Get Me Married

Chapter 24
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Her kidnap

I remained dumbstruck and numb at the way things turned out. I was too shocked, I couldn’t evenmove from where I stood and I kept staring at her door like she had said something mystical to me.

I banged the door again, I didn’t find it funny, not in the least.

“Open the door” i groaned loudly and banged harder on the door.

“Open the door damn it” I cursed louder but the door didn’t open in as much as I wanted it to. I glared atthe door for a while, I couldn’t stop glaring but I knew I was powerless against an empty door.

I walked away angrily and went to my room without uttering another word. I was pissed at her guts, Iwas pissed at her boldness and I was pissed that I had to say something that she could use againstme.

I went back to the master’s bedroom and saw Samantha sitting on the bed looking tensed. She got upthe moment she saw me and stared at me for a while.

“What is going on? What did she say?” She asked again and I could see the worry in her voice. Isighed and walked deeper into the room. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I thought of ways I wasgoing to say what I had to say.

“Will you say something Jordan” she raised her voice unable to surpress her panic.

I turned away from her and sat at the leg side of the bed, making sure I was going to back her becauseI couldn’t afford to see her hurt or angry.

“She refused coming with me” I said between gritted teeth as I remembered the disrespect she hadshown me.

“Well…” Sam started relieved.

“You can go alone, she shouldn’t be that important” she added and I groaned. I knew Sam was relievedthat her enemy won’t be the one to go with me, any woman in her shoes would feel insecure and Ididn’t really blame her for it. But it was my name that was at stake.

She walked towards my side of the bed and sat down beside me.

“She isn’t can do this yourself, you can make it good and just go to the event withoutbeing questioned. Don’t stress over nothing hun…she is nothing” she voiced out and placed her handson mine.

“But she is not nothing” I blurted out with some sort of rage. My mouth burned with what I had to saynext when I thought of the way things actually were.

“She is the wife of Jordan Chase” I added and her hands stiffened on mine. I regretted saying it theway I did but it was the bitter truth I had to face.

I knew that there was no way I would have gone to an event without her and explaining why she is notwith me was going to be hard. No matter how much I wished she wouldn’t be with me at that time, Iknew it was important that she was.

“Yeah…I keep forgetting she is your wife and I am just the mis…”

“Shhhhhhh” I shushed her before she could continue what she had to say. I turned to where she satand made her look at me by holding her chin.

“Don’t ever say that. You might not be my wife now but you are literally my everything Sam… don’t evercompare yourself to her” I said and wiped the stray tears that came running down her cheeks. Seeingher that way tore at my heart

“Everything just seems to remind me that I am not your wife” she said amidst tears and I pulled her tomyself protectively and tried calming her down.

“I’m sorry” were the only thing I could mutter because I knew she was saying the truth and waiting forfive years to get rid of the other lady was far too long, I wasn’t so sure I wanted to stay that long myself.

“Do you think we will ever be married?” She suddenly asked and my heart dropped at her question.That was the same question I had been asking myself for so long and yet I was still scared of theanswer.

“Yes… I think we still have a chance” I lied knowing I had little to no time left.

“Just stay by my side please. Do not leave me Please” I said from the deepest part of my heart. Shepulled away from the hug and stared at me straight up in my face.

“I won’t, I will remain here and never leave your side again” she said and I smiled warmly at her. Ikissed her head and lifted her chin so I could look at her face. My world was complete because of her,my happiness was filled because of her and I wasn’t going to ever let her go. I leaned closer andbrushed my lips against hers before taking her lips in mine and suckling all the contents I could derivefrom it.

We kissed for a while till I started feeling like someone was watching me. I opened my eyes a little andmy eyes met those blue ones that enticed the soul and I jerked like I had been caught in a terrible act.But at the same time also, I realized it was my room and she was still a nobody to me but I couldn’tbreak free from those enchanting eyes of hers. I kept staring, locke match with her and I was losingterribly. She stood at the door with her arms crossed together below her chest while she stared at me.

“You disrespect me Jordan” she said boldly and walked into the room. At her words, I broke away fromthe gaze that held mine and Anger filled my system all over again. She had no right to be in that roomand she had no right to speak to me that way. She interrupted something and had no right to do that

either and she was the same person I had been knocking at her door so she could open up with noavail. My hands suddenly tightened in a fist and the urge to hurt her over came me.

“What are you doing here?” Samantha was the one to ask her and she scoffed.

“It’s ironic isn’t it?” She asked with a smile.

