Get Me Married

Chapter 27
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 27

CHAPTER 27: Safe

He immediately moved from ontop of me and I slowly got up from where I laid on the floor while myeyes remained fixed on him. He glared at me openly and I felt like shooting him right there and then forall he made me go through. But that would have been me commiting murder and no matter what, Iwasn’t sure I could cross that line.

“You think you can escape bitch” he growled.

“I am coming after you once you leave, my men will come after you too” he spat and then he laughed.

“You can’t even save your marriage no more. Those documents had already been sent to yourhusband and I am sure he would have signed it because of the letter that was accompanied with it” headded and my heart dropped.

“There is no escape for you miss” he growled louder and anger soared through me. I stared at him for awhile and the thoughts that came into my mind were whispering more loudly.

“You won’t be able to come after me” I said and smirked at him before pointing the gun at his legs. Hiseyes widened and he shook his head vigorously but I pulled the trigger anyway. I didn’t miss, whichwas surprising, he yelled in pain and I immediately ran towards the cabin.

I closed the door and barred it with a stick, just Incase tbe others inside woke up then I walked over tohim again while he screeched in pain. I shot his other leg, just in case and took to my heels while hisscreams filled the entire forest.

I ran and ran like I had never ran in my life, my body fought against each movement I made but I wastoo adamant to stop, I had to escape and fully escape them. The bushes tore my skin and I jumpedover a lot of trees, every where looked alike and I had no fucking idea where I was running to but I just

running and pushing myself. My throat was dry and I was weak, but I didn’t stop, I didn’t want to think ofwhat they would do to me if they caught me again.

I single handedly gave the parcel to Jordan. He looked pretty busy, though he did nothing rather thanthink and become grumpy and keep calling the police.

“You really need to check what’s on the parcel sweetheart” I said to him for the fourth time and heglared at me coldly

“If it’s that important to you, why don’t you have a look at it yourself” he snapped at me and I movedaway. I knew what he was like whenever he was in such a mood so I protected myself and shut upwhile I thought of ways to make him open the parcel.

The faster he saw what was in there, the faster he would sign the paper and the faster they would getdivorced.

“It’s your parcel, I can’t have a look at it” I said lowly and he groaned angrily.

“I am just saying…it might be something from the kidnappers, it might be a lead… anything” I said andhis eyes snapped at me in realization. He immediately grabbed the parcel and tore it open.

I turned to the door with a victorious smile on my face, that was exactly what I wanted him to do. To justgo through the paper and since that was done, I felt I needed to call my men to see how progressivethey were with Genesis.

I went back to the master’s bedroom and called the head of the squad. Usually he would pick evenbefore the phone would ring for a second time but this time, he didn’t. It was weird and I thought ofcalling again but no one picked up. At first, I got worried but I remembered what he had said. It was hisidea to sleep with her and he had said he would do that after the documents were sent to me. At that

moment, another smile spread to my cheeks and I dropped my phone, not wanting to disturb him whilehe had his fun.


You must be surprised to see me writing to you, I wish everything would have gone better but theydidn’t. I am sorry too if you got worried about me, I just got tired of keeping up with your ass anddecided I wanted a divorce. The papers are right there and I have signed my part already, please signthem and free me from this imprisonment”.

I stared at the paper in my hands and read through it again to be sure I was seeing the right thing. Ididn’t understand what was happening, I shook my head and picked up the papers, I went throughthem and realize it was a divorce paper that she had already signed.

I stared at the paper in front of me with eyes that was filled with horror, to me, it was impossible forsomething like that to happen. She couldn’t have kidnapped herself just to send me divorce papers,she wouldn’t have killed those men and put the life of the staffs she was so fond of in jeopardy allbecause she wanted a divorce. It was impossible. But then again, I never knew her, she could have aswell been a serial killer and I wouldn’t have known. We were married and that was the only informationI knew about her.

“Margaret…” I roared angrily from the studies. The house shook at the sound of my voice and Margaretcame running in accompanied by Sam.

“What is wrong?” Sam asked walking closer to me and I waved my hands in the air halting her. At theway I was feeling, I didn’t want to feel someone else’s body heat close to mine.

“Yes sir.” Margaret said and I handed over to her the letter that came with the divorce paper. While Samjoined her to go through it.

“Oh no..this is impossible” Margaret exclaimed and her eyes started watering immediately.

“That little snake. She could have just asked you for a divorce rather than kill so many people andputting the lives of others in danger” Sam exclaimed without a trace of surprise in her voice.

“No, the madam wouldn’t do that. There is no way she would have done that” Margaret protested.

“She signed the papers Margaret, you don’t know her, you can’t vouch for a stranger” I said coldly.

“I can vouch for her and so will the others. Even your guards can vouch for her too because hergoodness and kindness was not locked up, she didn’t do this sir” Margaret still protested.

“She might have been pretending dear Margaret, you can’t trust no one this days” Sam put in.

