Get Me Married

Chapter 13
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 13

Chapter 13: The lady

6 days later

I came down from the car and walked into the hotel I lodged in, as always two security walked in frontof me and two behind me. I was gradually getting used to that life and it was fucking awesome.

I had gone to almost all the places I would think of going in France and I was already exhausted. I didshopping, more shopping, I visited the beach, the museum, art gallery and so much more. It was aperfect experience, I didn’t have the time to become sad or annoyed. I ate whatever I wanted and a lotof eyes were always on me, I mingled more with a lot of hot, rich folks and mom Leona had been a lotof help and so had my family.

But that evening, I wasn’t feeling myself anymore. I walked straight to my room in a sour mood andquickly had a shower before I relaxed on the couch and watch some t.v. But that didn’t help me either, ithad been 6 days straight since Jordan, my husband had left me on the alter. Yet he hadn’t showed upor texted or called or sent a message.

I was still me, I was still alone and the terrible feeling I felt back then resurfaced. My vacation wasruined and all I thought of was going back home. I stayed in my hotel room for as long as I could andjust got tired of it. I got up and decided to find something pleasing to wear.

I found a gown I had been dying to try, it was a peach coloured gown with sleeveless hand that stoppedbelow my knees. It hugged my body and had two slit at the both side of my thighs. I wore a glass heeland picked up a silver color bag. I allowed my brown wavy hair pour down my back, wore somejewelries and came out of the room. My security guards stood at attention and waited for me to pick adirection. When I did, two walked few feet in front of me and two others behind me. I wasn’t going farthough, I just wanted to visit the bar and let out some steam and terrible feeling I had been feeling inmy heart.

People watched as I walked past, I couldn’t understand why they looked stunned. Was it because I wastoo beautiful, because I knew too well how beautiful I was, or maybe it was because of the guards thatfollowed me everywhere at every given time. I literally move in a convoy and have guards with me, thatmust have popped up some questions in their head or maybe they recognized me.

They knew me, but not as Genesis. Genesis was a no body who they never knew existed, theyrecognized me as the wife of Jordan Chase who came for a vacation because her husband was out fora business trip that wouldn’t let him call her or text

I found the bar, there were people there ofcourse and it was just as any classy bar would be. I ignoredthe attention I got for myself and walked straight to the bar stand. I sat down on the chair and watch thebar guy gape at me. It was flattering to know that I still held such power on men even after beingmarried. I allowed him gape for a while, I enjoyed it.

“Good evening gentleman, but I feel like your eyes might fall off if you don’t stop staring” I said inFrench and he looked away embarrassed.

“I am sorry, I didn’t mean to stare” he replied in French and I smiled warmly at him.

“What can I get you?” he went straight to business and I smiled warmly. I just liked the way his wordsrolled out in French.

“I don’t know. Maybe a cocktail, I need the best here” I said and he smiled.

“Coming right up” he said and went ahead in preparing what I have never drank in my life.

When he returned, he gave it to me.

“That’s the best you will get in all of Paris” he winked at me and I chuckled.

“Well enjoy” he said in that french that made me wish I could be so good in French. I nodded my headand he left me with my drink.

I sighed and took a sip, I moaned after tasting it. It was indeed the best, though I haven’t tried many, Igave it a hundred percent score. I kept myself busy by going through my phone as I took a sip of mydrink, it was like I had much to do anyway. My wedding with Jordan was still everywhere and I decidedto not go through my phone.

Wasn’t I supposed to be happy? It was six days after my wedding and I still felt miserable. My handsvoluntarily went to the finger he had slide a ring into and I played with it.

“You miss him, don’t you” a lady said from a distance and I turned my attention to her. She was ablonde and was really beautiful, I could tell she was my age or maybe a little bit older.

I stared hard at her, I couldn’t recognize her neither have I ever seen her and she spoke Englishfluently.

“Sorry, I guess you don’t know me. I am Kathleen Hart” she said and came close to me but my guardsstood in front of her, keeping her away from me.

“Let her pass” I said to them and waited for them to let her pass.

“some tight security you have there” she said and sat at the seat next to mine.

“You can’t imagine” I groaned and she chuckled.

“It has to be great being a Chase” she said and I rolled my eyes. She recognized me ofcourse.

“Your position right now was once a dream of mine” she added and I smirked..

“Yeah right.” I said

“It’s true. Jordan is every girls dreams, both the rich and the poor but now he got married to anextremely beautiful person. That dream had to die and now I am extremely jealous of your beauty” shesaid and I smiled at her with a hint of pink on my cheeks.novelbin

“I never knew someone could actually be jealous of me” I said and she laughed.

“You walked in here and stole all the attention, most women here are glaring at you right now” sheadded and I laughed.

“please apologize to them on my behalf” I said heartily.

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“Hell no… they would kill me in place of you” she added and I laughed again till I had my feel.

“Tell me, you must miss him a lot” she said.

“Huh????” I questioned confused.

“Jordan, your husband” she said and an “ohhh’ escaped my lips.

“Well…” I paused, unable to think of what to say.

“I miss him a lot but….” I did miss him, the days we talked on phone was enough to miss him.

“I can’t do a thing about it. He just had to have a business drip on our honeymoon” I said and tookanother sip of my cocktail.

“It’s normal for business men. You will be fine” she said and smiled at me warmly.

“Atleast you are in Paris, this is an amazing place to be in” she said and took a sip of her drink.

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“Hell yeah…but I will be leaving tomorrow” I said in a sad tone

“Why? To think I was just about to make a friend with the most beautiful girl I had met” she pouted and Igiggled.

“I’m sorry, but I need to go home” I pouted and she giggled.

“Well I guess your husband is waiting” she said and a faint smile spread to my cheeks.

