Get Me Married

Chapter 25
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 25

Chapter 25: pick an option

“sir, do you know who might actually be behind this?” The inspector asked me and I shook my headslightly. I knew I had a lot of enemies but none ever dared come to my house, they stayed far and couldattack me anywhere and anytime but not my house. It was surprising that someone had entered intomy house and by passed all the security and left with her without a trace.

“Did she have any enemies?” He asked and I turned to Samantha. I knew they were both enemies butthere was no way Sam would have done something like this, she was incapable of hurting her that way.

“Who is she, is she her enemy?” He asked when he followed my gaze. I shook my head again and hesighed.

“Would you mind if we ask her some questions?” He asked again and I waved my hands at them givinghim the go ahead to do what ever he wanted.

He got up from the couch he sat and walked towards Samantha.

“Who might you be ma’am?” He asked and my head jerked at their direction. Pain soared in my heartwhen she stole a glance at me and looked away immediately. It was difficult to explain the situation, Icould not even think of how I would introduce her as the woman I loved when I was already married tosomeone else.

“I am a friend” she said with bitterness, I felt and heard the pain in her voice as she called herself myfriend.

“A friend to his wife or Mr Chase here?” He asked again.

“Mr Chase” she replied and wrapped her arms across her chest protectively.

“Did you have a conducive relationship with his wife?”

“No…uhmmmm” she stuttered and I couldn’t help but stare at her. Something was wrong, I could senseit.

“Why?” The inspector asked and moved closer to her like a predator about to devour his prey.

“Nothing we just don’t relate. So I give her space and she gives me my space too” she added and Ibreathed in relieved.

“When was the last time you saw her?” The questions were beginning to cross some boundaries thatshould be kept away from them.

“When she walked out of the master’s bedroom” she replied.


“I don’t think your question here will help save her would it now?” I interrupted him before he could askmore questions.

“We need to be sure someone from your household didn’t do this sir” he replied and I groaned.

“No… no one would dare, just go look for her” I explained and ended the question section as quickly aspossible.

He bowed his head and turned to the door without saying another word while a security guard ran tome immediately.

“Lots of reporters are outside asking for some information” he explained and I groaned loudly. Theheadache I was feeling already increased by a thousand and I placed my hands on my head as a wayto ward of the nagging pain.

“Are you alright sweet?” Samantha came closer and sat beside me. But how could I be fine when somany things were going wrong at the same time.

“Go talk to the press. Tell them anything and everything that happened last night but do not tell themthat she isn’t here” I said and she stiffened at where she sat.

“You want me to shield her” she said sadly. I could tell she didn’t want to shield her, to defend her asmy wife was hurtful but I didn’t want to face the press. Without saying a word, she walked away andwent outside while I went back upstairs to get myself some painkillers.

I went out grudgingly and everywhere stung of blood and dry blood, it turned my stomach and I almostthrew up but I didn’t want to do that in front of so many people. Outside was messy and it was stillbeing cleaned up while the cops looked around, searching for something that might be useful to themin their search for Genesis, it made me grin inwardly knowing my plans were working

It took a long time to get to the gate, knowing it was further away from the house but when I actually gotthere, reporters started taking pictures of me like they always did. I smiled a faint smile and hated whatI was about to do.

“Who are you please?”

“What’s your relationship with the family?”

“Can you tell us what happened here last night?”

“Was there any casualties?”novelbin

“Why is mr Chase not here himself?” They all Immediately started throwing question at me, I didn’teven know where to begin. I gave them little reply and just wanted to go inside already.

“How about Mrs Chase, how is she affected by all this?” Someone suddenly asked and my chesttightened in my stomach. I wanted to grin and smile at the press for that question because I wasextremely happy but I couldn’t do that because that would make me the enemy and the press mightread some thing else to it.

“She is fine, they are fine. It just happens and no one expected it. But everyone is safe and sound” Ilied.

“That would be the end for now, I still need to have some rest so bye” I waved them off and turned backtowards the mansion. While they kept trying to ask more questions.

When I walked out of their sight, my lips curved into a mischievous smile and my heart was filled withjoy. She was out of the way, she was far gone and I knew that her kidnap was just the beginning of theend to her marriage with Jordan and I couldn’t wait to dance in her face.

