I yelled and cried at the impact. I wasn’t expecting that neither was I pretending anymore, I was inso much pain.

She pulled my head up and stared at me eye ball to eye ball.

“What are you doing?” Jordan interrupted luckily for me and tore her hands away from my hair. Hegrabbed her arms and pulled her away.

“What do you think you are doing?” He sounded really pissed and I felt so lucky he interrupted.

But she wasn’t done, she tore her hands away from his grip and stared at me. The coldness in hereyes made me shiver, it was never there before.

“Your Jordan will always stand by your side won’t he?” She asked

“You had me kidnapped because of him, you wanted me out of your lives so badly, your ordered thoseguys to rape me because of him right?” She asked more coldly. Then she started walking back towardsme but Jordan held her.

“Get your hands off me you bastard” she snapped at him and pulled her hands away again.

“You made the wrong move because I am not leaving. Even in the next five years I will remain not justas his wife but his lover. I won’t give him a divorce, you won’t also get his money. Slowly, I would takehis heart away from you and make sure he sees you for what you really are and that I promise” shesaid loudly and my eyes widened in horror. Her words were like venom seeping into my bloodstreamthen she walked away back upstairs.

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