I wished he was waiting, I hoped he was waiting but with all I saw so far, it was clear that it was a lostcause.

“He might be” I said and took another sip of my drink.

“Or he might be back in a few days, which is why I have to return” I added and she sighed.

“It’s fine. We can still talk, right!” she asked

“Ofcourse” I said and picked up my phone.

Mom Leona was the one who welcomed me back home. She was her cheerful self as always and

she gave me a big hug when I came out from the airport.

“I do hope you had a wonderful flight?” she said and I gave her a nod. Then she gestured her hands tothe car and I walked with her as we stepped into the car.

“Have you been able to reach Jordan?” I asked immediately and her smile disappeared.

“Yes..yes” she said but as it was the previous time, I didn’t believe her.

“Are you sure?” I asked and she gave me a faint smile.

“Well yes, ofcourse I am sure. Just that we have no idea of when he might return” she added.

“He apologized for the time he hadn’t reach you and promise to make it up to you” she added and Isighed and gave up on the topic. I didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

We drove for a long time, I was actually getting tired of sitting till I saw some thing.

From the drive, I could see a huge mansion, it could be seen from far away and I couldn’t help butwonder who owned it.

When we got closer, the gate was opened and we drove in. I was dumbstruck at what I saw, themansion was still further away, flowers lined up against the side of road as we drove along withbeautiful sculptures. Flowers that stood as tall as walls, beautifying everything I could set my eyes on.The flower wall stopped somewhere and I turned back to see that it was not just a flower wall, it was awall garden.

When we got closer to the mansion, it was gigantic in my eyes. I saw men in Black suit and shade allover the house and lots of cars lined up. There was a statue at the center of the huge compound, awater fountain graced the statue.

When our car came to a halt, the guards opened the door and I jumped down excited to explore whatwas in there for me. The moment I stepped down, all the guards bowed their head and I freaked, theywere so many and I still felt weird about it.

“You know who she is right?” mom Leona said to them.

“Yes ma” they chorused and their voice went so hard it went for thousand of miles.

“Good” she simply said and turned to me..

“This is your new home” she said and my mouth dropped.

“You must be…”

“I am not my dear. This is one of the properties that came along with your marriage to my son. So youboth will start your new home here” she said and my lips spread widely into a smile. I felt like they couldexplode with excitement. I wanted to shriek or scream, I wanted to jump in excitement but I had to keepmy cool.

“Come on” she said and started walking while I followed.

The entrance to the door was opened and I stepped in just after mom Leona. Women with blueuniforms and white apron lined up, they were at least fifteen to twenty of them bowing their heads to us.

Mom Leona stopped and so did I.

“Everyone, you should know who this is now” Mom leona said more as a statement than question.

“Yes ma’am” they chorused

“She is Genesis Connor Chase. Jordan’s wife” she said and they bowed their heads.

“You know what to do and how to do them” she said and started walking without even smiling at them.

I followed behind and fisted my eyes on the things around. The floor was made of glass, I could literallysee my reflection as I walked, the walls had a fine, luxurious pattern to it that screamed money andrare. The chandeliers were iconic and I almost tripped staring at them. We walked past the sitting roomand dining and a lot more and walked up the stairs till we came to the very top, then there was a long

hallway that stretched left and right. The patterns on the wall were that of wings of butterflies anddragons, birds and angels. It was like a wall of wings that stretched for miles.

“That’s the left wing. It leads to rooms, more rooms, rooms and more rooms. The right wing leads torooms, the study and your masters bedroom” she said and I jammed my lips together. I still wanted toscream but I knew I had to keep it together.

Then she started walking towards the right wing, I followed. We passed rooms and more rooms till westopped at a different door. It was huge and it screamed master’s bedroom. Mom Leona opened it andstepped aside for me to step in which I did gracefully.

It was huge and spacious. A long cushion laid at the side of the room, followed by a table, a tiny one. Ahuge bed laid at the furthermost part of the room and a TV was hung on the wall opposite it. The wallsin this room were different and the floor also had a different tiling. At the side of the bed were littlecupboards. I walked further into the room and noticed a huge black curtain at the side, I walkedtowards it and opened the curtain, it was thick and needed a little bit energy to move. A transparentglass stood in front of me, luckily there was a handle because I could see a veranda from where I stoodand I just wanted to rush outside. I pulled the door open and the cool breeze of the day hit my skin.There was a table and few chairs outside too. From the veranda, my eyes scanned the entire mansionand I could even see the wall garden and the gate.

Then I noticed a car, there was a car coming and my heart leaped in what seemed like hope.

Mom Leona stood beside me and also saw the car, her lips curved into a smile as she waited inanticipation for the car to come to a stop. It didn’t come with a convoy, neither did it look like there wasa guard in it, it drove alone till it came to a complete halt. My heart stopped beating as I waited for whoit might actually be, I wished it was Jordan. I hoped it was Jordan. I prayed it was Jordan.

The car opened and someone stepped out in a suit. I stared hard at him and immediately the securityguards bowed their heads. He moved a little bit further away from the car and I breathed out heavily.

“Jordan” I whispered while my heart danced with joy. He was there, he came back, we could finally behusband and wife. Tears burned the back of my eyes in pure excited and happiness, I was soemotional. Being a wife does things to you.

Then the other side of the car opened and Jordan walked to that part of the car. He stretched his handsand a thinner hand was placed on his, then a heel marched the floor, followed by another and a ladystepped down smiling broadly at him.

I turned to mom Leona for some kind of explanation, my heart was beginning to race at the sight

of her. I didn’t like the way she was smiling at my husband.

As if that was not enough, she moved closer to him, so close, there was no space between them andhe wrapped his hands around her waist. They kissed.

They kissed, a lip to lip kiss.

My heart dropped and my nerves lost it.

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