“I am the one that is supposed to ask you that question but then again, Jordan himself hasdisrespected me over and over again so you have the rights to have a little wing” she said with a smirk.

“Just be careful because I am not far away from cutting off those wings of yours” she added andwalked deeper into the room. She ignored me and attempted to walk past me to who knows wherebefore I held her by the arm and glared down at her.novelbin

She looked up at me defiantly and I couldn’t help but wonder where it was she was getting herboldness from. She smiled at me and her eyes smiled with her.

“I keep wondering what the press would think when they see red dark marks all over my body” she saidand my eyes widened with shock but was soon waved away by anger. My grip on her tightened and Idrew her closer.

“What are you doing here?” I growled but she didn’t flinch as she always did.

“Let go” she growled back at me and I stared at her openly and surprised.

“Let go” she yelled and yanked her arms away from my grip forcefully. She glared at me for a while andturned to Samantha. She glared at her before she started smiling evily,

“Have you ever thought that Samantha isn’t safe with me in this house” she said

“Oh I know…you cunning little thief. You stole my right as a wife, what else would you do?” Samanthafired and she smirked.

“You threw away your right as a wife from the onset so stop your rubbish and keep your gold diggingtongue to yourself already” she snapped at her and Samantha stared at her wide eyed like she hadalso been electrified.

“Each time you hurt me, I will hurt her” she said to me with all seriousness.

“For each grip, for each choking, for each slaps, for each yanking. Whatever you do, Samantha wouldget hurt and you don’t want to know how evil minded this innocent little girl can be” she added and Ismirked. But then again, everything she was doing and everything she did or said baffled me.

“What do you want here?” Samantha asked this time again.

“I lost two of my bracelet and a leg chain here”she replied.

“There is no such thing here” Sam fired.

“Oh shut up” she commanded and turned to my pouch. Without another word, she started walking andopened the curtain before she opened the door and stepped into the pouch. I followed behind andwatched her look around the pouch before she bent down to pick up something

She wore the bracelet and bent down to put on the leg chain while I watched. The longer I stared ather, the more my anger dissolve into absolute wonder and I just hated that feeling.

She got up when she was done and turned to me before we suddenly heard a gunshot.

“What was that? she asked petrified.

“Get inside” I ordered, but she didn’t make any move at all. I immediately found myself walking towardsher slowly just to take a closer look at what was happening outside, then we heard another gunshotand this time it was louder and closer. I took a step back towards my room and took another while shestood there completely shocked. And it was lame, she was supposed to run, but she wasn’t doing anyof that.

Then another gunshot came and another and I could tell my men were firing back at the enemy but shestill stood pale.

“Come inside” I yelled from the door but she didn’t make a move. The gunshots came nearer andlouder and it didn’t seize till it felt like I was having a war in my house.

“Are you dumb? Get inside” I yelled again and that was when she came out of her trance. She turnedto me while I held out my hand so she could take it.

“Come on, get in” I ordered. She immediately took my hand and I pulled her inside. She bumped intome and I hwle her protectively before locking up the door.

“Jordan, what is going on?” Sam asked walking towards me. She stopped in front of me and I couldsee the worry in her eyes but her gaze shifted from me and I followed. Then I realized I was still holdingthe other woman and immediately pulled away.

I walked over to Sam and I held her arms and stared into her eyes.

“It would be fine, it’s nothing. Stay in here okay” I simply said and turned to the door

“Jordan… Jordan where the fuck are you going to?” She yelled behind me but I didn’t stop.

“None of you should leave this room” I simply said and dashed off.

It wasn’t part of the plan. I just came for my bracelet and I didn’t want anymore troubles. I only came toshow that I wasn’t the scared cat anymore and warn Jordan to stop hurting me.

After what happened the last time, I grew a heart, I just suddenly grew balls and decided that Jordanwasn’t going to do whatever he wanted with me and go away with it. And mom Leona had helped withmy resolve, that lady was a rock and had advised me deeply. And I just knew I couldn’t take it anymore,I was tired of being his punching bag and being scared all the time. He

fter all and I was his wife, no matter his hatred for me, I decided he was going to see a different side ofme no one had ever seen. A side of me I never thought I even had till recently and I made sure I actedon my words.

But the gunshots outside petrified me, I had only ever held that in movies and hearing it up close wasslowly creating a panic inside of me. At that moment, I and Samantha didn’t have the time to fight orargue, we were both scared out of our minds and I was slowly loosing mine because the gunshotintensified and didn’t sieze. Then the lights went off and I froze.