“She wasn’t Samantha, we all know the only pretender and liar we have in this house and it’s not themadam” Margaret snapped.

“Margaret, I don’t think you understand….”

“I understand perfectly well, the madam didn’t do any of this. You might not know your wife sir but weall do and this isn’t the madam doings” she interrupted me and I exhaled.

I stared at the paper and the letter and just didn’t know what to think anymore.

“That is her writing isn’t it? Its her signature on that paper, how can you say she isn’t the one?” Samdidn’t give up.

Margaret said nothing like she had been defeated in the fight already, she said nothing and I didn’tblame her.

“Anna can tell if it’s her writing or signature. They did have a really close time together” Margaret spokeup and turned to the door immediately without waiting for me or Sam to say another word.

“I am here” Anna walked through the door like she had been outside all along waiting for a time shewould step in. The paper was handed to her immediately and she went through everything.

She sighed in discouraged and looked at Margaret.

“It’s her signature but the writing isn’t hers” Anna said and I became more confused

“That’s bullshit. You might not t even know what you are saying” Sam spat.

“I can show you, her books are still in her room” Anna put in and I found myself getting up from mychair. Anna got the signal and started walking to the door while Margaret followed. I walked behindthem as we all walked to her room while Sam walked beside me.

“She never liked you, you know that. Maybe this is the right thing to do, this is an opportunity to be freefrom her so we can get married” Sam whispered and I found meaning in what she said. But….

“I can’t divorce her Sam…if I do that, I loose everything and even if I don’t loose anything, I need to findout the truth, I need to know if she truly wants this and if she is safe” I said to her and she paused inher tracks.

I had been worried sick about her for too long and everything in me spoke against signing that paper.

We walked into her room and Anna immediately searched her wardrobe for the books. She broughtabout three different notebooks and placed thern on the bed, opening each of them and then giving methe letter. I went through the letter and each and every book, the writing in the letter was not close tobeing hers even. She had an amazing writing. I looked at Margaret and Anna after going through it andthey gave me a reassuring smile.

“It isn’t her” Margaret said and my chest tightened.

If she wasn’t the one, then who would have done this? Where could she be? And why would I receive adivorce paper in her name?

I was literally going out of breath, my head was beginning to spine and my body grew weaker andweaker as I ran. I wanted to stop, my body screamed at me to stop but I didn’t, I couldn’t evennovelbin

consider that especially after I heard the sound of cars moving. I pushed myself till I was able to seethe road. It was a small road and it didn’t feel like the city, it was like a small town. I crossed the roadand weakly went over to a coffee shop that I saw nearby. All eyes turned to me the moment I walked in,I guessed it was because of how I was dressed and how tattered I was.

“Please…I need a phone” I voiced out. A lot of them ignored me but a man around his middle age gaveme his phone. I thanked him and thought of calling my parents but I thought against it, it would makethem worried. I thought of calling the t_squad but they were far away and might not reach me in time.More over I needed someone who could protect me so I called mom Leona.

The phone rang and I waited impatiently while my eyes remained on the road just to make sure no onewas looking suspicious.

“Yes…who is this?” Her voice came into the phone and tears rushed down my cheek.

“Mom…mom… Leona” I cried

“Oh… Genesis, oh my…where are you? What happened?” She asked and I turned to the old man.

“Address please” I said.

“208 old tornbridge town” he said and I repeated the same to mom Leona.

“Don’t make a move, Jordan is coming to get you” she said and hung up.

I thanked the man and thought of what next to do, I could feel my body slowly giving up but I couldn’tlet it, not till I was in safe hands. An older lady gave me a shore to cover myself and the owner of thecoffee shop allowed me stay in there while I waited for Jordan. They were nice people.

My eyes was still fixed at the papers in front of me as my mind racked on what to think when my momcalled.

“Hey… Jordan. She is at 208 old tornbridge town, she sounds exhausted.. please go” she said and Iimmediately got up from where I sat and ran out of the room without asking much questions. I

ran down the steps and outside without staring at anyone.

“The car keys…” I yelled to my driver and he immediately handed me a key. Without waiting for aconvoy or a driver, I ran into the car and drove off immediately.

It took a while, darkness dragged me, it pulled me and tugged at my mind but I pushed it off. I couldn’tlet my eyes shut down till I was in safe hands. I just couldn’t. I sat at the coffee shop and staredoutside, I could see the road from there and I could also see the forest I came from, I didn’t see any ofthe men that had me kidnapped and I hoped it would remain that way till I was safe.

After a long time, a car speedily stopped in front of the coffee shop and everyone turned to it. I kept myeyes on it apprehensively till he stepped out. Jordan, he came himself, I never knew I

would be so happy to see him. He came for me.

I stood up from where I sat and slowly and drowsily walked over to the door while he looked around insearch for me.

I came out of the door and his eyes fell on me, relieved washed over him and he smiled. For the firsttime, he smiled and walked towards me.

Then the drowsiness took over, I was safe. And Samantha would wish I never returned.

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