I was about lying down on the bed when my mom called and I knew immediately that the news hadgone to her.

I picked up the call begrudgingly knowing she wasn’t going to stop calling till I said something.

“Oh God…thank goodness you are okay” she said and exhaled the moment I took up the phone.

“What happened? Are you hurt? Who would have done this?” She started all at ones and I sighed.

“I am fine mom, I have no idea who would have done this” I replied her and just wanted to end the call.

“They have to pay for this. Poor Genesis, she might have been shaken up really badly” she added andmy chest tightened at the mention of her name. I felt really guilty and wished that I had been with themin that room, maybe nothing would have happened but I left and she was gone.

“Son…is every thing okay” she suddenly asked, she sensed my demeanor and how tensed the air waseven from a distance.

“Talk to me” she said impatiently while I thought of ways of telling her that her daughter in law had beenkidnapped by unknown men who still had not called for ransome.

“Jordan” she growled urging me to talk.

“She was taken” I simply said and the line went quiet.

“What….what do you mean?” She asked but I could tell she was understanding me very clearly withthe fear in her voice.

“She was kidnapped and we still have no idea how it happened or where she is” I said and ran myhand through my hair in frustration.

The line went quiet and so did I?

“Jordan…” She called out with disbelief.

“How…when…..oh my God, you have to find her before anything happens to her” she said with somany emotions going through her voice.

“Have you called the cops? Do you suspect anyone?” She asked again.

“We will find her, don’t worry mom” I said in a way just to reassure her.

“No no son, you don’t understand. She isn’t used to all this, she isn’t exposed to all this. She is toofragile for all, God what have I done?” She started blabbing and it was becoming sort of annoying.

“Are you sure it wasn’t your plan to get rid of her?” She asked and I scoffed.


“You think I would want to get rid of her like this?” I snapped at her and she went quiet.

“I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to, I am just so worried and…”

“I am also worried too, I will find her” I said again and she went quiet.

“Okay, okay, do what you have to do” she said and hung up.

I groaned, she was literally a pain in my ass, my life was perfectly fine before she walked into my life.She was like a walking disaster, ruining my inner peace and solace. But again, she was kidnappedbecause she was my wife. If I was married to Sam, then it would have been her, no matter how selfishit might seem, I was happy that Sam was not the one in her place.

“Are you okay?” Sam voiced out from the door and walked into the room. When she came closer, Iplaced her on my legs and caressed her cheeks.

“It would have been you” I simply said and she sighed.

“I am just happy you are safe” I added. She gave me a little smile and played with my hair.

“What if she never comes back?” She suddenly asked and I stiffened.

“She has to” I growled and she stared at me wide eyed.

“I thought you didn’t want her, I thought…”

“I don’t want her but there is no way I would get rid of her that way. She is still my legal wife andbelongs to me, whoever touches her has touched me Sam and that’s why I will rip whoever did thisapart when I get them” I said without realizing the words I was uttering. She got up from my legs andstared at me wide eyed.

“You love her already” she mumbled to my hearing and it was my turn to gape at her.


“She is yours…who ever touches her, has touched you” she repeated my exact words and my heartdropped at the way it sounded in my ears. It sounded like I was a possessive husband ready to kill forthe woman I loved.

“Sam…that’s not what I meant. I just want her to return, if you haven’t noticed this is affecting myname” I raised my voice in frustration and the headache I thought was leaving me returned.

“It’s just about your name then?” She asked to be sure.

“Yes…it’s just about the name” I lied knowing it wasn’t about the name. When I said that, I wasn’tthinking about the name or myself, it was her I was thinking about.

I growled inwardly at the chaos she was causing in my life already.


I stirred and tried moving my legs and hands but they didn’t budge. I realized I was bound to somethingand my wrist and ankles were burning with pain. I opened my eyes but saw nothing but blackness allover me. My eyes were tied up and I immediately started panicking.

“Hello…is anyone there? Who are you? What do you want?” I asked and tried freeing my hands butthey didn’t budge. I was infact hurting myself more.

The last thing I remembered was walking into that room and having a panic attack, then blackout. Whatever happened next, that I didn’t know. And waking up in such a state was driving me nuts, I was slowlyloosing it. My chest tightened and I immediately found it hard to breath when I realized the kind of

situation I was in. I fought against the ropes that tied my hands and legs so I could free myself but Iwas only hurting myself. Each move I made made it tear my skin

I took deep breathes and Immediately started telling myself not to have a panic attack because it wasthe reason I was in such a situation in the first place.