The gunshots seized too but that was only for a second. It started again, louder and closer and moreintense and my heart was at the brink of running away from my chest. I started finding it hard tobreathe and immediately started taking slow steps to the door in the dark.

I knew I wasn’t going to bump into anything because I knew how spacious the room was and I knew if Ikept walking straight up, I wouldn’t bump into anything. I didn’t know where I was going but I felt likerunning away and staying in that room wasn’t helping. My heart beat increased and my chest tightened.I took deep breathes and stretched my hands towards my front so I could tell when I got to the door.Somehow I found the door and opened it before walking outside. The hallway was as dark as night andI couldn’t see anyone at all. I placed my hands at the wall and started walking slowly while tbe gun firedidn’t seize. I could feel a panic attack coming up but I held it as much as I could. I didn’t know where Iwas going but I was trying to escape the gun fire as much as I could. Suddenly I heard chaos

downstairs and people started screaming none stop. My heart dropped and I paused, I didn’t makeanother move and I waited and kept taking deep breathes. When the chaos subsided, it was only thegunshots I could hear so I started walking again with my hands on the door. I touched a door handleand knew immediately that I was in front of a room which I didn’t know yet. Then I saw touch lights,dread fill my stomach and my eyes tried adjusting to the darkness that surrounded me but it wasoverwhelming.

The gunfire seized and everywhere suddenly went really quiet. A pin falling could Suddenly be heldover the house and I didn’t make another move.

“Check in the other room, she has to be somewhere” I heard a voice say and fear gripped me. I didn’twant to figure out who it was they were looking for neither did I wait to find out if it was the bad guys orthe good guys. I pushed the knob of the door 1 held and pushed the door open when I started hearingfootstep before I walked into the room slowly and locked the door.

I was sweaty and the light was back. The men who had attacked us had been subdued and I found mylegs running back to my room just to make sure Sam was fine. When I got there, I opened the door andSam immediately jumped on me the moment she saw me. I hugged her tightly and breathed in relievedthat she was doing okay.

“How could you leave that way huh….I was so worried” she started and I stroke her back gently.

“I’m sorry” I simply said and tightened my grip around her waist. It was warm and comfortable in herarms. I pulled away from the hug and looked around the room, I didn’t find the other lady and my heartimmediately skipped at the thoughts that came into my mind. I knew those guys were able to get intothe house though they were all subdued, I had not yet figured out how they got in or what they wantedneither did I figure out if they destroyed some thing yet.

“Where is she?” I asked panicked.

“Who…” Sam asked and I glared at her.

“I don’t know” she replied and I groaned and immediately headed out of the door.

“Sir. We can’t find your wife” Margaret said the moment I came out of my room.

“Have you looked around, search very well” I said feeling my heart racing in my chest.

“We have, but we can’t find her” she said amidst tears and a certain dread fill my stomach. I shook myhead at the thought of her being kidnapped, it was impossible though I knew some men escaped I justdidn’t want to accept that something terrible might have happened.

I took to my heels and started searching for her myself.

“Call me the head security…” I said to Margaret who followed me everywhere.

“Yes sir..” she said and left while I continued my search. I searched every room, every hiding place,every corner of the house and yet I didn’t find her. I got exhausted and feared the inevitable as I sat onthe step like a man who lost something dear.

“Is every thing okay” Sam asked me when she came out of the room and saw me looking restless. Istared at her but I couldn’t say a word, dread filled my stomach and my heart wasn’t at rest.

“Sir…. You sent for me” the security guard came in with Margaret.

“How many lost their lives?” I asked.

“Four of my men sir…” He said and certain sadness overwhelmed me.

“How many injured…?” I asked again

“Two but they are just mere bruises and nothing else” he replied.

“Is anyone missing.” I asked and he went quiet.

I stared up at him and felt a chill run down my spine.

“Is anyone missing?” I asked coldly.

“The security men are complete, the domestic staffs are also complete. No one is missing except foryour…..”

“Your wife sir” he said.

My heart dropped, questions filled my head. Who could have taken her? Why would they come for her?Is she safe? What have I done?

At this questions, guilt filled me and I shut my eyes tightly. Blue eyes stared back at me, those eyesthat haunted my thoughts and reasoning, the eyes that could see through my soul and break all mywalls. They stared at me and I just had to open my eyes to shut my thoughts up.

“Get the cops and I need to know who those guys are immediately… No one touches what is mine” Igrowled.

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