After a while, I heard someone walk in, I knew the moment someone else came in I wasn’t alone andnot seeing or knowing what would happen next frightened me.

“What do you want?” I asked boldly after I had swallowed the lump in my throat, taking away everytrace of fear or trembling in my voice, I needed to put up a fence right there, that I knew

“She was wrong when she said you were timid and scared, you are actually the opposite” the voice ofwhoever spoke came to my ears. It sounded harsh and demonic. I was in so much trouble. But he saidshe, my thoughts went to different direction and the tightness in my chest was beginning to free up alittle. The fear and panic I felt was replaced by curiosity and anger

“Who is she?” I asked him ignoring the way his voice sounded as only one name sounded in my headvividly telling me she was responsible for what was happening.

“The woman who wants you out of your husband’s house…women are something else though” he saidand chuckled evilly.

“Samantha, that bitch” I cursed as he confirmed my thought.

“What are you going to do to me?” I asked and suddenly felt the fear coming back to me.

“You will decide. Only you can decide your faith now” he said and walked deeper into the room till I felthim close to me.

“If you want to leave as soon as possible, you just have to sign some divorce papers and wait till wedeliver them to your husband, then we can set you free….

“What…?” I exclaimed. I felt they were stupid, Jordan had money, asking for ransome was better thanwhat they asked of but then again, Samantha was behind everything and really wanted me out of theway.

“That brings us to the hard part. If you don’t do as you ought to. You will remain here, without food,without water with a little torture from my part” he said and placed his hands on my

shoulders. His hands seemed rough and the moment they made contact with my skin I jerked, Iremembered what I was putting on and my heart skipped.

“It turns out you are a very beautiful lady you see. That’s why she wants you out of the way, no girlwould want you close to their man but you see I don’t have a girl” he said and squat down to my level.His breath fanned my neck and shiver ran down my spine, thoughts of what he planned on doing cameto my mind.

“You can satisfy my arousal, I have been graving for you ever since I picked you up from that room. Ibet you, you will enjoy all the things I can do to you…”

“No… no, please” tears already burned my eyes and I was visibly trembling.

“I have big plans for you…don’t cry it’s not like you will be going back to your husband anyways” hesaid and placed a kiss on my bare shoulders. I quivered and whimpered at the thought of having myvirginity lost in such a terrible way.

After a while, he undid my blindfold and my eyes squinted as I tried adjusting to the light. It was just anempty room with a chair, no windows, one door and completely dark and quiet. He went out and came

back with some papers and a small stool. He kept it in front of me and placed the paper on it, then hebrought out a pen from his pocket and dropped it on the paper.

More men came in, they were all armed and looked like demons that would devour me as soon as theycould.

“Sign the papers, make this easy for us” the man that had brought out the papers said and smirked atme.

I stared down at it and became so confused. I wanted to sign the papers because I was not evenmarried to Jordan at all. He enjoyed hurting me and he wasn’t a companion or a friend, we were worsethan strangers and he had someone he loved. I didn’t see a reason why I needed to stay in thatmarriage, it was an open invitation, more over it wasn’t my fault, I was forced to do it.

But my parents, after the divorce what would happen next?

I looked up at the man standing in front of me, his eyes were filled with so much lust and so were theeyes of his men.

“If I sign this, would you still….have your way with me?” I asked boldly and he smirked.

“We are both going to enjoy it beautiful, don’t be scared” he said and tears burned the back of my eyes.I still lost, it was still my loss, I would still loose my innocence with or without signing the papers.

“But we can make a deal” he added and I raised my head to stare at him

“Sign the papers and I would be the only one to touch your sumptuous body. Don’t sign the papers andwatch me and my boys break every inch of you from the inside and they are about nineteen of them”he said and my eyes widened as more tears came running down.

“That’s unfair boss” one of them said and licked his lips as he stared at me while the others frowned

“Please…” I pleaded.

“Pick one my beautiful” he said and I cried more.

“Come on…” He added when I took some time.

“I will sign the papers” I said and stopped myself from crying as hard as I could. But something wasburned deep into my heart, a name was carved into it…

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